// Author: Etay Hay 2014
// Dendritic excitability and gain control in recurrent cortical microcircuits (Hay and Segev, 2014, Cerebral Cortex)
// Cell template of L5 thick-tufted pyramidal cell (TTC)
begintemplate TTC
public init, biophys, geom_nseg, biophys_inhomo
public synlist, connect2target, delete_axon, APC
public locateSites, getLongestBranch, distributeSyn
public initRand,insertMCcons
public preconlist ,synLocList, rList, preTrainList
public setnetworkparameters,initPreSynTrain,queuePreTrains,setpretrains
public soma, dend, apic, axon, stimThreshold, ASCIIrpt, HDF5rpt, getAbsSecIndex
public all, somatic, apical, axonal, basal, nSecSoma, nSecApical, nSecBasal, nSecAxonal, nSecAll, nSecAxonalOrig, SecSyn, distribute_channels
objref synlist, SecSyn, ASCIIrpt, HDF5rpt, APC
objref all, somatic, apical, axonal, basal
objref preconlist,synLocList, rList,preTrainList
objref rd1
objref this
objref sref,fih
strdef tstr
//$s1 - morphology file name
proc init() {localobj nl,import
all = new SectionList()
somatic = new SectionList()
basal = new SectionList()
apical = new SectionList()
axonal = new SectionList()
forall delete_section()
nl = new Import3d_Neurolucida3()
nl.quiet = 1
import = new Import3d_GUI(nl, 0)
forsec this.all {
if(diam == 0){
diam = 1
printf("Error : Morphology problem with section [%s] 0 diam \n", secname())
synlist = new List()
preconlist = new List()
stimThreshold =0
preTrainList = new List()
lengthA = 0
lengthB = 0
forsec "apic" {
lengthA = lengthA + L
forsec "dend" {
lengthB = lengthB + L
pA = lengthA/(lengthA + lengthB)
create soma[1], dend[1], apic[1], axon[1]
proc geom() {
proc geom_nseg() {local nSec, L1, L2, D1, D2, nSeg1, nSeg2
soma area(.5) // make sure diam reflects 3d points
nSec = 0
forsec all {
nseg = 1 + 2*int(L/40)
nSec = nSec + 1
nSecAll = nSec
nSec = 0
forsec somatic { nSec = nSec + 1}
nSecSoma = nSec
nSec = 0
forsec apical { nSec = nSec + 1}
nSecApical= nSec
nSec = 0
forsec basal { nSec = nSec + 1}
nSecBasal = nSec
nSec = 0
forsec axonal { nSec = nSec + 1}
nSecAxonalOrig = nSecAxonal = nSec
proc biophys() {localobj bp
access soma
bp = new L5PCbiophys()
// deleting axon, keeping only first 60 micrometers
proc delete_axon(){
forsec axonal{delete_section()}
create axon[2]
access axon[0]{
L= 30
diam = 1
nseg = 1+2*int(L/40)
access axon[1]{
L= 30
diam = 1
nseg = 1+2*int(L/40)
nSecAxonal = 2
connect axon(0), soma(0.5)
connect axon[1](0), axon[0](1)
access soma
proc distribute_channels() {local dist,val,base,maxLength
base = $8
soma distance()
maxLength = getLongestBranch($s1)
forsec $s1 {
Ra = $8
} else {
for(x) {
if ($3==3) {
dist = distance(x)
} else {
dist = distance(x)/maxLength
val = calculate_distribution($3,dist,$4,$5,$6,$7,$8)
sprint(tstr,"%s(%-5.10f) = %-5.10f",$s2,x,val)
// $1 is the distribution type:
// 0 linear, 1 sigmoid, 2 exponential
// 3 step for absolute distance (in microns)
func calculate_distribution() {local value
if ($1==0) {value = $3 + $2*$4}
if ($1==1) {value = $3 + ($4/(1+exp(($2-$5)/$6)))}
if ($1==2) {value = $3 + $6*exp($4*($2-$5))}
if ($1==3) {
if (($2 > $5) && ($2 < $6)) {
value = $3
} else {
value = $4
value = value*$7
return value
// $s1 section
func getLongestBranch(){local maxL,d localobj distallist,sref
sprint(tstr,"%s distance()",$s1)
sprint(tstr,"%s[0] distance(1)",$s1)
maxL = 0
d = 0
distallist = new SectionList()
forsec $s1 {
sref = new SectionRef()
if (sref.nchild==0) distallist.append()
forsec distallist{
d = distance(1)
if(maxL<d) maxL = d
// for the soma case
if (maxL == 0) {
$s1 {
maxL = L
return maxL
// $s1 section
// $2 distance x in micrometers
// return list of [1,2] vectors - of the appropriate section and the location in each vector
obfunc locateSites() {local maxL,site,d0,d1,siteX,i localobj vv,ll
ll = new List()
sprint(tstr,"%s distance()",$s1)
sprint(tstr,"%s[0] distance(1)",$s1)
maxL = getLongestBranch($s1)
site = $2
i = 0
forsec $s1 {
if (distance(0) < distance(1)) {
d0 = distance(0)
d1 = distance(1)
} else {
d1 = distance(0)
d0 = distance(1)
if (site <= d1 && site >= d0) {
siteX = (site-d0)/(d1-d0)
secNum = i
vv = new Vector()
i = i+1
return ll
endtemplate TTC