// Author: Etay Hay 2014
// Dendritic excitability and gain control in recurrent cortical microcircuits (Hay and Segev, 2014, Cerebral Cortex)
// Cell template of L5 thick-tufted pyramidal cell (TTC)
// Modified by Tuomo Maki-Marttunen April 2015
begintemplate TTC
public init, biophys, geom_nseg, biophys_inhomo
public synlist, connect2target, APC
public locateSites, getLongestBranch, distributeSyn
public initRand,insertMCcons
public preconlist ,synLocList, rList, preTrainList
public setnetworkparameters,initPreSynTrain,queuePreTrains,setpretrains
public pA
public soma, dend, apic, stimThreshold, ASCIIrpt, HDF5rpt, getAbsSecIndex
public all, somatic, apical, basal, dends, nSecSoma, nSecApical, nSecBasal, nSecAll, SecSyn
objref synlist, SecSyn, ASCIIrpt, HDF5rpt, APC
objref all, somatic, apical, basal, dends
objref preconlist,synLocList, rList,preTrainList
objref rd1
objref this
objref sref,fih
objref locVec
strdef tstr
create soma[1], dend[1], apic[2]
proc init() {localobj nl,import
all = new SectionList()
somatic = new SectionList()
basal = new SectionList()
apical = new SectionList()
dends = new SectionList()
apic[0] apical.append()
apic[1] apical.append()
soma[0] somatic.append()
dend[0] basal.append()
apic[0] all.append()
apic[1] all.append()
soma[0] all.append()
dend[0] all.append()
apic[0] dends.append()
apic[1] dends.append()
dend[0] dends.append()
connect dend[0](0), soma[0](0)
connect apic[0](0), soma[0](1)
connect apic[1](0), apic[0](1)
access soma
soma insert pas
dend insert pas
apic[0] insert pas
apic[1] insert pas
soma {nseg = 1 Ra = 100 diam = 13.47 L = 23.17 cm = 1 V = -80 e_pas = -90}
dend {nseg = 1 Ra = 100 diam = 10.28 L = 282.13 cm = 2 V = -80 e_pas = -90}
apic[0] {nseg = 1 Ra = 100 diam = 5.04 L = 700.0 cm = 2 V = -80 e_pas = -90}
apic[1] {nseg = 1 Ra = 100 diam = 5.04 L = 600.53 cm = 2 V = -80 e_pas = -90}
soma {
insert Ca_LVAst
insert Ca_HVA
insert SKv3_1
insert SK_E2
insert K_Tst
insert K_Pst
insert Nap_Et2
insert NaTa_t
insert CaDynamics_E2
insert Ih
ek = -85
ena = 50
gIhbar_Ih = 0.0002
g_pas = 0.0000338
decay_CaDynamics_E2 = 460.0
gamma_CaDynamics_E2 = 0.000501
gCa_LVAstbar_Ca_LVAst = 0.00343
gCa_HVAbar_Ca_HVA = 0.000992
gSKv3_1bar_SKv3_1 = 0.693
gSK_E2bar_SK_E2 = 0.0441
gK_Tstbar_K_Tst = 0.0812
gK_Pstbar_K_Pst = 0.00223
gNap_Et2bar_Nap_Et2 = 0.00172
gNaTa_tbar_NaTa_t = 2.04
dend {
insert Ih
gIhbar_Ih = 0.0002
g_pas = 0.0000467
apic[0] {
insert Ca_LVAst
insert Ca_HVA
insert SKv3_1
insert SK_E2
insert NaTa_t
insert Im
insert CaDynamics_E2
insert Ih
ek = -85
ena = 50
decay_CaDynamics_E2 = 122
gamma_CaDynamics_E2 = 0.000509
gSK_E2bar_SK_E2 = 0.0012
gSKv3_1bar_SKv3_1 = 0.000261
gNaTa_tbar_NaTa_t = 0.0213
gImbar_Im = 0.0000675
g_pas = 0.0000589
gIhbar_Ih = 0.0004
gCa_LVAstbar_Ca_LVAst = 0.0187
gCa_HVAbar_Ca_HVA = 0.000555
apic[1] {
insert Ca_LVAst
insert Ca_HVA
insert SKv3_1
insert SK_E2
insert NaTa_t
insert Im
insert CaDynamics_E2
insert Ih
ek = -85
ena = 50
decay_CaDynamics_E2 = 122
gamma_CaDynamics_E2 = 0.000509
gSK_E2bar_SK_E2 = 0.0012
gSKv3_1bar_SKv3_1 = 0.000261
gNaTa_tbar_NaTa_t = 0.0213
gImbar_Im = 0.0000675
g_pas = 0.0000589
gIhbar_Ih = 0.0004
gCa_LVAstbar_Ca_LVAst = 0.0187
gCa_HVAbar_Ca_HVA = 0.000555
access soma
synlist = new List()
preconlist = new List()
synLocList = new List()
stimThreshold =0
preTrainList = new List()
pA = 0.5
proc setnetworkparameters(){
rcpWeightFactor = $1 //how stronger reciprocal connections are on average
EsynConductance = $2
IsynConductance = $3
NsynE = $4
NsynI = $5
contactsNumE = $6
weight_AMPA = $7
weight_factor_NMDA = $8
weight_GABA = $9
proc geom() {
proc geom_nseg() {local nSec, L1, L2, D1, D2, nSeg1, nSeg2
soma area(.5) // make sure diam reflects 3d points
nSec = 0
forsec all {
nseg = 1 + 2*int(L/40)
nSec = nSec + 1
nSecAll = 5
nSecSoma = 1
nSecApical = 2
nSecBasal = 1
proc connect2target() { //$o1 target point process, $o2 returned NetCon
soma $o2 = new NetCon(&v(1), $o1)
$o2.threshold = -30
// $s1 section
func getLongestBranch(){local maxL,d localobj distallist,sref
sprint(tstr,"%s distance()",$s1)
maxL = 0
d = 0
distallist = new SectionList()
forsec $s1 {
sref = new SectionRef()
if (sref.nchild==0) distallist.append()
forsec distallist{
d = distance(1)
if(maxL<d) maxL = d
// for the soma case
if (maxL == 0) {
$s1 {
maxL = L
return maxL
// $s1 section
// $2 distance x in micrometers
// return list of [1,2] vectors - of the appropriate section and the location in each vector
obfunc locateSites() {local maxL,site,d0,d1,siteX,i localobj vv,ll
ll = new List()
sprint(tstr,"%s distance()",$s1)
maxL = getLongestBranch($s1)
site = $2
i = 0
forsec $s1 {
if (distance(0) < distance(1)) {
d0 = distance(0)
d1 = distance(1)
} else {
d1 = distance(0)
d0 = distance(1)
if (site <= d1 && site >= d0) {
siteX = (site-d0)/(d1-d0)
secNum = i
vv = new Vector()
i = i+1
return ll
//================================= microcircuit related stuff============================
// $1 some number that is function of the TTC index
// Have each TTC with unique sites, but certain portion of inputs identical to root TTC
proc initRand() {
rList = new List() //for stochastic synapses
rd1 = new Random($1) // unique to this TTC
double siteVec[2]
proc distributeSyn() {local sitenum,syni,preconi,i localobj sl,nilstim
strdef treename,cmd2
lengthA = apic[0].L + apic[1].L
lengthB = dend.L
//lengthA = 0
//lengthB = 0
//forsec "apical" {
// lengthA = lengthA + L
//forsec "basal" {
// lengthB = lengthB + L
pA = lengthA/(lengthA + lengthB)
if (rd1.repick()<pA){
treename = "apic"
treeInd = 0
} else {
treename = "dend"
treeInd = 1
sl = locateSites(treename,rd1.repick()*getLongestBranch(treename))
sitenum = int((sl.count()-1)*rd1.repick())
siteVec[0] = sl.o[sitenum].x[0]
siteVec[1] = sl.o[sitenum].x[1]
locVec = new Vector()
sprint(cmd2,"access %s[siteVec[0]]",treename)
sprint(cmd2,"%s[siteVec[0]] sref = new SectionRef()",treename)
if (i<NsynE){
sref {
synlist.append(new ProbAMPANMDA2(siteVec[1]))
syni = synlist.count()-1 //synapse index
rList.append(new Random(int(1000000*rd1.repick())))
synlist.o[syni].tau_r_AMPA = 0.3
synlist.o[syni].tau_d_AMPA = 3
synlist.o[syni].tau_r_NMDA = 2
synlist.o[syni].tau_d_NMDA = 65
synlist.o[syni].e = 0
synlist.o[syni].Dep = 800
synlist.o[syni].Fac = 0
synlist.o[syni].Use = 0.6
synlist.o[syni].u0 = 0
synlist.o[syni].gmax = EsynConductance
synlist.o[syni].weight_factor_NMDA = weight_factor_NMDA
preconlist.append(new NetCon(nilstim, synlist.o[syni]))
preconi = preconlist.count()-1 //connection index
preconlist.o[preconi].weight = weight_AMPA
preconlist.o[preconi].delay = 0
} else {
sref {
synlist.append(new ProbUDFsyn2(siteVec[1]))
syni = synlist.count()-1 //synapse index
rList.append(new Random(int(1000000*rd1.repick())))
synlist.o[syni].tau_r = 1
synlist.o[syni].tau_d = 20
synlist.o[syni].e = -80
synlist.o[syni].Dep = 800
synlist.o[syni].Fac = 0
synlist.o[syni].Use = 0.25
synlist.o[syni].u0 = 0
synlist.o[syni].gmax = IsynConductance
preconlist.append(new NetCon(nilstim, synlist.o[syni]))
preconi = preconlist.count()-1 //connection index
preconlist.o[preconi].weight = weight_GABA
preconlist.o[preconi].delay = 0
// adds the microcircuit connections
// $o1 conVec - where 0 (no connection), 1 (one way), rcpWeightFactor (reciprocated)
proc insertMCcons(){local sitenum,syni,ii,jj localobj TconVec,sl
strdef cmd2,treename
TconVec = $o1
if (rd1.repick()<pA){
treename = "apic"
} else {
treename = "dend"
sl = locateSites(treename,rd1.repick()*getLongestBranch(treename))
sitenum = int((sl.count()-1)*rd1.repick())
siteVec[0] = sl.o[sitenum].x[0]
siteVec[1] = sl.o[sitenum].x[1]
sprint(cmd2,"access %s[siteVec[0]]",treename)
sprint(cmd2,"%s[siteVec[0]] sref = new SectionRef()",treename)
sref {
synlist.append(new ProbAMPANMDA2(siteVec[1]))
syni = synlist.count()-1 //synapse index
rList.append(new Random(int(1000000*rd1.repick())))
synlist.o[syni].tau_r_AMPA = 0.3
synlist.o[syni].tau_d_AMPA = 3
synlist.o[syni].tau_r_NMDA = 2
synlist.o[syni].tau_d_NMDA = 65
synlist.o[syni].e = 0
synlist.o[syni].Dep = 0
synlist.o[syni].Fac = 0
synlist.o[syni].Use = 0.25
synlist.o[syni].u0 = 0
synlist.o[syni].gmax = TconVec.x[ii] * EsynConductance
//$o1 list of vectors
proc setpretrains(){local j
proc queuePreTrains(){
fih = new FInitializeHandler("initPreSynTrain()",this)
// sets presynaptic spike events
proc initPreSynTrain(){local ti,si
endtemplate TTC