Python and NEURON scripts for running plasticity simulations of cortical cells as described in the article Genetic mechanisms for impaired synaptic plasticity in schizophrenia revealed by computational modelling (Maki-Marttunen et al. 2024). The entry contains three folders: ### syn The main folder for plasticity simulations. ### l23pc The folder for simulations of layer II/III pyramidal cells. Contains the models from Markram et al. 2015 "Reconstruction and simulation of neocortical microcircuitry. *Cell*, 163(2), 456-492.", namely, models `cADpyr229_L23_PC_5ecbf9b163`, `cADpyr229_L23_PC_8ef1aa6602`, `cADpyr229_L23_PC_863902f300`, `cADpyr229_L23_PC_c292d67a2e`, and `cADpyr229_L23_PC_c2e79db05a`. ### genetic The folder for genetic analyses. ``` Tuomo Maki-Marttunen, 2020-2023 CC BY 4.0 ``` The codes have been tested running Python versions 3.9.1 - 3.10.6 and NEURON versions 7.7 - 7.8.2.