#changed from runmodelmut_old.py (11.8.2021): Use changes to total CaHVA, CaLVA, Ih, KCNB1 and SK conductances, as well as gamma_CaDyn
#cp runmodelsyns_exconly_stim_localspines_manyinputs_varyNMDA.py runmodelmut.py
#cp runmodelsyns_exconly_stim_spines_manyinputs_varyNMDA.py runmodelsyns_exconly_stim_localspines_manyinputs_varyNMDA.py
# - constrained where the spines can be
#difference between runmodelsyns_varEIsyn and runmodelsyns_varEIsynboth is that here their relation is kept fixed.
from neuron import h
import sys
from pylab import *
import time
import scipy.io
import mytools
import pickle

icell = 0 # Note: here icell=0 is the first cell, in ../l23pc2 icell=1 is the first cell
if len(sys.argv) > 1:
  icell = int(sys.argv[1])

tstop = 20000
rdSeed = 1
rateE = 0.0

mutID = 0
stimAmp = 0.0
stimOnset = 1000
stimDur = 19000
dodraw = 1
atol = 0.00005
if len(sys.argv) > 2:
  mutID = int(float(sys.argv[2]))
if len(sys.argv) > 3:
  stimAmp = float(sys.argv[3])
if len(sys.argv) > 4:
  atol = float(sys.argv[4])

cellnames = ['cADpyr229_L23_PC_5ecbf9b163', 'cADpyr229_L23_PC_8ef1aa6602', 'cADpyr229_L23_PC_863902f300', 'cADpyr229_L23_PC_c292d67a2e', 'cADpyr229_L23_PC_c2e79db05a']
objref cvode
cvode = new CVode()

objref cell
objref time, voltage, iNMDAs_stim
cell = new """+cellnames[icell]+"""(0)
{voltage = new Vector()}
{time = new Vector()}
{iNMDAs_stim = new List()}
Napical = 0
Nbasal = 0
forsec cell.apical Napical = Napical + 1
forsec cell.basal Nbasal = Nbasal + 1

h('objref somastim')
h('cell.soma somastim = new IClamp(0.5)')
h('somastim.dur = '+str(stimDur))
h('somastim.amp = '+str(stimAmp))
h('somastim.del = '+str(stimOnset))

mutArray = ['gCa_HVAbar', 'gCa_LVAstbar', 'gIhbar', 'gK_Pstbar', 'gSK_E2bar', 'gamma']
mutSuffs = ['Ca_HVA', 'Ca_LVAst', 'Ih', 'K_Pst', 'SK_E2', 'CaDynamics_E2']
mutCoeffs = [0.9, 1.1, 0.8, 1.2, 0.75, 1.25]
mutText = ''
if mutID > 0:
  mutVar = mutArray[(mutID-1)%6]
  mutSuff = mutSuffs[(mutID-1)%6]
  mutCoeff = mutCoeffs[int((mutID-1)/6)]
  mutText = """forall if(ismembrane(\""""+mutSuff+"""\")) { """+mutVar+"""_"""+mutSuff+""" = """+str(mutCoeff)+"""*"""+mutVar+"""_"""+mutSuff+""" }"""
  print("""forall if(ismembrane(\""""+mutSuff+"""\")) { """+mutVar+"""_"""+mutSuff+""" = """+str(mutCoeff)+"""*"""+mutVar+"""_"""+mutSuff+""" }""")
  h("""forall if(ismembrane(\""""+mutSuff+"""\")) { """+mutVar+"""_"""+mutSuff+""" = """+str(mutCoeff)+"""*"""+mutVar+"""_"""+mutSuff+""" }""")

access cell.soma
//time.record(&t, 0.1)
//{voltage.record(&v(0.5), 0.1)}
{cell.soma cvode.record(&v(0.5),voltage,time)}

timenow = time.time()
tstop = """+str(tstop)+"""
v0 = -75
print "Starting simulation..."
print('Simulation done in '+str(time.time()-timenow)+' seconds')

if atol != 0.00005:
  scipy.io.savemat("somaticDC_icell"+str(icell)+"_atol"+str(atol)+"_imut"+str(mutID)+"_stimAmp"+str(stimAmp)+".mat", {'vsoma': array(h.voltage), 'times': array(h.time), 'mutText': mutText})
  scipy.io.savemat("somaticDC_icell"+str(icell)+"_imut"+str(mutID)+"_stimAmp"+str(stimAmp)+".mat", {'vsoma': array(h.voltage), 'times': array(h.time), 'mutText': mutText})