(C) Armin Bahl 16.01.2009, UCL, London, UK
modified on ACCN 2011 Bedlewo, Poland 20.08.2011 
further modification: 23.04.2012 (Munich)

If you use this algorithm for your research please cite:

Bahl A, Stemmler MB, Herz AVM, Roth A. (2012). Automated
optimization of a reduced layer 5 pyramidal cell model based on
experimental data. J Neurosci Methods; in press

Tuomo: Added possibility to externally set the population as wished.
Tuomo: Added possibility to set fixed parameters (last "fixedpara" parameters are fixed; by default fixedpara = 0)
import numpy as np
import time

    from mpi4py import MPI
    mpi4py_loaded = True
    mpi4py_loaded = False
class Emoo:
    def __init__(self, N, C, variables, objectives, infos=[], fixedpara=0):
        self.version = 1.0
        # standard population parameters
        self.size = N              # size of population, must be even and a multiple of processors - 1
        self.capacity = C      # when new children are born, we have this amount of individuals
        # number of processors
        self.variables = variables
        self.obj = len(objectives)                # number of objectives
        self.infos = len(infos)
        self.objectives_names = objectives
        self.infos_names = infos
        self.para = len(self.variables)
        self.fixedpara = fixedpara
        self.no_properties = np.ones(3)*(-1.0)
        self.no_objectives = np.ones(self.obj+self.infos)*(-1)
        self.columns = dict({})
        self.column_names = []
        self.objpos = self.para
        self.infopos = self.objpos + self.obj
        self.rankpos = self.infopos + self.infos
        self.distpos = self.rankpos + 1
        self.fitnesspos = self.distpos + 1
        i = 0
        for variable in variables:
            self.columns[variable[0]] = i
        for objective in objectives:
            self.columns[objective] = i
        for info in infos:
            self.columns[info] = i
        self.columns['emoo_rank'] = self.rankpos
        self.columns['emoo_dist'] = self.distpos
        self.columns['emoo_fitness'] = self.fitnesspos 
        self.checkfullpopulation = None
        self.checkpopulation = None
        self.setuped = False
        if mpi4py_loaded == True:
            self.comm = MPI.COMM_WORLD
            self.master_mode = self.comm.rank == 0
            self.mpi = self.comm.size > 1
            self.master_mode = True
            self.mpi = False
    def setup(self, eta_m_0=20, eta_c_0=20, p_m=0.5, finishgen=-1, d_eta_m=0, d_eta_c=0, mutate_parents=False):
        self.eta_m_0 = eta_m_0
        self.eta_c_0 = eta_c_0
        self.p_m = p_m
        self.finishgen = finishgen
        self.d_eta_m = d_eta_m
        self.d_eta_c = d_eta_c
        self.mutate_parents = mutate_parents
        self.setuped = True
    def normit(self, p):
        p_norm = np.zeros(len(p), dtype=float)
        for i in range(len(p)):
            p_norm[i] = (p[i]-self.variables[i][1])/(self.variables[i][2] - self.variables[i][1])
        return p_norm

    def unnormit(self, p_norm):
        p = np.zeros(len(p_norm), dtype=float)
        for i in range(len(p_norm)):
            p[i] = p_norm[i]*(self.variables[i][2] - self.variables[i][1]) + self.variables[i][1]
        return p
    def getpopulation_unnormed(self):
        unnormed_population = []
        for individual in self.population:
            individual_unnormed = individual.copy()
            individual_unnormed[:self.para] = self.unnormit(individual[:self.para])

        return np.array(unnormed_population)

    def initpopulation(self):
        init_parameters = np.random.rand(self.size, self.para)
        init_properties = np.ones((self.size, self.obj+self.infos+3))*(-1.0)

        self.population = np.c_[init_parameters, init_properties]       

    def initpopulation_externally(self,params_all):
        normed_population = []
        for individual in params_all:
            individual_normed = self.normit(individual[:self.para].copy())
        #init_properties = np.ones((self.size, self.obj+self.infos+3))*(-1.0)
        init_properties = params_all[:,self.para:]

        self.population = np.c_[normed_population, init_properties]       
    def evolution(self, generations, initialize=True):
        if self.setuped == False:
            print("Please run setup")
        if(self.master_mode == True):
            self.eta_c = self.eta_c_0
            self.eta_m = self.eta_m_0
            if initialize:
            print("This is Evolutionary Multiobjective Optimization (Emoo), Version %.1f."%self.version)
            print("\n www.g-node.org/emoo") 
            print("\n\n\tIf you use this algorithm for your research please cite:")
            print("\n\t\tBahl A, Stemmler MB, Herz AVM, Roth A. (2012). Automated optimization of a reduced")
            print("\t\tlayer 5 pyramidal cell model based on experimental data. J Neurosci Methods.\n")
            print("\n\t ... And please provide us with feedback. Thanks!")
            if self.mpi:
                print("\nRunning Emoo on %d processors"%self.comm.size)
                print(" ... let the nodes startup. Starting Optimization in 5 seconds...")
                time.sleep(5) # let all the slaves load
            print("Starting Evolution...")

            if(self.checkpopulation is not None):
                self.checkpopulation(self.getpopulation_unnormed(), self.columns, 0)
            for gen in range(1, generations):
                # Change the Crossover and Mutation Parameters
                if gen > self.finishgen and self.finishgen != -1:
                    self.eta_c += self.d_eta_c
                    self.eta_m += self.d_eta_m

                if self.checkfullpopulation is not None:
                    self.checkfullpopulation(self.getpopulation_unnormed(),self.columns, gen)
                if(self.checkpopulation is not None):
                    self.checkpopulation(self.getpopulation_unnormed(), self.columns, gen)
            # tell the slaves (if any) to terminate
            if self.mpi == True:
                for i in range(1, self.comm.size):
                    self.comm.send(None, dest=i)
                time.sleep(5) # let all the slaves finish
            print("Evolution done!!!")

    def selection(self):
        In this step the mating pool is formed by selection
        The population is shuffelded and then each individal is compared with the next and only
        the better will be tranfered into the mating pool
        then the population is shuffelded again and the same happens again
        # the population has the size N now
        # and all fitnesses are assigned!
        mating_pool = []
        for k in [0,1]:
            population_permutation = self.population[np.random.permutation(len(self.population))]
            # -1 because in the cases off odd population size!
            for i in np.arange(0, len(self.population)-1, 2):
                fitness1 = population_permutation[i][-1]
                fitness2 = population_permutation[i+1][-1]
                if(fitness1 < fitness2):
        # now we have a mating pool
        # this is our new population
        self.population = np.array(mating_pool)         
    def crossover(self):
        children = []
        while(len(children) + len(self.population) < self.capacity):
            # choose two random parents
            p = int(np.random.random()*len(self.population))
            q = int(np.random.random()*len(self.population))
            parent1 = self.population[p][:self.para]
            parent2 = self.population[q][:self.para]
            parameters1 = np.empty(self.para)
            parameters2 = np.empty(self.para)
            # determine the crossover parameters
            for i in range(self.para):
                u_i = np.random.random()

                if i >= self.para - self.fixedpara: #If this parameter is to be fixed, choose by random between parent1 and parent2 to be the parameter for both offsprings
                  if u_i <= 0.5:
                    parameters1[i]  = parent1[i]
                    parameters2[i]  = parent1[i]
                    parameters1[i]  = parent2[i]
                    parameters2[i]  = parent2[i]
                if u_i <= 0.5:
                    beta_q_i = pow(2.*u_i, 1./(self.eta_c+1))
                    beta_q_i = pow(1./(2*(1-u_i)), 1./(self.eta_c+1))
                parameters1[i]  = 0.5*((1+beta_q_i)*parent1[i] + (1-beta_q_i)*parent2[i])
                parameters2[i]  = 0.5*((1-beta_q_i)*parent1[i] + (1+beta_q_i)*parent2[i])
                # did we leave the boundary?
                if(parameters1[i] > 1):
                    parameters1[i] = 1
                if(parameters1[i] < 0):
                    parameters1[i] = 0
                if(parameters2[i] > 1):
                    parameters2[i] = 1
                if(parameters2[i] < 0):
                    parameters2[i] = 0
            offspring1 = np.r_[parameters1, self.no_objectives, self.no_properties]
            offspring2 = np.r_[parameters2, self.no_objectives, self.no_properties]


        children = np.array(children)
        self.population = np.r_[self.population, children]

    def mutation(self):
        # polynomial mutation (Deb, 124)
        for k in range(len(self.population)):
            individual = self.population[k]
            if not self.mutate_parents and individual[self.fitnesspos] != -1:
                continue # this is a parent, do not mutate it
            for i in range(self.para):
                # each gene only mutates with a certain probability
                m = np.random.random()
                if(m < self.p_m and i < self.para - self.fixedpara):
                    r_i = np.random.random()
                    if r_i < 0.5:
                        delta_i = pow(2*r_i, 1./(self.eta_m+1)) - 1
                        delta_i = 1-pow(2*(1-r_i), 1./(self.eta_m+1))
                    individual[i] += delta_i
                    # did we leave the boundary?
                    if(individual[i] > 1):
                        individual[i] = 1
                    if(individual[i] < 0):
                        individual[i] = 0
            individual[self.para:] = np.r_[self.no_objectives, self.no_properties]

    def evaluate(self):
        new_population = []
        # is the master alone?
        if(self.mpi == False):

            for individual in self.population:
                # only evaluate those that are really new!
                if individual[self.fitnesspos] == -1:
                    parameters = individual[:self.para]
                    objectives_error = self.evaluate_individual(parameters)
                    if(objectives_error is not None):
                        new_population.append(np.r_[parameters, objectives_error, self.no_properties])
            # distribute the individuals among the slaves
            i = 0
            for individual in self.population:
                if individual[self.fitnesspos] == -1:
                    parameters = individual[:self.para]
                    dest = i%(self.comm.size-1) + 1
                    self.comm.send(parameters, dest=dest)
                    i += 1
            # the master does also one
            # TODO
            # Receive the results from the slaves
            for i in range(i):
                result = self.comm.recv(source=MPI.ANY_SOURCE)
                if result is not None:
                    new_population.append(np.r_[result[0], result[1], self.no_properties])
        self.population = np.array(new_population)
    def evaluate_individual(self, parameters):
        parameters_unnormed = self.unnormit(parameters)
        # make a dictionary with the unormed parameters and send them to the evaluation function
        dict_parameters_normed = dict({})
        for i in range(len(self.variables)):
            dict_parameters_normed[self.variables[i][0]] = parameters_unnormed[i]
        dict_results = self.get_objectives_error(dict_parameters_normed)
        list_results = []
        for objective_name in self.objectives_names:
        for info_name in self.infos_names:
        return np.array(list_results)
    def evaluate_slave(self):
        # We wait for parameters
        # we do not see the whole population!
            parameters = self.comm.recv(source=0) # wait....
            # Does the master want the slave to shutdown?
            if(parameters is None):
                # Slave finishing...
            objectives_error = self.evaluate_individual(parameters)
            #objectives_error = self.get_objectives_error(self.unnormit(parameters))
            if(objectives_error is None):
                self.comm.send(None, dest=0)
                self.comm.send([parameters, objectives_error], dest=0)
    def assign_fitness(self):           
        are we in a multiobjective regime, then the selection of the best individual is not trival
        and must be based on dominance, thus we determine all non dominated fronts and only use the best
        to transfer into the new generation
        if(self.obj > 1):

            new_population = np.array([])
            maxrank = self.population[:,self.rankpos].max()
            for rank in range(0, int(maxrank)+1):
                new_front = self.population[np.where(self.population[:,self.rankpos] == rank)]
                new_sorted_front = self.crowding_distance_sort(new_front)
                if(len(new_population) == 0):
                    new_population = new_sorted_front
                    new_population = np.r_[new_population, new_sorted_front]
            self.population = new_population
            # simple sort the objective value
            ind = np.argsort(self.population[:,self.objpos])
            self.population = self.population[ind]
        # now set the fitness, indiviauls are sorted, thus fitnes is easy to set
        fitness = list(range(0, len(self.population[:,0])))
        self.population[:,-1] = fitness   
    def new_generation(self):
        # the worst are at the end, let them die, if there are too many
        if(len(self.population) > self.size):
            self.population = self.population[:self.size]
    def dominates(self, p, q):
        objectives_error1 = self.population[p][self.objpos:self.objpos+self.obj]
        objectives_error2 = self.population[q][self.objpos:self.objpos+self.obj]
        diff12 = objectives_error1 - objectives_error2
        # is individdum equal or better then individdum two?
        # and at least in one objective better
        # then it dominates individuum2
        # if not it does not dominate two (which does not mean that 2 may not dominate 1)
        return ( ((diff12<= 0).all()) and ((diff12 < 0).any()) )

    def assign_rank(self):
        F = dict()

        P = self.population
        S = dict()
        n = dict()
        F[0] = []
        # determine how many solutions are dominated or dominate
        for p in range(len(P)):
            S[p] = []       # this is the list of solutions dominated by p
            n[p] = 0        # how many solutions are dominating p
            for q in range(len(P)):
                if self.dominates(p, q):
                    S[p].append(q)      # add q to the list of solutions dominated by p
                elif self.dominates(q, p):
                    n[p] += 1           # q dominates p, thus increase number of solutions that dominate p
            if n[p] == 0:       # no other solution dominates p
                # this is the rank column
                P[p][self.rankpos] = 0
                F[0].append(p)  # add p to the list of the first front
        # find the other non dominated fronts
        i = 0
        while len(F[i]) > 0:
            Q = []              # this will be the next front
            # take the elements from the last front
            for p in F[i]:
                # and take the elements that are dominated by p
                for q in S[p]:
                    # decrease domination number of all elements that are dominated by p
                    n[q] -= 1
                    # if the new domination number is zero, than we have found the next front       
                    if n[q] == 0:
                        P[q][self.rankpos] = i + 1
            i += 1
            F[i] = Q    # this is the next front
    def crowding_distance_sort(self, front):
        sorted_front = front.copy()
        l = len(sorted_front[:,0])
        sorted_front[:,self.distpos] = np.zeros_like(sorted_front[:,0])
        for m in range(self.obj):
            ind = np.argsort(sorted_front[:,self.objpos + m])
            sorted_front = sorted_front[ind]
            # definitely keep the borders
            sorted_front[0, self.distpos] += 1000000000000000.
            sorted_front[-1, self.distpos] += 1000000000000000.

            fm_min = sorted_front[0, self.objpos + m]
            fm_max = sorted_front[-1, self.objpos + m]
            if fm_min != fm_max:
                for i in range(1, l - 1):
                    sorted_front[i, self.distpos] += (sorted_front[i+1, self.objpos + m] - sorted_front[i-1, self.objpos + m])/(fm_max - fm_min)

        ind = np.argsort(sorted_front[:,self.distpos])
        sorted_front = sorted_front[ind]
        sorted_front = sorted_front[-1 - np.arange(len(sorted_front))]
        return sorted_front