from pylab import *
from os.path import exists
import os
filenames = [
ifile = 0
icasegiven = -1
if len(sys.argv) > 1:
ifile = int(sys.argv[1])
if len(sys.argv) > 2:
icasegiven = int(sys.argv[2])
ksnums = [[567,568,569,570], #S845
[571,572,573,574], #S831
[575,576]] #S880
#ksblockeds = [[373,374], [416,417,418], [416,417,418]] #Only spont. 845 when PKA blocked, only spont. 880 when PKC blocked, only spont. 831 when PKC blocked
ksblockeds = [[181,226,245,290], #Phosphorylation of S845 made impossible by blocking phosphorylation of PKAc-bound GluR1
[169], #Phosphorylation of I1 made impossible by blocking phosphorylatoin of PKAc-bound I1
[169,181,226,245,290], #Phosphorylation of S845 made impossible by blocking PKA-mediated phosphorylation of GluR1 and I1
[436,439,442,445,451,454,457,460], #Phosphorylation of S880 made impossible by blocking phosphorylation of PKC-bound GluR2
[193,196,199,202,214,217,220,223,257,260,263,266,278,281,284,287,436,439,442,445,451,454,457,460], #Phosphorylation of S831 and S880 by PKC made impossible
[184,187,190,205,208,211,248,251,254,269,272,275], #Phosphorylation of S831 by CK made impossible
[193,196,199,202,214,217,220,223,257,260,263,266,278,281,284,287], #Phosphorylation of S831 by PKC made impossible
[184,187,190,205,208,211,248,251,254,269,272,275,193,196,199,202,214,217,220,223,257,260,263,266,278,281,284,287]] #Phosphorylation of S831 by CK and PKC made impossible
ksnumcoeffs = [[1,0,0], [1,0,0], [1,0,0], [0,0,1], [0,0,1], [0,0,0], [0,0,0], [0,0,0]]
filename = filenames[ifile]
T = 100
FREQS=[1.0*i for i in range(0,21)]
if True: #exists(filename): #this is not needed, is it?
splitted = filename.split('_')
Caflux = float(splitted[3])
Lflux = float(splitted[4])
Gluflux = float(splitted[5])
AChflux = float(splitted[6])
isGluR = [i for i in range(0,len(splitted)) if splitted[i].find('GluR') > -1]
isk = [i for i in range(0,len(splitted)) if splitted[i][0]=='k']
blocked = '_'.join(splitted[min(isGluR):isk[0]])
print('blocked = '+blocked)
logcoeffs_all = []
print('Loading logcoeffs2_'+blocked+'.mat')
B ='logcoeffs2_'+blocked+'.mat')
logcoeffs_all = B['logcoeffs_all']
for icase in [0,3]:
if icasegiven > -1 and icase != icasegiven:
if icase < len(logcoeffs_all):
logcoeffs = logcoeffs_all[icase]
logcoeffs = [-20,-20,-20] #set all spontaneous rate coefficients to zero if these are extra runs
ksblocked = ksblockeds[icase]
ksnumcoeff = ksnumcoeffs[icase]
kcoeff = 10**logcoeffs[2]
altered = ','.join([str(x) for x in ksblocked])+',567,568,569,570,571,572,573,574,575,576'+'x'+\
','.join(['0' for x in ksblocked])+','+','.join([','.join([str(kcoeff*ksnumcoeffs[icase][ik]) for i in ksnums[ik]]) for ik in [0,1,2]])
for ifreq in range(0,len(FREQS)):
freq = max(0.001,FREQS[ifreq])
Nstim = int(T*freq)
extfilename = 'nrn_altered2_'+str(Nstim)+'_'+str(freq)+'_'+str(Caflux)+'_'+str(Lflux)+'_'+str(Gluflux)+'_'+str(AChflux)+'_'+blocked+'_icase'+str(icase)
if not exists(extfilename+'.mat'):
print('python3 27000000 1e-6 24040000 '+str(Nstim)+' '+str(freq)+' 3.0 '+str(Caflux)+' '+str(Lflux)+' '+str(Gluflux)+' '+str(AChflux)+' 1 1000 None '+blocked.split('x')[0]+' '+blocked.split('x')[1]+' '+altered.split('x')[0]+' '+altered.split('x')[1]+' '+extfilename)
os.system('python3 27000000 1e-6 24040000 '+str(Nstim)+' '+str(freq)+' 3.0 '+str(Caflux)+' '+str(Lflux)+' '+str(Gluflux)+' '+str(AChflux)+' 1 1000 None '+blocked.split('x')[0]+' '+blocked.split('x')[1]+' '+altered.split('x')[0]+' '+altered.split('x')[1]+' '+extfilename)
print(extfilename+'.mat exists')
print(filename+' does not exist')