* C++ implementation for evaluating the integrals involved in the first and
* second moment of the FPT density. uses the gnu scientific library for i
* integration
* XXX this cannot yet deal with a refractory period!
* the integrals have been transformed into a more suitable form on paper,
* as I remember this was kind of messy, and I should definitely tex it
#include <gsl/gsl_errno.h>
#include "autoparams.h"
#include <math.h>
#include <iostream>
#include <stdexcept>
#include <time.h>
#include "integrator.h"
using namespace params;
using namespace integrator;
const double EPS = 1e-2; // relative accuracy of each integration
const double deltav = 0; // how close to problematic points do we allow
// evaluation?
double vmin = 0;
double al = 1.;
double s = 0;
// we restrict ourselfs to neuron models with a most one stable and one
// unstable fixed point in the "-" dynamics, with the stable on left of the
// unstable one, both of which makes sense in any case i can think of
class NeuronModel
virtual double f(const double v) = 0; // the nonlinearity
virtual double dfdv(const double v) = 0; // its derivative
virtual double phi(const double v) = 0;
// phi(v)=\int^v dx kp/(f(x)+s) + rin_e/(f(x)-s)
virtual bool has_stable_fp() = 0; // stable fixed point in "-" dyn?
virtual bool has_unstable_fp() = 0; // unstable FP in "-" dyn?
virtual double get_stable_fp() = 0; // return stable FP
virtual double get_unstable_fp() = 0; // return unstable FP
class PIF: public NeuronModel
virtual double f(const double v) { return mu; }
virtual double dfdv(const double v) { return 0; }
virtual double phi(const double v) { return v*(1./a_e+rin_e/mu); }
virtual bool has_stable_fp() { return false; }
virtual bool has_unstable_fp() { return false; }
virtual double get_stable_fp() { return 0.; }
virtual double get_unstable_fp() { return 0.; }
class LIF: public NeuronModel
virtual double f(const double v) { return mu-v; }
virtual double dfdv(const double v) { return -1.; }
virtual double phi(const double v)
return v/a_e-rin_e*log(fabs(mu-v));
virtual bool has_stable_fp() { return mu<vt; }
virtual bool has_unstable_fp() { return false; }
virtual double get_stable_fp() { return mu; }
virtual double get_unstable_fp() { return 0.; }
class QIF: public NeuronModel
virtual double f(const double v) { return mu+v*v; }
virtual double dfdv(const double v) { return .5*v; }
virtual double phi(const double v)
return v/a_e+rin_e*
(mu > 0 ?
1./sqrt(mu)*atan(v/sqrt(mu)) :
-1./sqrt(-mu) *
((sqrt(-mu) > v && v > -sqrt(-mu)) ?
atanh(v/sqrt(-mu)) :
.5*log((v/sqrt(-mu)+1.)/(v/sqrt(-mu)-1.)) // == acoth(v/sqrt(-mu))
virtual bool has_stable_fp() { return mu<0; }
virtual bool has_unstable_fp() { return (mu<0 && sqrt(-mu) < vt); }
virtual double get_stable_fp() { return -sqrt(-mu); }
virtual double get_unstable_fp() { return sqrt(-mu); }
NeuronModel* neu = 0;
// heaviside step function
inline double heav(double x)
return (x < 0 ? 0 : 1);
inline double phi(const double v)
if (neu != 0)
return neu->phi(v);
return 0.;
inline double f(const double v)
if (neu != 0)
return neu->f(v);
return 0.;
// structure to pass some data along with function pointers that called by the
// integration routines
struct NVStruct {
unsigned int n;
double v;
unsigned int i;
struct Interval
double l;
double r;
double c;
unsigned int n_ints = 0;
Interval intervals[3];
double H0i(const double x, const void* p)
const NVStruct* nv = static_cast<const NVStruct*>(p);
const double v = nv->v;
return (exp(phi(x)-phi(v)) * heav(x-vr))/a_e;
double H0(unsigned int i, const double v)
NVStruct nv = {0,v,i};
const double ci = intervals[i].c;
return 1/f(v)*
((heav(vr-ci)*heav(v-vr) - heav(ci-vr)*heav(vr-v)) * exp(phi(vr)-phi(v)) * (-1.)
- integrate(H0i, ci, v, EPS, &nv));
double J1i(const double x, const void* p)
const NVStruct* nv = static_cast<const NVStruct*>(p);
return -H0(nv->i,x);
double J1(const double v)
//Interval intervals[3];
//const unsigned int n_ints = construct_intervals(intervals);
// what interval is v in?
unsigned int iv = 0;
for (iv = 0; iv < n_ints; iv++)
if (intervals[iv].r >= v)
double res = 0;
unsigned int i = 0;
for (i = 0; i < iv + 1; i++)
NVStruct nv = {1,v,i};
res += integrate(J1i, intervals[i].l, std::min(intervals[i].r, v), EPS, &nv);
//cout << "in J1: " << i << " integrals evaluated\n";
return res;
double J1alt_i3(const double x, const void* p)
const NVStruct* nv = static_cast<const NVStruct*>(p);
return exp(phi(nv->v)-phi(x))/f(x);
double J1alt_i2(const double x, const void* p)
const NVStruct* nv = static_cast<const NVStruct*>(p);
const unsigned int i = nv->i;
const double cibar = intervals[i].l + intervals[i].r - intervals[i].c;
const NVStruct nvinner = {1,x,i};
return heav(x-vr)/a_e*integrate(J1alt_i3, x, cibar, EPS, &nvinner);
double J1alt_i1(const double x, const void* p)
return exp(phi(vr)-phi(x))/f(x);
double J1alt_vt()
const double c0bar = intervals[0].l + intervals[0].r - intervals[0].c;
double res = integrate(J1alt_i1, vr, c0bar, EPS);
for (unsigned int i = 0; i < n_ints; i++)
NVStruct nv = {1,0,i};
res += integrate(J1alt_i2, intervals[i].l, intervals[i].r, EPS, &nv);
return res;
unsigned int construct_intervals(Interval* intervals)
unsigned int n_ints = 0;
if (f(vr) > 0)
intervals[0].l = vr;
intervals[0].c = vr;
if (neu->has_stable_fp()) {
intervals[1].l = intervals[0].r = neu->get_stable_fp();
if (neu->has_unstable_fp()) {
n_ints = 3;
intervals[2].l = intervals[1].r = intervals[2].c
= intervals[1].c = neu->get_unstable_fp();
intervals[2].r = vt;
} else {
n_ints = 2;
intervals[1].r = intervals[1].c = vt;
} else {
n_ints = 1;
intervals[0].r = vt;
intervals[0].l = neu->get_stable_fp();
if (neu->has_unstable_fp()) {
n_ints = 2;
intervals[1].l = intervals[0].r = intervals[1].c
= intervals[0].c = neu->get_unstable_fp();
intervals[1].r = vt;
} else {
n_ints = 1;
intervals[0].r = intervals[0].c = vt;
for (int i = 0; i < n_ints; i++)
cout << "# " << intervals[i].l << " " << intervals[i].r << " " << intervals[i].c << endl;
return n_ints;
inline double cbar(const Interval& inter)
return (inter.l == inter.c ? inter.r : inter.l);
double J2i_inner(const double x, const void* p)
const NVStruct* nv = static_cast<const NVStruct*>(p);
const double v = nv->v;
return exp(phi(v)-phi(x))/f(x);
double a_i(const double x, const void* p)
const NVStruct* nv = static_cast<const NVStruct*>(p);
const unsigned int i = nv->i;
NVStruct nvinner = {2,x,i};
//const double cbar = (intervals[i].l + intervals[i].r - intervals[i].c);
return 1./a_e*integrate(J2i_inner, x, cbar(intervals[i]), EPS, &nvinner);
double J2_vt_faster_i(const double x, const void* p)
const NVStruct* nv = static_cast<const NVStruct*>(p);
const unsigned int i = nv->i;
NVStruct nvi = {2,x,i};
double a_intsum = integrate(a_i, x, intervals[i].r, EPS, &nvi);
for (unsigned int j = i+1; j < n_ints; j++)
NVStruct nvj = {2,vt,j};
a_intsum += integrate(a_i, intervals[j].l, intervals[j].r, EPS, &nvj);
//const double cbar = (intervals[i].l + intervals[i].r - intervals[i].c);
const double innerint = integrate(J2i_inner, x, cbar(intervals[i]), EPS, &nvi);
return -H0(i,x)*(a_intsum + innerint);
double J2_vt_faster()
double res = 0;
unsigned int i = 0;
for (i = 0; i < n_ints; i++)
NVStruct nv = {2,vt,i};
res += integrate(J2_vt_faster_i, intervals[i].l, intervals[i].r, EPS, &nv);
return 2*res;
double J2alt_i1(const double x, const void* p)
const NVStruct* nv = static_cast<const NVStruct*>(p);
const double v = nv->v;
const unsigned int i = nv->i;
NVStruct nvi = {2,x,i};
double a_intsum = integrate(a_i, x, intervals[i].r, EPS, &nvi);
for (unsigned int j = i+1; j < n_ints; j++)
NVStruct nvj = {2,vt,j};
a_intsum += integrate(a_i, intervals[j].l, intervals[j].r, EPS, &nvj);
const double cbar = (intervals[i].l + intervals[i].r - intervals[i].c);
const double innerint = integrate(J2i_inner, x, cbar, EPS, &nvi);
return exp(phi(v)-phi(x))/f(x) * (a_intsum + innerint);
double J2alt_i2(const double x, const void* p)
const NVStruct* nv = static_cast<const NVStruct*>(p);
const unsigned int i = nv->i;
const double cbar = (intervals[i].l + intervals[i].r - intervals[i].c);
NVStruct nvi = {2,x,i};
return heav(x-vr)/a_e*integrate(J2alt_i1,x,cbar,EPS,&nvi);
double J2alt_vt()
const double c0bar = intervals[0].l + intervals[0].r - intervals[0].c;
NVStruct nv1 = {2,vr,0};
double res = integrate(J2alt_i1, vr, c0bar, EPS, &nv1);
for (unsigned int i = 0; i < n_ints; i++)
NVStruct nv = {2,vt,i};
res += integrate(J2alt_i2, intervals[i].l, intervals[i].r, EPS, &nv);
return 2*res;
bool warned_already = false;
void my_error_handler(const char* reason, const char* file, int line, int gsl_errno)
// ignore roundoff errors
if (gsl_errno == GSL_EROUND)
if (!warned_already)
warned_already = true;
cerr << "GSL_EROUND ignored!" << endl;
gsl_error(reason, file, line, gsl_errno);
int main(int argc, char** argv)
if (params::acquire(argc, argv) != 0) return 1;
const double infty = fabs(std::min(vr, -(params::integ_infty+1)));
//integrator::infty = params::integ_infty;
if (model == string("pif"))
neu = new PIF();
else if (model == string("lif"))
neu = new LIF();
else if (model == string("qif"))
neu = new QIF();
else throw invalid_argument("unknown neuron model");
if (tr > 1e-12) throw invalid_argument("refr. period tr not implemented yet!");
n_ints = construct_intervals(intervals);
vmin = f(vr)>0 ? vr :
(neu->has_stable_fp() ? neu->get_stable_fp() : -infty);
if (vmin < -infty) vmin = -infty;
// calculate alpha if needed
if (f(vt)>0)
if (neu->has_unstable_fp())
al = 1.+1./a_e*exp(-phi(vt))*integrate(
[](double x, const void* p){ return exp(phi(x)); }
, vt, neu->get_unstable_fp(), EPS);
al = 1.-exp(-phi(vt))*(exp(phi(vr))+1./a_e*integrate(
[](double x, const void* p){ return exp(phi(x)); }
, vr, vt, EPS));
const double T1 = J1(vt);
//const double T1 = J1alt_vt();
//const double T2 = J2(vt);
//const double T2=0;
//const double T2 = J2alt_vt();
const double T2 = J2_vt_faster();
const double r = 1./T1;
const double cv = sqrt(T2-T1*T1)/T1;
cout << "# mu\trin_e\ta_e\tvr\tvt\tD\t\t\tT1\tT2\tr\tcv\tal\n";
cout << mu << "\t" << rin_e << "\t" << a_e << "\t" << vr << "\t"
<< vt << "\t" << rin_e*a_e*a_e << "\t\t\t"
<< T1 << "\t" << T2 << "\t"<< r << "\t" << cv << "\t" << al << endl;
cout << "# first moment" << endl;
cout << "T1 = " << T1 << endl;
cout << "# second moment" << endl;
cout << "T2 = " << T2 << endl;
cout << "# firing rate" << endl;
cout << "r0 = " << r << endl;
cout << "# CV" << endl;
cout << "cv = " << cv << endl;
delete neu;
return 0;