#include <stdlib.h>
#include <gsl/gsl_rng.h>
#include <gsl/gsl_randist.h>
#include "synapse.h"
#include "spike_train.h"
#include <iostream>
#include <math.h>
namespace neurophys {
SpikeTrain DeterministicFDSynapse::filter(const SpikeTrain& in)
SpikeTrain out;
double t = t_;
double FC = FC0_;
double D = D0_;
double F = F0_ + (1. / (1. / (1. - F0_) + 1. / FC));
double A = F * D;
for (SpikeTrain::const_iterator it = in.begin(); it != in.end(); ++it)
double tn = it->time;
if (flags_ & FACILITATING)
FC = FC * exp(-(tn - t) / tau_f_);
F = F0_ + (1. / (1. / (1. - F0_) + 1. / FC));
} else F = F0_;
if (flags_ & DEPRESSING)
D = 1 - (1 - D) * exp(-(tn - t) / tau_d_);
else D = 1.;
A = F * D;
out.push_back(Spike(it->time, it->amplitude * A));
if (flags_ & FACILITATING)
FC += delta_ * it->amplitude;
if (flags_ & DEPRESSING)
D -= A * it->amplitude;
t = tn;
D0_ = D;
FC0_ = FC;
t_ = t - in.getT();
return out;
SpikeTrain StochasticFDSynapse::filter(const SpikeTrain& in)
SpikeTrain out;
double t = t_;
double FC = FC0_;
double F = F0_ + (1. / (1. / (1. - F0_) + 1. / FC));
unsigned int n_ves_present = n_ves_present_;
for (SpikeTrain::const_iterator it = in.begin(); it != in.end(); ++it)
double tn = it->time;
// how many vesicles have we picked up in the time interval tn-t?
unsigned int n_takeup = 0;
double p_u = 1;
if (flags_ & DEPRESSING)
p_u = 1.-exp(-(tn-t)/tau_d_);
n_takeup = gsl_ran_binomial(rng_, p_u,
n_release_sites_ - n_ves_present);
else n_takeup = n_release_sites_ - n_ves_present;
n_ves_present += n_takeup;
// how has the probability for a docked vesicle to be released upon
// spike arrival changed through facilitation?
if (flags_ & FACILITATING)
FC = FC * exp(-(tn - t) / tau_f_);
F = F0_ + (1. / (1. / (1. - F0_) + 1. / FC));
} else F = F0_;
// now lets deal with the incoming spike
// deal with facilitation wie gehabt
if (flags_ & FACILITATING)
FC += delta_ * it->amplitude;
// releeease your vesicles
unsigned int n_release = gsl_ran_binomial(rng_, F, n_ves_present);
n_ves_present -= n_release;
out.push_back(Spike(tn, (double)n_release/n_release_sites_));
t = tn;
n_ves_present_ = n_ves_present;
FC0_ = FC;
t_ = t - in.getT();
return out;