from __future__ import division
__author__ = 'Francisco J. H. Heras'
from numpy import *
import types
from phhotoreceptor.Constants import *
class VoltageIndependent:
"""Conductance that is not voltage dependent"""
def __init__(self, ion_name, g, parent=None) :
self.g_max = g #conductance, mS
self.ion_name = ion_name
if parent!=None:
self.ion_current_fraction = zeros_like(ION_CHARGE)
if ion_name in ION2NUMBER :
parent = None
def add_parent(self,parent):
"""Links conductance to the parent (ElectricalCompartment). Used to see the membrane voltage and the reversal potentials."""
self.parent = parent
if self.ion_name == 'L':
self.ion_current_fraction = parent.lic_current
if self.ion_name in parent.E:
self.E = parent.E[self.ion_name]
#print("Adding ", self.ion_name, " reversal potential of ", parent.E[self.ion_name])
print ("Error: Ion name not in reversal potential dictionary!")
def g(self):
return self.g_max
def set_g_max_to(self,g):
self.g_max = g
def g_inf(self,V_m = None):
return self.g_max
def current(self,V_m = None):
"""Gives current in uA. Positive means inward"""
if V_m == None:
return (self.E - self.parent.V_m)*self.g()
return (self.E - V_m)*self.g()
def current_ion(self,V_m = None):
"""Gives current in uA separated among the different ions"""
return self.current(V_m) * self.ion_current_fraction
def current_inf(self,V_m):
"""Gives current in uA. Positive means inward"""
return (self.E - V_m)*self.g_inf(V_m)
def current_ion_inf(self,V_m):
"""Gives current in uA separated among the different ions"""
return self.current_inf(V_m) * self.ion_current_fraction
class LightInduced(VoltageIndependent):
"""Light induced conductance"""
def __init__(self, g) :
def bump_filter(self,f):
"""Filtering due to the bump shape. It should be normalised so it is 1 at low frequencies"""
return 1
def delay_filter(self,f):
"""Filtering due to stochastiticy in bump delay. It should be normalised so it is 1 at low frequencies"""
return 1
def signal_conductance_gain(self,f):
return self.g() * self.delay_filter(f) * self.bump_filter(f)
#Dictionary of functions to substitute VoltageDependent.update to freeze and unfreeze conductances
def _update_00(self,V,dt):
def _update_10(self,V,dt):
def _update_01(self,V,dt):
def _update_11(self,V,dt):
return 0
_update_functions = {
(False,False): _update_00,
(True,False): _update_10,
(False,True): _update_01,
(True,True): _update_11
class VoltageDependent(VoltageIndependent):
def __init__(self,g_max,ion_name='K',name=None,parent=None): #by default, it is a K channel
VoltageIndependent.__init__(self,ion_name=ion_name,g=g_max,parent=parent) #mV -- for the moment we only use K conductance
self.m = 0
self.h = array([]) #Contains the h of different modes of inactivation
self.frozen = (False,False) #(ActivationFrozen,InactivationFrozen)
self.update = types.MethodType(_update_functions[self.frozen], self)
self.channel_name = name
## There are two options to define conductance properties
## Both are defined circularly in function of the other in VoltageDependent
## In child classes, either inf and time is defined or beta and alpha.
# Option 1: Define alpha, beta and calculate times and steady state conductances
def m_inf(self,V):
return self.alpha_m(V)/(self.alpha_m(V) + self.beta_m(V))
def h_inf(self,V):
return self.alpha_h(V)/(self.alpha_h(V) + self.beta_h(V))
def m_time(self,V): #ms
return 1/(self.alpha_m(V) + self.beta_m(V))
def h_time(self,V): #ms
return 1/(self.alpha_h(V) + self.beta_h(V))
# Option 2: Define times and steady state conductances and calculate alpha beta
def alpha_m(self,V):
return self.m_inf(V) / self.m_time(V)
def beta_m(self,V):
return (1 - self.m_inf(V)) / self.m_time(V)
def alpha_h(self,V):
return self.h_inf(V) / self.h_time(V)
def beta_h(self,V):
return (1 - self.h_inf(V) ) / self.h_time(V)
## Derivatives for calculating impedances with the linear transform
def alpha_m_prime(self,V): #alpha derivative, for impedance
return (self.alpha_m(V+dV)-self.alpha_m(V))/dV
def beta_m_prime(self,V): #beta derivative, for impedance
return (self.beta_m(V+dV)-self.beta_m(V))/dV
def alpha_h_prime(self,V): #alpha derivative, for impedance
return (self.alpha_h(V+dV)-self.alpha_h(V))/dV
def beta_h_prime(self,V): #beta derivative, for impedance
return (self.beta_h(V+dV)-self.beta_h(V))/dV
##Channel conductance, steady state or instantanous
def g_inf(self,V):
"""Steady state conductance at voltage V"""
if self.frozen[0]:
m_inf = self.m #If activation is frozen,take the m value
m_inf = self.m_inf(V) #Otherwise m_inf describes it well
if self.h.size == 0: # means the channel does not inactivate
return self.g_max * (m_inf ** self.m_order)
if self.frozen[1]:
h_inf_array = self.h #If inactivation is frozen,take the current h value
h_inf_array = self.h_inf(V) #Otherwise h_inf describes it well
Gh = (1-sum(self.inactivation_fraction_mode)) #fraction that fails to inactivate
for i,h_inf in enumerate(h_inf_array):
#if self.h_order[i] > 0: # if there is inactivation
Gh = Gh + self.inactivation_fraction_mode[i] * (h_inf ** self.h_order[i])
return self.g_max * (m_inf ** self.m_order) * Gh
def g(self):
"""Conductance with the current, assumed up-to-date, self.m and self.h"""
if self.h.size == 0: # means the channel does not inactivate
return self.g_max * (self.m ** self.m_order)
h_array = self.h
Gh = (1-sum(self.inactivation_fraction_mode)) #fraction that fails to inactivate
for i,h in enumerate(h_array):
#if self.h_order[i] > 0: # if there is inactivation
Gh = Gh + self.inactivation_fraction_mode[i] * (h ** self.h_order[i])
return self.g_max * (self.m ** self.m_order) * Gh
def initialise_mh(self,V=None):
if V==None:
V = self.parent.V_m
if self.frozen[0]==False:
self.m = self.m_inf(V)
if self.frozen[1]==False:
self.h = self.h_inf(V)
def update_m(self,V,dt):
self.m = min(max(0,self.m + dt*(self.alpha_m(V)*(1 - self.m) - self.beta_m(V)*self.m)),1) #done here because activation faster than inact.
def update_h(self,V,dt):
self.h = self.h + dt*(self.alpha_h(V)*(1 - self.h) - self.beta_h(V)*self.h)
def freeze_activation(self):
if self.frozen[0]:
print("Warning: freezing activation that was already frozen!")
self.frozen = (True,self.frozen[1])
self.update = types.MethodType(_update_functions[self.frozen], self)
def unfreeze_activation(self):
if self.frozen[0]==False:
print("Warning: unfreezing activation that was not frozen!")
self.frozen = (False,self.frozen[1])
self.update = types.MethodType(_update_functions[self.frozen], self)
def freeze_inactivation(self):
if self.frozen[1]:
print("Warning: freezing inactivation that was already frozen!")
self.frozen= (self.frozen[0],True)
self.update = types.MethodType(_update_functions[self.frozen], self)
def unfreeze_inactivation(self):
if self.frozen[1]==False:
print("Warning: unfreezing inactivation that was not frozen!")
self.frozen= (self.frozen[0],False)
self.update = types.MethodType(_update_functions[self.frozen], self)
def freeze_conductance(self):
def unfreeze_conductance(self):
def linearise(self,V = None, SI = False):
"""Calculates the RrL approximation of the channel"""
if V == None:
V = self.parent.V_m
R = 1/self.g_inf(V)
if self.frozen[0]:
rp = 0
Lp = 0
rp = self.m_inf(V)/self.m_time(V)/self.m_order/self.g_inf(V)/(V-self.E)/( self.alpha_m_prime(V) - self.m_inf(V)*(self.alpha_m_prime(V) + self.beta_m_prime(V)) )
Lp = rp*self.m_time(V)
if self.h.size > 0 and self.frozen[1]==False:
rq = 1/self.h_time(V)/self.inactivation_fraction_mode/self.h_order/self.g_max/self.m_inf(V)**self.m_order/self.h_inf(V)**(self.h_order-1)/(V-self.E)/( self.alpha_h_prime(V) - self.h_inf(V)*(self.alpha_h_prime(V) + self.beta_h_prime(V)) )
Lq = rq*self.h_time(V)
rq = []
Lq = []
if SI:
return (R*1e3,rp*1e3,Lp,rq*1e3,Lq)
return (R,rp,Lp,rq,Lq)
def admitance(self,f,V=None):
'''Inverse of the conductance impedance'''
omega_ms = f*2*pi/1000 #Hz -> ms-1
R,r_m,L_m,r_q,L_q = self.linearise(V)
g_array_K = 1/R
if abs(r_m) + abs(L_m) > 0:
g_array_K += 1/(r_m+1j*omega_ms*L_m)
for ii,x in enumerate(r_q):
g_array_K += 1/(r_q[ii]+1j*omega_ms*L_q[ii])
return g_array_K
def current_variance(self,f,V=None):
"""Calculates the current variance due to voltage-gated channels in uA2/Hz"""
if V == None:
V = self.parent.V_m
total_current_variance = zeros_like(f)
N_channels = self.g_max/self.g_single_channel
lorentzian = lambda coeff : 2*coeff/ (coeff**2 + (2*pi*f/1e3)**2) # f is Hz, so it converts it to ms-1
## first the non-inactivating part
a = self.m_order #Order of activation
m = self.m_inf(V) #probability activation gating at rest
t = self.m_time(V) #ms
m_ = (1-m)/m
suma = zeros(len(f))
for ii in range(1,a+1):
suma = suma + misc.comb(a,ii,exact=True)*m_**ii * lorentzian(ii/t)
if self.h.size == 0:
total_current_variance += 1e-3*suma*((m**a)*(V-self.E)*self.g_max)**2 / N_channels #All noise comes from activation, uA2*ms -> uA2/Hz
else: ## then the rest
total_current_variance += (1-sum(self.inactivation_fraction_mode))*1e-3*suma*((m**a)*(V-self.E)*self.g_max)**2 / N_channels #Non inactivation fraction
print (self.h_order)
for i,h_order in enumerate(self.h_order):
print (h_order)
if h_order == 1:
h = self.h_inf(V)[i] #probability inactivation gating at rest
t_h = self.h_time(V)[i] #ms
h_ = (1-h)/h
suma = h_ * lorentzian(1/t_h)
for ii in range(1,a+1):
suma = suma + misc.comb(a,ii,exact=True)*m_**ii *( lorentzian(ii/t) + h_ * lorentzian(1/t_h+ii/t) )
total_current_variance += self.inactivation_fraction_mode[i]*1e-3*suma*((m**a)*h*(V-self.E)*self.g_max)**2 / N_channels #uA2*ms -> uA2/Hz
print ("Inactivation with order different than one non implemented. Sorry!")
return total_current_variance
class DelayedRectifier(VoltageDependent):
'''VoltageDependent without any kind of inactivation'''
def update(self,V,dt):
def update_h(self,V,dt):
return 0 #no inactivation
def h_inf(self,V):
return array([])
def h_time(self,V):
return array([])
inactivation_modes = 0