from __future__ import division
from scipy import pi
import phhotoreceptor.Conductance as Conductance
__author__ = 'Francisco J. H. Heras'
class ElectricalCompartment:
"""Electrical compartment. It is the basic building block, and then it is inherited in axons and bodies. Can have conductances, conductance, etc"""
def __init__(self, area, Cm, RA):
self.area = area #cm2
self.Cm = Cm #uF/cm2
self.C = Cm * self.area #uF
self.RA = RA # specific intracellular resistivity (kOhm*cm) .1-> standard; .08 -> Hateren&Laughlin 90 (for LMC)
self.reset_leak_conductances() #It should be a diccionary of Conductance
def reset_voltage_channels(self): #Clears the array of conductances
self.voltage_channels = []
def add_voltage_channel(self,voltage_channel): #Adds a new voltage channel to the photoreceptor
voltage_channel.add_parent(self) #Parent can be also appended when the channel is created
def reset_leak_conductances(self): #Clears the dictionary of leak conductances
self.leak_conductances = {}
def add_leak_conductance(self,ion_name,g): #Adds a new leak conductance to the dictionary
leak_conductance = Conductance.VoltageIndependent(ion_name,g)
self.leak_conductances[ion_name] = leak_conductance
def update_membrane_voltage(self, I_total, dt):
dV = I_total / self.C * dt
self.V_m += dV
return self.V_m
def change_voltage(self,V_m):
self.V_m = V_m #change membrane potential
def reset_voltage(self,V_m):
self.V_m = V_m #change membrane potential
for channel in self.voltage_channels:
channel.initialise_mh() # and reset all channels to their rest value at that voltage
def freeze_conductance(self,index):
if index == None:
else :
def freeze_inactivation(self,index):
if index == None:
else :
def freeze_all_conductances(self):
for channel in self.voltage_channels:
def unfreeze_all_conductances(self):
for channel in self.voltage_channels:
def freeze_all_inactivations(self):
for channel in self.voltage_channels:
def unfreeze_all_inactivations(self):
for channel in self.voltage_channels:
## Calculate various resistances and currents
def voltage_dependent_inward_current(self):
current = 0
for channel in self.voltage_channels:
current += channel.current(self.V_m)
return current
def inward_current_not_coming_from_conductances(self):
return 0
def internally_generated_inward_current(self):
current = self.inward_current_not_coming_from_conductances()
for channel in self.voltage_channels:
current += channel.current(self.V_m)
for conductance in self.leak_conductances.values():
current += conductance.current(self.V_m)
return current
def total_leak_conductance(self):
total = 0
for leak in self.leak_conductances.values():
total += leak.g()
return total #mS
def total_voltage_independent_conductance(self):
return self.total_leak_conductance()
def total_voltage_dependent_conductance(self):
total = 0
for channel in self.voltage_channels:
total += channel.g() #mS
return total
def total_K_conductance(self): #temporary: in use in some scripts
total = 0
for channel in self.voltage_channels:
total += channel.g()*channel.ion_current_fraction[0] #mS
for conductance in self.leak_conductances.values():
total += conductance.g()*conductance.ion_current_fraction[0] #mS
return total
def total_voltage_dependent_conductance_inf(self,V): # at rest
total = 0
for channel in self.voltage_channels:
total += channel.g_inf(V) #mS
return total
def resistance(self):
return 1/(self.total_voltage_dependent_conductance() + self.total_voltage_independent_conductance())
def impedance(self,f): #f-> Frequency in Hz, V-> Membrane voltage
"""Calculates impedances (using the RrL approximation)"""
omega_ms = f*2*pi/1000
g_array_K = self.C*omega_ms*1j + self.total_voltage_independent_conductance() #mS from light+leak and capacitance(uF)
for channel in self.voltage_channels:
g_array_K += channel.admitance(f, self.V_m)
return 1/g_array_K #kOhm