from __future__ import division
from numpy import *
import scipy.optimize
import phhotoreceptor.Conductance as Conductance
from phhotoreceptor.ElectricalCompartment import ElectricalCompartment
from phhotoreceptor.Constants import *
#from scipy import *
__author__ = 'Francisco J. H. Heras'
class CellBody(ElectricalCompartment):
"""Variables describing photoreceptor cell body geometry and passive electrical properties, such as length, areas, capacitance..."""
def __init__(self, l, r, area=None, Cm=1, RA=.08, reversal_potentials = None, lic_current=DEFAULT_LIC_CURRENT, is_there_pump = True):
self.r = r # body radius (cm)
self.l = l # body length (cm)
self.non_microvillar_area = self.l*2*pi*self.r
self.is_there_pump = is_there_pump #If True, calculation with pump and exchanger. If false, calculation without.
if reversal_potentials == None:
self.E = {'L': 5, 'K' : -85}
else :
self.E = reversal_potentials
if area == None :
ElectricalCompartment.__init__(self,area = self.non_microvillar_area * 25/4/pi, Cm = Cm, RA =RA)
else :
ElectricalCompartment.__init__(self,area = area, Cm = Cm, RA = RA)
self.pump = array([-2, 3, 0]) # elements of the array are numbers of ions per cycle.
self.exchanger = array([0, 3, -1])
def set_light_conductance(self,g): #it tries to change light conductance. If it fails, creates a new one
self.light_conductance = Conductance.LightInduced(g)
def set_steady_state(self,V_rest,VZ_0 = None):
print("Resetting to dark steady state...")
if self.is_there_pump:
if VZ_0 == None:
self._set_steady_state_given_leak(V_rest) #No Z_0 given -> only change light leak
self._set_steady_state_given_Z_0(V_rest,VZ_0) #Z_0 given -> change light and K leak
if VZ_0 == None:
self._set_steady_state_given_leak_no_pump(V_rest) #TODO
print("Not yet implemented... Sorry!")
def _set_steady_state_given_leak(self,V_r):
"""Sets cell body in steady state, updating pump and the leak conductance with reversal potential of light. For the moment, it accepts no axon input"""
self.reset_voltage(V_r) #set membrane potential to rest and also tell the channels
#Short hand notation
E_L = self.E['L']
# Calculate sum of all currents (except light leak and light conductance)
current = zeros_like(self.lic_current)
for channel in self.voltage_channels:
current += channel.current_ion(V_r)
for conductance in self.leak_conductances.values():
if conductance.ion_name != 'L':
current += conductance.current_ion(V_r)
pump_ion_current_fractions = ION_CHARGE*self.pump
exchanger_ion_current_fractions = ION_CHARGE*self.exchanger
exchanger_ion_current_fractions = exchanger_ion_current_fractions/sum(exchanger_ion_current_fractions) #in case it is not normalised
B = matrix([pump_ion_current_fractions, exchanger_ion_current_fractions,self.lic_current]).getT()
# Now we want to solve the system B*[I_pump,I_exchanger,I_light]' + current = 0, where the unknowns are the I_x
I_x = B.getI()
self.I_pump = I_x[0]
self.I_exchanger = I_x[1]
#print("g_L_leak must be ", I_x[2]/(E_L-V_r))
def _set_steady_state_given_leak_no_pump(self,V_r):
"""Sets cell body with no pump nor exchanger in steady state, updating the leak conductance with reversal potential of light. For the moment, it accepts no axon input"""
self.reset_voltage(V_r) #set membrane potential to rest and also tell the channels
#Short hand notation
E_L = self.E['L']
# Calculate sum of all currents (except light leak and light conductance)
current = 0
for channel in self.voltage_channels:
current += channel.current(V_r)
for conductance in self.leak_conductances.values():
if conductance.ion_name != 'L':
current += conductance.current(V_r)
self.I_pump = 0
self.I_exchanger = 0
#print("g_L_leak must be ", -current/(E_L-V_r))
def _set_steady_state_given_Z_0(self,V_rest, VZ_0):
"""Sets L leak and K leak so cell in the dark has membrane potential self.V_m and low limit of impedance, Z_0 at voltage V. Warning: It clears all leak conductances!"""
V = VZ_0[0]
Z_0 =VZ_0[1]
self.reset_voltage(V) #Change voltage to V in order to match impedances
pump_ion_current_fractions = ION_CHARGE*self.pump
exchanger_ion_current_fractions = ION_CHARGE*self.exchanger
exchanger_ion_current_fractions = exchanger_ion_current_fractions/sum(exchanger_ion_current_fractions) #in case it is not normalised
current_and_inverse_of_Z_0 = zeros(len(self.lic_current)+1)
for channel in self.voltage_channels:
current_and_inverse_of_Z_0 += concatenate((channel.current_ion(self.V_m),channel.admitance(f=array([0]),V=self.V_m)))
current_and_inverse_of_Z_0[3] += -1/Z_0
B = matrix([concatenate( (pump_ion_current_fractions,[0]) ),
concatenate( (exchanger_ion_current_fractions,[0]) ),
concatenate( (self.lic_current,[1/(self.E['L'] - self.V_m)]) ),
concatenate( (DEFAULT_K_CURRENT,[1/(self.E['K'] - self.V_m)]) )
# B*[I_pump,I_exchanger,I_light,I_K_leak]' = [K_current,Na_current,Ca_current, 1/Z_0_leaks]
# Now we want to solve the system B*[I_pump,I_exchanger,I_light,I_K_leak]' + [current_channels,1/Z_0_channels] = [0,1/Z_0], where the unknowns are the I_x
I_x = B.getI()
self.add_leak_conductance(ion_name='K',g=I_x[3]/(self.E['K'] - self.V_m))
#print("g_K_leak must be ", I_x[3]/(self.E['K'] - self.V_m))
self._set_steady_state_given_leak(V_rest) #Once I know K leak, I use this to calculate other leaks
def depolarise_with_light(self,V_m):
self.reset_voltage(V_m) #set membrane potential to rest and also tell the channels
#Short hand notation
E_L = self.E['L']
# Calculate sum of all currents (except light conductance)
if self.is_there_pump:
current = zeros_like(self.lic_current)
for channel in self.voltage_channels:
current += channel.current_ion(V_m)
for conductance in self.leak_conductances.values():
current += conductance.current_ion(V_m)
pump_ion_current_fractions = ION_CHARGE*self.pump
exchanger_ion_current_fractions = ION_CHARGE*self.exchanger
exchanger_ion_current_fractions = exchanger_ion_current_fractions/sum(exchanger_ion_current_fractions) #in case it is not normalised
B = matrix([pump_ion_current_fractions, exchanger_ion_current_fractions,self.lic_current]).getT()
# Now we want to solve the system B*[I_pump,I_exchanger,I_light]' + current = 0, where the unknowns are the I_x
I_x = B.getI()
self.I_pump = I_x[0]
self.I_exchanger = I_x[1]
#print("g_L must be ", I_x[2]/(E_L-V_m), " that is, ", I_x[2]/(E_L-V_m)/self.leak_conductances['L'].g())
#print ("Depolarising with light to V=",V_m, " mV")
current = 0
for channel in self.voltage_channels:
current += channel.current(V_m)
for conductance in self.leak_conductances.values():
current += conductance.current(V_m)
#print("g_light ", -current/(E_L-V_m))
## Calculate various resistances and currents
def internally_generated_inward_current(self): #Used in simulations. Keep simple.
return ElectricalCompartment.internally_generated_inward_current(self) + self.light_conductance.current(self.V_m)
def inward_current_not_coming_from_conductances(self):
return self.I_pump + self.I_exchanger
def inward_current_from_conductances_ion_inf(self,V, dark = False):
"""Steady-state currents from all the conductances. If dark is True, LIC is considered 0"""
current = self.light_conductance.current_ion_inf(V)
if dark:
current = zeros_like(current)
for channel in self.voltage_channels:
current += channel.current_ion_inf(V)
for conductance in self.leak_conductances.values():
current += conductance.current_ion_inf(V)
return current
def total_voltage_independent_conductance(self):
return self.total_leak_conductance() + self.light_conductance.g()
def voltage_contrast_gain(self,f):
"""Returns gain from a change in light contrast to voltage"""
return self.impedance(f) * (self.light_conductance.E - self.V_m) * self.light_conductance.signal_conductance_gain(f)
def noise_power(self,f,photon_flux):
return abs( self.impedance(f) * (self.light_conductance.E - self.V_m) * self.light_conductance.g() * self.light_conductance.bump_filter(f) )**2 / photon_flux
class Axon(ElectricalCompartment) :
"""Passive variables of the photoreceptor axon - Not used yet"""
def __init__(self, l, r, Cm=1, RA=.08, Rm=10, Rt=1000e3):
self.r = r
self.l = l
ElectricalCompartment.__init__(self,area = l*2*pi*r, Cm=Cm, RA=RA)
self.Rm = Rm # Axon membrane resistance - 8-50 kOhm cm2
self.Rt = Rt #Terminal resistance, kOhm - Hateren estimates 1000kOhm for blowfly
class FlyPhotoreceptor :
"""Fly photoreceptor. Contains constants and an array of conductance"""
def __init__(self, V_rest, body, axon = None):
#self.V_rest = V_rest
self.body = body
self.axon = axon # Not implemented yet
self.set_steady_state(V_rest) #Sets pump and leak currents so rest voltage is V_rest
def set_steady_state(self, V_rest,VZ_0=None) :
"""Set photoreceptor in steady state, updating pump and the leak conductance with reversal potential of light. For the moment, it only accepts K and L leak conductances"""
self.body.set_steady_state(V_rest, VZ_0)
#to do: self.axon.set_steady_state
#self.energy_consumption = - self.body.I_pump* 1e-6 * 6.241e18 # uA -> A -> ATP/s
#self.surface_taken_by_pump = self.I_pump*1e-6 / (32e-18) * (self.geometry.area_light_insensitive_membrane*1e-8) # cm2 - From Sengupta 2013 (effect cell size...)
def change_voltage(self,V_m):
def reset_voltage(self,V_m):
def what_is_steady_state(self, dark=False):
def current_ion_inf(p):
current = self.body.inward_current_from_conductances_ion_inf(p[0], dark = dark)
current += p[1]*array(ION_CHARGE)*self.body.pump + p[2]*array(ION_CHARGE)*self.body.exchanger
return current
p_0 = array([self.body.V_m,self.body.I_pump,self.body.I_exchanger])
return scipy.optimize.fsolve(current_ion_inf,p_0) #Voltage,I_pump, I_exchanger
def V_rest(self):
V_rest = self.what_is_steady_state(dark=True)[0]
print("V_rest is ", V_rest)
return V_rest
def relax_to_steady_state(self):
p_new = self.what_is_steady_state()
self.body.I_pump = p_new[1]
self.body.I_exchanger = p_new[2]
def depolarise_with_light(self,V=None,g_light=None):
if (g_light == None) and (V != None):
elif (g_light != None) and (V == None):
self.body.light_conductance.g_max = g_light
print ("Error! No voltage and no conductance given in depolarization by light command")
def energy_consumption(self):
return - self.body.I_pump* 1e-6 * 6.241e18 # uA -> A -> ATP/s