from numpy import array,zeros,ones_like,convolve,zeros_like,real, imag, pi,roots
from pylab import Arrow
__author__ = 'Francisco J. H. Heras'
class RrLC:
def __init__(self,R,r,L,C):
if len(r) == len(L):
self.C = C #uF
self.R = R #kOhm
self.r = r #kOhm
self.L = L #H
self.n = len(r)+1 #number of resistor branches (including R)
print("Error! r and L must have the same size")
def impedance(self,f):
omega_ms = f*2*pi/1000
admittance = self.C*omega_ms*1j + 1/self.R #mS from light+leak and capacitance(uF)
for branch in range(self.n-1):
admittance += 1/(self.r[branch] + 1j*omega_ms*self.L[branch])
return 1/admittance #kOhm
def plot_admittance(self,f,ax,phenom_colour=['b','c']):
'''Plot admittances at a frequency f (which has to be real and not array). Ax is the axes where it has to be plotted'''
omega_ms = f*2*pi/1000
scale = 1e6 #1e3 from mS -> pS
admittance_C = scale*self.C*omega_ms*1j
G = scale*1/self.R #mS from light+leak and capacitance(uF)
admittance_ch = zeros(self.n-1,dtype=complex)
admittance = G + admittance_C
for branch in range(self.n-1):
admittance_ch[branch] = scale*1/(self.r[branch] + 1j*omega_ms*self.L[branch])
admittance += admittance_ch[branch]
def backup_plot_admittance(self,f,ax):
'''Plot admittances at a frequency f (which has to be real and not array). Ax is the axes where it has to be plotted'''
omega_ms = f*2*pi/1000
admittance_C = self.C*omega_ms*1j
ax.quiver(0, 0, 0, imag(admittance_C), head_width=head_width, head_length=head_length, fc='r', ec='r')
G = 1/self.R #mS from light+leak and capacitance(uF)
ax.arrow(0, 0, G, 0, head_width=head_width, head_length=head_length, fc='k', ec='k')
admittance_ch = zeros(self.n-1,dtype=complex)
admittance = G + admittance_C
for branch in range(self.n-1):
admittance_ch[branch] = 1/(self.r[branch] + 1j*omega_ms*self.L[branch])
admittance += admittance_ch[branch]
ax.arrow(0, 0, real(admittance_ch[branch]), imag(admittance_ch[branch]), head_width=head_width, head_length=head_length, fc='b', ec='b')
def print_poles(self):
T = array(self.R)*array(self.C)/1e3 # ms -> Hz
t = array(self.L)/array(self.r)/1e3 # ms -> Hz
g = self.R*ones_like(self.r)/array(self.r)
for tt in t:
poly1 = convolve(poly1,[tt,1])
sumpoly2 = zeros(self.n+1)
for i,tt in enumerate(t):
poly2 = [0,0,g[i]]
for ii,ttt in enumerate(t):
if ii!=i:
poly2 = convolve(poly2,[ttt,1])
sumpoly2 += poly2
numerator = poly1
denominator = sumpoly2 + convolve(poly1,[T,1])
#print("zeros:", roots(numerator))
#print("max pole:", max(real(roots(denominator))))
#if max(real(roots(denominator))) > 0:
# print ("Instability reached when taus = ", t*1e3, " ms")
return max(real(roots(denominator)))
#def impedance(compartment):
# '''Gives the impedance of a ElectricalCompartment'''
# return (lambda f: compartment.impedance(f))
def give_RrLC_equivalent(compartment):
C = compartment.C
G = compartment.total_voltage_independent_conductance() #mS
for channel in compartment.voltage_channels:
Rc,rp,Lp,rq,Lq = channel.linearise()
return RrLC(1/G,r,L,C)
def inject_current(photoreceptor,injected_current,dt):
'''Generates a linearised photoreceptor and then solves the equations using forward Euler method'''
linearised_ph = give_RrLC_equivalent(photoreceptor.body)
C = linearised_ph.C
R = linearised_ph.R
r = linearised_ph.r
L = linearised_ph.L
n = linearised_ph.n
A = zeros((n,n))
b = zeros(n)
A[0,0] = -1/R/C
for i in range(1,n):
A[0,i] = -1/C
A[i,0] = 1/L[i-1]
A[i,i] = -r[i-1]/L[i-1]
b[0] = injected_current[0]/C
V = zeros_like(injected_current)
x = zeros(n)
dx = zeros(n)
for i in range(1,len(injected_current)):
for ii in range(n):
dx[ii] = (A[ii].dot(x) + b[ii])*dt
b[0] = injected_current[i]/C
V[i] = x[0]
return V