from __future__ import division
from numpy import *
from matplotlib.pyplot import show,figure
import FlyFactory
from phhotoreceptor.DepolarisePhotoreceptor import DepolarisePhotoreceptor
import phhotoreceptor.Experiment as Experiment
__author__ = 'Francisco J. H. Heras'
option = 1 # 1:Compare with full conductance freeze, 2: Compare with inactivation freeze
V_membrane_ = [-68,-59,-41] #mV
plot_window = array([-.5,3.5])
drosophila = FlyFactory.DrosophilaR16()
fig1 = figure(1)
T=200 #ms
dt=0.5 #ms
time_array = arange(0,T+dt,dt)
I = zeros_like(time_array)
for ii,V_membrane in enumerate(V_membrane_) :
for i, t in enumerate(time_array):
if 10 <= t <= 160: I[i] = 1e-3*(0.01) # nA->uA
DepolarisePhotoreceptor.WithLight(drosophila, V = V_membrane)
V_array, g_Ch = Experiment.inject_current(drosophila,I,dt)
ax = fig1.add_subplot(3,1,ii+1)
ax.plot(time_array, V_array,color='black') #mV
DepolarisePhotoreceptor.WithLight(drosophila, V = V_membrane) #To make sure that all channels are back at rest
V_array, g_Ch = Experiment.inject_current(drosophila,I,dt)
ax.plot(time_array, V_array,'k:') #mV
DepolarisePhotoreceptor.WithLight(drosophila, V = V_membrane) #To make sure that all channels are back at rest
V_array, g_Ch = Experiment.inject_current(drosophila,I,dt)
ax.plot(time_array, V_array,'k--') #mV
ax.set_ylim(plot_window + V_membrane)