Function: rotate_sphere
Arguments: image - The image to be rotated, a two-dimensional array of size (y_pixels,x_pixels).
rot_angle - Horizontal rotation axis. Rotation about this axis induces apparent clockwise rotation of the
image. (deg)
deg_per_ms - Speed of the clockwise rotation about the horizontal axis at the angle rot_angle. (deg/ms)
T - Total movie duration. (ms)
dt - Time step used for generating the movie. Inverse of the sampling rate. (ms)
Output: rotated_image - A 3-dimensional array of size (y_pixels,x_pixels,T/dt+1) containing the movie generated by
rotating the given image about the horizontal axis at angle rot_angle, clockwise at speed
deg_per_ms. The last axis corresponds to time (i.e., the frames of the movie), sampled
at equally spaced time points dt apart over the interval [0,T].
Description: Accepts a spherical image, and generates a movie by rotating the image about the specified horizontal axis
in the clockwise direction, at the specified rotational speed. Considering a specific frame of the movie,
the value of a pixel in the frame is found by determining the spherical coordinates of the frame center,
then inverting the rotation to determine the time t=0 location of that pixel center. The pixel value of
the frame under consideration is set by the t=0 value of the pixel in which the inverse-rotated pixel
center lies. In other words, the time t=t_1 value of a pixel P is set to the value of the pixel in the
original image (the time t=0 frame of the movie) which, under the total rotation over the interval
[0,t_1], would lie nearest to the pixel P.
For binary images, an alternative method would be to push forward "on" pixels only, which would be
significantly faster. However, a push-forward method could be susceptible to tearing around the poles due
to differential pixel density, and the method does not generalize well to non-binary images.
Authors: James Trousdale - jamest212@gmail.com
import numpy as np
from numpy import sin as sin
from numpy import cos as cos
from numpy import arctan2 as arctan2
from numpy import arccos as arccos
# #
# #
###### definition of function rotate_sphere ######
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def rotate_sphere(image,rot_angle,deg_per_ms,T,dt):
time_steps = int(np.ceil(T/dt)+1)
rotated_image = np.zeros(np.append(np.shape(image),time_steps))
rad_per_step = deg_per_ms*np.pi/180.0*dt; # Radians of rotation per time step
# The vectors theta_vals and phi_vals contain the azimuth and elevation of the pixel centers, respectively.
theta_vals = np.linspace(0,2*np.pi,np.size(image,1)+1,endpoint=True)
theta_vals = (theta_vals[:-1] + theta_vals[1:])/2
phi_vals = np.linspace(0,np.pi,np.size(image,0)+1,endpoint=True)
phi_vals = (phi_vals[:-1] + phi_vals[1:])/2
# Compute the horizontal and vertical dimensions of pixels in degrees
dth = theta_vals[1]-theta_vals[0]
dphi = phi_vals[1]-phi_vals[0]
# Pre-calculate the rectangular coordinates of every pixel center.
pixel_rect_coords = np.zeros((3,np.prod(np.size(image))))
pixel_rect_coords[0,:] = np.reshape(np.outer(sin(phi_vals),cos(theta_vals)),np.prod(np.size(image)))
pixel_rect_coords[1,:] = np.reshape(np.outer(sin(phi_vals),sin(theta_vals)),np.prod(np.size(image)))
pixel_rect_coords[2,:] = np.reshape(np.outer(cos(phi_vals),np.ones(len(theta_vals))),np.prod(np.size(image)))
u = -np.array([cos(rot_angle*np.pi/180),sin(rot_angle*np.pi/180),0]) # Unit vector in direction of rotation axis
reshaped_image = np.reshape(image,np.prod(np.shape(image))) # Vectorized image
# As described above, at each step, the value of every pixel is determined by rotating that pixel backwards in time
# in order to determine its time t=0 position. Then, the value is read out from the original image.
for i in range(time_steps):
th = -rad_per_step*(i+1) # Inverse of the total rotation up to the current time.
# Calculate the matrix rotation which yields the inverse rotation when applied to a rectangular coordinate.
rot_mat = [[cos(th)+u[0]**2*(1-cos(th)),u[0]*u[1]*(1-cos(th))-u[2]*sin(th),u[0]*u[2]*(1-cos(th))+u[1]*sin(th)],
# Calculate the rectangular coordinates at time t=0 of every pixel.
xyz = np.dot(rot_mat,pixel_rect_coords)
# Snap the rectangular coordinates computed above to corresponding spherical pixels.
theta_inds = np.int64(np.floor(np.mod(arctan2(xyz[1,:],xyz[0,:]),2*np.pi)/dth))
phi_inds = np.int64(np.floor(arccos(xyz[2,:])/dphi))
# Compute the indices of the spherical pixels for the vectorized image, and set the current frame by the values
# of the rotated pixels in the original image.
inds = np.int64(np.size(image,1)*np.mod(phi_inds,len(phi_inds)) + theta_inds)
rotated_image[:,:,i] = np.reshape(reshaped_image[inds],np.shape(image))
return rotated_image
# #
# #
###### default code executed when rotate_sphere ######
###### is called without parameters ######
# #
# #
if __name__ == "__main__":
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import matplotlib.animation as animation
#NOTE: this line is specific to the ffmpeg installed using MacPorts on Mac OS X and
#may need to be commented or changed depending on your specific installation
#of ffmpeg
plt.rcParams['animation.ffmpeg_path'] = '/opt/local/bin/ffmpeg'
from bar_image import *
from natural_image import *
from white_image import *
x_pixels = 360
y_pixels = 180
rot_angle = 45
deg_per_ms = .5
t = 5000
dt = 1000/60
bar_parameters = {'num_bars':25,'arc_length':40,'arc_width':5}
# Note: Uncomment one of the following 3 lines to generate movies from rotations of different image types
#image = natural_image(x_pixels=360,y_pixels=180,image_lib_path='~/Research/projects/fly/images/')
#image = white_image(x_pixels=360,y_pixels=180,upsample=4)
image = bar_image(x_pixels,y_pixels,bar_parameters)
rotated_image = rotate_sphere(image,rot_angle,deg_per_ms,t,dt)
fig = plt.figure(figsize=(5,5))
ims = []
for i in xrange(np.int64(t/dt)):
ani = animation.ArtistAnimation(fig,ims,interval=dt*10,repeat_delay=3000,blit=True)
FFwriter = animation.FFMpegWriter()
#comment this line if you encounter an issue saving the animation and uncomment
#the one below to check the basic animation generation code works.
ani.save('output/rotation_movie.mp4', writer = FFwriter, fps=60/2)
#Uncomment this line to make sure the movie generation works