Function: vert_strip
Arguments: x_pixels - Number of pixels in the horizontal (azimuthal) direction.
y_pixels - Number of pixels in the vertical (elevational) direction.
rot_angle - Azimuthal location of the center of the vertical strip stimulus. (deg)
strip_rad - Azimuthal radius of the vertical strip stimulus. (deg)
freq_s - Number of equally spaced bars which comprise the moving strip stimulus.
deg_per_ms - Downward velocity of the bars. (deg/ms)
T - Total movie duration. (ms)
dt - Time step used for generating the movie. Inverse of the sampling rate. (ms)
Output: rotated_image - A 3-dimensional array of size (y_pixels,x_pixels,T/dt+1) containing the movie generated by
downward motion of bars within a vertical strip. The last axis corresponds to time (i.e.,
the frames of the movie), sampled at equally spaced time points dt apart over the
interval [0,T].
Description: Generates a binary (0,1) movie by first forming a set of bars on the sphere by truncating a sinusoid with
spatial frequency freq_s/(180 deg) at 0, then moving these bars downward at a speed deg_per_ms. The width
of the strip (and the bars) is 2*strip_rad, and the strip is centered at azimuth rot_angle.
Authors: James Trousdale - jamest212@gmail.com
import numpy as np
def vert_strip(x_pixels,y_pixels,rot_angle,strip_rad,freq_s,deg_per_ms,T,dt):
time_steps = int(np.ceil(T/dt))+1
rotated_image = np.zeros((y_pixels,x_pixels,time_steps))
rad_pixels = int(np.floor(strip_rad/360.0*x_pixels)) # Number of pixels the strip spans width-wise.
rot_bin = int(np.floor(rot_angle/180.0*y_pixels)) # The horizontal index of the bin on which the strip is centered.
# Convert bar movement speed to radians per time step
rad_per_step = deg_per_ms*np.pi/180*dt
# Calculate the elevation angles (rad) of the pixel centers (array of length ypixels+1).
phi_vals = np.linspace(0,np.pi,y_pixels+1,endpoint=True)
# all elements except last plus all elements except first divided by 2 (array of length ypixels).
phi_vals = (phi_vals[:-1] + phi_vals[1:])/2
# Generate the movie by setting each column of the image which the stimulus strip spans to the binary values of the
# truncated sinusoid.
for i in range(time_steps):
for j in range(-rad_pixels,rad_pixels+1):
#negative indices in the x-dimension are accessed from the last one of the array counting backwards
#set all y-pixels at once since phi_vals contains the elevation of the centers of each pixel
rotated_image[:,rot_bin+j,i] = 1.0*(np.sin(2*freq_s*(phi_vals - rad_per_step*i)) > 0)
return rotated_image
if __name__ == "__main__":
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import matplotlib.animation as animation
#NOTE: this line is specific to the ffmpeg installed using MacPorts on Mac OS X and
#may need to be commented or changed depending on your specific installation
#of ffmpeg
plt.rcParams['animation.ffmpeg_path'] = '/opt/local/bin/ffmpeg'
x_pixels = 360
y_pixels = 180
T = 5000
dt = 1000/60
rot_angle = -180
strip_rad = 15
freq_s = 8
deg_per_ms = 0.5
rot_im = vert_strip(x_pixels,y_pixels,rot_angle,strip_rad,freq_s,deg_per_ms,T,dt)
fig = plt.figure(figsize=(5,5))
ims = []
for i in xrange(np.int64(T/dt)):
ani = animation.ArtistAnimation(fig,ims,interval=dt,repeat_delay=3000,blit=True)
FFwriter = animation.FFMpegWriter()
#comment this line if you encounter an issue saving the animation and uncomment
#the one below to check the basic animation generation code works.
ani.save('output/strip.mp4', writer = FFwriter, fps=60/2)
#Uncomment this line to make sure the movie generation works