Function: axis_rot_mat
Arguments: u - Unit vector in the direction of the axis of rotation.
th - Magnitude of rotation. Positive values yield a clockwise rotation.
Output: A size (3,3) rectangular coordinate rotation matrix.
Description: When applied to a rectangular coordinate, the returned matrix rotates that point about the axis in the
direction of u, clockwise by an amount th.
Authors: James Trousdale - jamest212@gmail.com
import numpy as np
from numpy import sin as sin
from numpy import cos as cos
def axis_rot_mat(u,th):
rotmat = [[cos(th)+u[0]**2*(1-cos(th)),u[0]*u[1]*(1-cos(th))-u[2]*sin(th),u[0]*u[2]*(1-cos(th))+u[1]*sin(th)],
return np.array(rotmat)