classdef electrical < handle
% ELECTRICAL Top level class for circuits.
% Copyright 2018 by Koc University and Deniz Kilinc, A. Gokcen Mahmutoglu, Alper Demir
% All Rights Reserved
properties (SetAccess = protected)
name; % Name of the device.
numVars = 0; % Number of total variables
groundNode = node.empty;% Ground node of the circuit.
groundNodeNumber = 0;
components = resistor.empty;
numComponents = 0; % Number of circuit components.
numVoltageVars = 0; % Number of voltage variables.
numVoltageSources = 0; % Number of voltage sources.
voltageSourceNodeNums = []; % K x 2 array holding the V.S. node numbers.
voltageSources = voltageSource.empty; % List of independent voltage sources.
numMCs = 0; % Number of MCs.
numCircCompMCs = 0;
numStates = 0;
numTransitions = 0;
isSealed = false;
timeDependent = false;
methods (Abstract)
sQ = Q(thisCircuitComponent, x, t); % Q vector of the device.
sI = I(thisCircuitComponent, x, t); % I vector of the device.
sJ = J(thisCircuitComponent, x, t); % J vector of the device.
sdQ = dQ(thisCircuitComponent, x, t); % Jacobian of the Q vector.
sdI = dI(thisCircuitComponent, x, t); % Jacobian of the I vector.
[Q, I, J, dQ, dI] = stamp(thisDevice, x, t)