function [DN, DNinv] = dftmtxNM(N,M)
% Generate extended DFT matrix.
% This indexing scheme seems complicated but it is just handiwork.
% This is ~2 orders of magnitude faster than doing this with a loop.
% Copyright 2018 by Koc University and Deniz Kilinc, A. Gokcen Mahmutoglu, Alper Demir
% All Rights Reserved
K = (M-1)/2;
aIdx = (1:M*N)';
aIdx = aIdx(:,ones(1,M));
bIdx = reshape(1:M*N,N,M);
bIdx = bIdx((1:N)'*ones(1,M),:);
cIdx = (1:M^2);
cIdx = cIdx(ones(1,N),:);
%d = 1/M*exp(-1i*2*pi*(-K:K)'*fc*tVec);
d = 1/M*exp(-1i*2*pi*(-K:K)'*(0:M-1)/M);
DN = sparse(aIdx(:),bIdx(:),d(cIdx(:)));
DNinv = M*DN';