// MainenCurrentDistribution.hoc
// distributes currents throughout the dendrite as done in Mainen Sejnowski 1996
// and/or Mainen et al. 1995
// adopted from ModelDB accession number 
// patdemo/demofig1.hoc

/* --------------------------------------------------------------
   Multi-compartment simulations of neocortical neurons
   Z. F. Mainen and T. J. Sejnowski (1996) Influence of dendritic
   structure on firing pattern in model neocortical neurons. 
   Nature 382: 363-366. 
   -------------------------------------------------------------- */

objref sh, st, dendritic

// create soma
// access soma

//tstop = 1000
//steps_per_ms = 40
//dt = 0.025

// --------------------------------------------------------------
// passive & active membrane 
// --------------------------------------------------------------

ra        = 200 // 200 from Mainen et al. 1995 // 150 from Mainen Sej. 1996
global_ra = ra
rm        = 30000
c_m       = 0.75
cm_myelin = 0.04
g_pas_node = 0.02

v_init    = -70
celsius   = 37

Ek = -90
Ena = 60

gna_dend = 20
gna_node = 30000
gna_soma = gna_dend

gkv_axon = 2000
gkv_soma = 200

gca = .3
gkm = .1
gkca = 3

gca_soma = gca
gkm_soma = gkm
gkca_soma = gkca

proc init_cell() {

  // passive
  forall {
    insert pas
    Ra = ra 
    cm = c_m 
    g_pas = 1/rm
    e_pas = v_init

  // na+ channels
  forall insert na
  forsec dendritic gbar_na = gna_dend
/* not in spiny dendrite
  forsec "myelin" gbar_na = gna_dend
  hill.gbar_na = gna_node
  iseg.gbar_na = gna_node
  forsec "node" gbar_na = gna_node
  // kv delayed rectifier channels
  iseg { insert kv  gbar_kv = gkv_axon }
  hill { insert kv  gbar_kv = gkv_axon }
  soma { insert kv  gbar_kv = gkv_soma }

  // dendritic channels
  forsec dendritic {
    insert km    gbar_km  = gkm
    insert kca   gbar_kca = gkca
    insert ca    gbar_ca = gca
    insert cad

  soma {
    insert km    gbar_km  = gkm
    insert kca   gbar_kca = gkca
    insert ca    gbar_ca = gca
    insert cad
    gbar_na = gna_soma
    gbar_km = gkm_soma
    gbar_kca = gkca_soma
    gbar_ca = gca_soma

  forall if(ismembrane("k_ion")) ek = Ek
  forall if(ismembrane("na_ion")) {
    ena = Ena
    // seems to be necessary for 3d cells to shift Na kinetics -5 mV
    vshift_na = -5
  forall if(ismembrane("ca_ion")) {
    eca = 140
    vshift_ca = 0

proc load_dendrite() {

// used to be $s1 filename however no arguments in spiny_dendrite

// no longer any need to:  forall delete_section()
// because spiny_dendrite not reloading these

  dendritic = new SectionList()

  dendrite {
  access soma
  // show spiny dendrite
  sh = new PlotShape()
  // but control position of PlotShape window -- Ted Carnevale
  sh = new PlotShape(0)
  {sh.view(-300, -299.522, 600, 599.043, 265, 369, 200.64, 200.32)}


  st=new IClamp(.5)
  st.dur = 900
  st.del = 5

// removed Mainen menu of models and
// replaced load_3dcell with load_dendrite

st.amp = 0.0 // turn off Mainen clamp unless decide to use later

// graph of v(0.5) vs. t

objref g

g = new Graph(0)
{g.view(0, -80, 1000, 120, 265, 105, 300.48, 200.32)}
g.addexpr("v(.5)", 1, 1, 0.8, 0.9, 2)