// electrotonic_length.hoc
// measures the electrotonic length of V given synaptic conductances
// either in the spine head or on the dendritic shaft
// General goals
// play conductance waveforms into the "passive" synapse to study
// the electrotonic length of synaptic inhibition under the conditions
// 1) Synaptic Inhibition (SI) (vs only the leak current)
// 2) SI with a bAP
// 3) SI with Synaptic Excitation (SE)
// 4) SI with both bAP and SE
// Inhibitory conductance section
// 1) SI with only the leak current
// the passive setup
// Assume a rat RS prefrontal cortical pyramidal neuron has a surface
// area of 1500 um^2 (estimated from Degenetais E et al. 2002) and
// an input resistance of 35 MOhms then the conductance in S/cm2 is
// 1500 micron squared =1.5e-5 centimeter squared
// a constant to set the leak current conductance g_pas to throughout
// a pre-frontal cortex pyy cell (Degenetais et al 2002).
g_pas_pfc= 1/(35e6*1.5e-5) // 0.0019 S/cm2
forall { g_pas = g_pas_pfc e_pas = -65 }
// the -65 was the default however we set it here anyway to show that
// this is the place to change it