// impedance_conditions.hoc
// runs several cases to determine impedances of the model
// use folders
// impedance/bAP
// impedance/bAPspineinhib
// impedance/spineinhib
// in each folder store impedance at 100HZ as a function of time for 3
// spine heads and 1 dendrite compartment adjacent to the middle
// (inhibited) spine when there is bAP and inhibition in a spine head
// or each seperately
// These traces have the names
// spine0_z.txt, spine1_z.txt, spine2_z.txt, dendrite_z.txt
// if convenient for Mike transfer the names to protocol_abovefilenames
// where protocol is bAP, spineinhib, bAPspineinhib.

print "Running from hoc/impedance_conditions.hoc - results will be in ./impedance/*/*"
objref filename
strdef protocol
proc write_zvecs() { // $s1 is protocol (something like impedance/bAP)
  sprint(tmpstr,"%s/dendrite_z.dat" , $s1)
  write_vec(tmpstr,tvec, zvec[0])

  for i=1, num_of_zvecs-1 {
    sprint(tmpstr,"%s/spine%d_z.dat", $s1, i-1)
    write_vec(tmpstr,tvec, zvec[i])

// run with no bAP and a spine inhibition //////////////

MultIClamp[0].number = 0 // no bAP

isyn_ = 2 // middle spine
NC[isyn_].weight = 0.0004 // ordinary inhibitory synapse in the spine

zrun(frequency,delta_t, seclist)

protocol = "impedance/spineinhib"

// run with bAP and a spine inhibition //////////////

MultIClamp[0].number = 1 // include bAP

isyn_ = 2 // middle spine
NC[isyn_].weight = 0.0004 // ordinary inhibitory synapse in the spine

zrun(frequency,delta_t, seclist)

protocol = "impedance/bAPspineinhib"

// run with bAP and no spine inhibition //////////////

MultIClamp[0].number = 1 // no bAP

isyn_ = 2 // middle spine
NC[isyn_].weight = 0.0 // no inhibitory synapse in the spine

zrun(frequency,delta_t, seclist)

protocol = "impedance/bAP"