Tools -> MulRunFitter Generators -> Add Fitness Primitive Fitness -> Expression ratio_fitness() Generators -> Use Generator (double click on unnamed Fitness Primitive) Generators -> Change Name (double click on unnamed Fitenss Primitive) Type in "Ratio Fitness" Parameter -> Add parameter -> global_cm Parameter -> Add parameter -> global_Ra Parameter -> Add parameter -> global_g_pas Domain panel -> make logarithmic make limits "1 0.75 1e02" etc. choose alternating intervals between optimizations and only select one parameter at a time to optimize to some percentage (10, or 25%) --------------- For optimizing to see if can find Ca channel density in spine with dendritic inhibition try to see if can get Spine1_dCa_ratio near 75 and Spine0_dCa_ratio near 95. This is meant to be representative of inhibition in one spine but not another adjacent one: error = (Spine1_dCa_ratio-75)^2 + (Spine0_dCa_ratio-95)^2