// parameter_ranges.hoc

/* This program finds the values of the
inhibitied spine and dendrite dCa_ratios for ranges of parameters of
the model.

Some main results of the model:

1. An inhibited spine compartmentalizes the inhibition during combined
bAP and spine inhibition.

2. Under dendritic inhibition a dendrite show comparitively less
inhibition than spine inhibition and the inhibition is not localized
to the same degree as inhibition in a spine head.

To demonstrate the robustness of the model these results are confirmed
under ranges of parameters of the model.

The results will be written in folders under a "./results/" folder


where (spine_or_dend_inhib) is spine or dend

where (param_str) is one of these 5 so far: cm, Ra, g_pas, ddiam
(dendrite.diam), sdiam (Spine[1].neck.diam)

and (compartment) is spine0, spine1, spine2, dend.

so an example is spine_cm_spine1_dCa_ratio.txt

the data files are two column with the first being the value of the parameter for that ratio


cm: .246 1.15
Ra:  100 300
g_pas: 0 2.5e-4
ddiam: .5 2.5
sdiam: .02 .2


// points = f(i; A, k, N) = A *exp(k*i/N)
// i is a iterative variable that goes over 0 to N
// a1 = f(0), a2 = f(1)

func exp_axis() { local k, A
 // a1 = $1, a2 = $2, i/N  = $3
  k = log($2/$1)
  A = $1
  return A * exp( k * $3 )

Num_of_params = 5 // cm, Ra, g_pas, dendrite.diam, Spine[1].neck.diam
Num_of_values = 10 // 10 values typical for each of the five parameters studied
// spines and dendrite dCa result vectors
objref s0_dCa_ratio[Num_of_params], s1_dCa_ratio[Num_of_params], s2_dCa_ratio[Num_of_params], d_dCa_ratio[Num_of_params]
objref param_xaxis[Num_of_params] // hold parameter values for graphing above vectors with
objref graph_result[2*Num_of_params] // one graph for spine inhib another for dend inhib

for param_index= 0, Num_of_params-1 { // so far 5 params to examine with Num_of_values values each
  s0_dCa_ratio[param_index] = new Vector(Num_of_values)
  s1_dCa_ratio[param_index] = new Vector(Num_of_values)
  s2_dCa_ratio[param_index] = new Vector(Num_of_values)
  d_dCa_ratio[param_index] = new Vector(Num_of_values)
  param_xaxis[param_index] = new Vector(Num_of_values)
  graph_result[param_index] = new Graph()
  graph_result[param_index+Num_of_params] = new Graph()

strdef protocol_str, param_str
spine_or_dendrite = 0
param_index = 0

// for a particular param_index(0-4), protocol_str(spine or dend),
// param_str(cm,Ra,g_pas,ddiam,sdiam) 
// spine_or_dendrite 0 or 1 inhibition type identifier (hopefully
// always) matchs protocol_str
proc output_results() { 
  sprint(tmpstr,"../../results/%s_%s_spine0_dCa_ratio.dat", protocol_str, param_str)
  write_vec(tmpstr,param_xaxis[param_index], s0_dCa_ratio[param_index])

  sprint(tmpstr,"../../results/%s_%s_spine1_dCa_ratio.dat", protocol_str, param_str)
  write_vec(tmpstr,param_xaxis[param_index], s1_dCa_ratio[param_index])

  sprint(tmpstr,"../../results/%s_%s_spine2_dCa_ratio.dat", protocol_str, param_str)
  write_vec(tmpstr,param_xaxis[param_index], s2_dCa_ratio[param_index])

  sprint(tmpstr,"../../results/%s_%s_dend_dCa_ratio.dat", protocol_str, param_str)
  write_vec(tmpstr,param_xaxis[param_index], d_dCa_ratio[param_index])

  // graph results
  // colors are 1 black, 2 red, 3 blue, 4 green (second from last argument in line methods)
  s0_dCa_ratio[param_index].line(graph_result[graph_index], param_xaxis[param_index], 1, 1)
  if (spine_or_dendrite) { // true (1) if dend
    // inhib in dend so dend is red
    s1_dCa_ratio[param_index].line(graph_result[graph_index], param_xaxis[param_index], 3, 1)
    d_dCa_ratio[param_index].line(graph_result[graph_index], param_xaxis[param_index], 2, 1)
    sprint(tmpstr,"Inhibition in the %s, dCa_ratio's vs %s. (black spine0, green spine1, blue spine2, red dend)", protocol_str, param_str)
  } else {
    // inhib in spine so spine1 is red
    s1_dCa_ratio[param_index].line(graph_result[graph_index], param_xaxis[param_index], 2, 1)
    d_dCa_ratio[param_index].line(graph_result[graph_index], param_xaxis[param_index], 3, 1)
    sprint(tmpstr,"Inhibition in the %s, dCa_ratio's vs %s. (black spine0, red spine1, blue spine2, green dend)", protocol_str, param_str)
  s2_dCa_ratio[param_index].line(graph_result[graph_index], param_xaxis[param_index], 4, 1)
  graph_result[graph_index].exec_menu("View = plot")
  graph_index += 1

proc run_inhib_spine_or_dendrite() {
  if (spine_or_dendrite) {
  } else {
  // record results in vectors

dendritic_inhibition_factor=10 // it is known that dCa_ratios are not
                               // much effected at small dendritic
                               // inhibition so try large inhibition

for spine_or_dendrite=0,1 { // iterate over inhibition in the spine or dendrite
  protocol_str = "spine"
  if (spine_or_dendrite) protocol_str="dend"

  // cm is parameter 0
  param_index = 0
  print "cm"
  a1 = 0.24
  a2 = 1.15
  for value_index=0, Num_of_values-1 { 
    print value_index, exp_axis(a1, a2, value_index/(Num_of_values-1)) 
    cm_ = exp_axis(a1, a2, value_index/(Num_of_values-1))
    forall cm = cm_  // this and next line specialized for this loop
 // set capacitance back
  forall cm=0.75
  // parameter 1
  param_index = 1
  print "Ra"
  a1 = 100
  a2 = 300
  for value_index=0, Num_of_values-1 { 
    print value_index, exp_axis(a1, a2, value_index/(Num_of_values-1))
    Ra_ = exp_axis(a1, a2, value_index/(Num_of_values-1))
    forall Ra = Ra_ // this and next line specialized for this loop
  // set the Ra back
  forall Ra = 200
  param_index = 2
  print "g_pas"
  a1 = 1e-9
  a2 = 0.000475
  for value_index=0, Num_of_values-1 { 
    print value_index, exp_axis(a1, a2, value_index/(Num_of_values-1))
    g_pas_ = exp_axis(a1, a2, value_index/(Num_of_values-1))
    forall g_pas = g_pas_ // this and next line specialized for this loop
  forall g_pas = 2.5e-5 // set g_pas back to default
  param_index = 3
  print "ddiam"
  a1 = 1.5
  a2 = 3
  for value_index=0, Num_of_values-1 { 
    print value_index, exp_axis(a1, a2, value_index/(Num_of_values-1))
    ddiam = exp_axis(a1, a2, value_index/(Num_of_values-1))
    dendrite for(x,0) diam(x) = ddiam // this and next line specialized for this loop
  dendrite for(x,0) { diam(x) = 2 } // set diam back to default
  param_index = 4
  print "sdiam"
  a1 = .02
  a2 = 0.2
  for value_index=0, Num_of_values-1 {
    print value_index, exp_axis(a1, a2, value_index/(Num_of_values-1))
    spine1_neck_diam = exp_axis(a1, a2, value_index/(Num_of_values-1))
    Spine[1].neck.diam = spine1_neck_diam // this and next line specialized for this loop
  spine1_neck_diam = 0.07
  Spine[1].neck.diam = 0.07 // set diam back to default