// library.hoc
// contains declarations and functions used for the sealed_end studies
// these studies either move the spines to various positions along the dendrite or
// they pinch the dendrite off at various lengths - all to study the effect of
// what occurs when inhbition in spines occurs near the distal tip of a dendritic branch.
// the 3 spines remain seperated by 10 microns to their nearest neighbor(s)
spines_start = 100 // these numbers are for the distal spine's distance to the soma
spines_end = 600
spines_increment = 5 // 50 // the number of microns between each move of the spines (not between the spines)
spines_number = (spines_end-spines_start)/spines_increment + 1
objref max_bAP_ctrl[spines_number] // max bAP envelope control case (no inhibition)
objref max_bAP_inhib[spines_number] // max bAP envelope (with inhibition in the middle spine)
objref distance_vec // goes with above vectors as distance of each compartment in the dendrite from 0 end of soma
for i=0, spines_number-1 {
max_bAP_ctrl[i]=new Vector()
max_bAP_inhib[i]=new Vector()
objref save1, save2
save1 = new Vector()
save2 = new Vector() // used to truncate max_bAP_ctrl,_inhib to before the pinch in the dendrite
soma {distance()} // measure distance from the 0 end of soma
distance_vec = new Vector() // doesn't change so calculated once here:
dendrite for (x,0) {
objref dendrite_length_vec // contains all the dendrite endpoint lengths for each simulation
dendrite_length_vec = new Vector()
dendrite_length_vec.indgen(spines_start, spines_end, spines_increment)
forall insert ds
objref dCa_inhib_vec, dCa_ctrl_vec, dCa_ratio_vec // holds middle
// spine's (peak Ca
// concentration -
// Baseline) for
// each simulation
// and their ratio
// for each
// (spineloc) length
// dendrite.
dCa_inhib_vec = new Vector()
dCa_ctrl_vec = new Vector()
dCa_ratio_vec = new Vector()
objref head0_ca_peak, head1_ca_peak
objref head0_v_peak, head1_v_peak, head2_v_peak, t_vec
head0_ca_peak=new Vector()
head1_ca_peak=new Vector()
head0_v_peak=new Vector()
head1_v_peak=new Vector()
head2_v_peak=new Vector()
// t_vec setup:
tstop=500 // 150 // plenty of time to capture the peak voltages
t_vec = new Vector(tstop/dt+1)
t_vec.indgen(0, tstop, dt)
proc setup_recording_vecs() {
head0_cai_vec = new Vector()
head1_cai_vec = new Vector()
head2_cai_vec = new Vector()
head0_cai_vec.record(&Spine[0].head.cai(0.5), t_vec)
head1_cai_vec.record(&Spine[1].head.cai(0.5), t_vec)
head2_cai_vec.record(&Spine[2].head.cai(0.5), t_vec)
// the spines are moved by an amount delta
delta=10 // 10 microns for example
proc move_spines_by_delta() {
// spine_location_vec is updated by this amount
// then the spines are moved
for i=0, spine_location_vec.size()-1 {
dendrite connect Spine[i].neck(0), spine_location_vec.x[i]/dendrite.L
proc move_spines_to_location() {
// spine_location_vec is updated by this amount
// by using it as the last element of spine_location_vec.
// All elements are shifted so that this is true
// it is assumed that the last element of spine_location_vec
// is also the most distal one
delta_ = distal_destination-current_distal_spine_location
// then the spines are moved to the updated spine_location_vec
for i=0, spine_location_vec.size()-1 {
dendrite connect Spine[i].neck(0), spine_location_vec.x[i]/dendrite.L