Basic scheme Each simulation has a length determined by a very narrow (pinched) diameter at dendrite length X microns from the soma which effectively electrically ends the dendrite at this pinch. For each of these X distances there are vectors for the spatial profile of the maximum bAP voltage as a function of distance along the dendrite: max_bAP_ctrl_vec_X.txt max_bAP_inhib_vec_X.txt Another vector, distance.txt contains the distance for each corresponding dendrite compartment (segment or node) in the above envelope files. A dendrite_length_vec stores the length of the dendrite for each simulation as successive elements. Spine Ca signal measurements: dCa_inhib_vec.txt dCa_ctrl_vec.txt dCa_ratio_vec.txt dendrite_length_vec.txt (associated with above) Loop over (pinched) lengths of dendrite: 1) calculate control and inhibition bAP envelope's and Ca peaks and baselines 2) store vectors in files in folder sealed_end