// specific_cases.hoc
// This hoc script will run specific cases similar to interactively created
// in a Shepherd Higley Carnevale Chiu Morse (McDougal) meeting 3/15/12
// The lines typed into the oc> prompt on that day are interspersed with
// procedure calls that are equivalent to button clicks with the mouse

// soma delete_section()
// soma insert pas
forall e_pas=-65
forall Ra=200 // 100 // changes from default of 35.4
forall cm=1

// graphical observations with impedance tool

// now placement of inhibition waveform on the dendritic shaft:
// position x=0.425 , dendrite, inhibitory[25 ] located at 25.5  microns.
// note that int(0.425*600/10) equals 25 (L=600)
// if the length or nseg is changed all bets are off.(have to rethink how
// to find the index of excitatory or inhibitory synapses on the adjacent
// dendritic shaft.

adjacent_shaft_index = int(adjacent_shaft_x_loc*dendrite.L/10)

proc neck_diam() {
  print "setting Spine neck diams to ",$1
  forsec "neck" { diam = $1 }

objref ic
objref hh_graph

proc measure_imp() {
  dendrite ic=new IClamp(0)
  hh_graph=new Graph()

proc insert_hh() {
  if (!hh_already_inserted) {
    forall insert hh
    hh_already_inserted = -1
    // a stimulator at the 0 end of the dendrite
//    dendrite ic=new IClamp(0)
//    ic.del = 1
//    ic.dur = 0.5
//    ic.amp = 0.5
objref sr
x_value = 0
proc hh_level() { // proc called with section reference sr and
                  // floats (relative_max_conductance, x)
                  // and attempts to set the hh channel values to defaults
                  // gnabar_hh=0.12 gkbar_hh=0.036 gl_hh=0.0003 el_hh=-54.3
                  // except that gl_hh is set to 0 so that the membrane resistivity
                  // can be controlled seperately (so only gnabar_hh and gkbar_hh
                  // are effected at the x (range) value on the section sr
  rel_max_cond = $2
  x_value = $3
  sr.sec {
    gnabar_hh(x_value) = rel_max_cond * (0.12)
    gkbar_hh( x_value) = rel_max_cond * (0.036)
    gl_hh(    x_value) = 0

proc global_hh() { // sets the hh relative conductance to the passed argument
  forall { 
    sr=new SectionRef()
    for (x,0) {
      hh_level(sr, $1, x)

// create a vector for playback into the IClamp to simulate one of Chiayu's experiments
// where the pulses ilicit APs at times 115, 125, 135, 145, 155 

objref iclamp_vec, iclamp_t_vec, one_pulse_vec
objref pulse_times_vec
pulse_times_vec = new Vector()
pulse_times_vec.append( 115, 125, 135, 145, 155 )
// typical pulse
//    ic.del = 1
//    ic.dur = 0.5
//    ic.amp = 0.5
delta_t = 0.5 // ic.del
amp = 0.5 // ic.amp

proc insert_ca() {
  forsec "head" {
    insert cad
    insert ca
// insert_ca()

// insert_hh()
// regenerate_iclamp_vec()
forsec "neck" diam=0.1

proc insert_McCormickYuEtAl() {
// The below is an excerpt from McCormick, Yu et al. papers accession 135839 except for the value of Ra taken from Mainen et al. 1995
// Rapid_rising_somatic_spike_soma_axon.hoc
// where many lines have been deleted and all lines refering to axon and bleb
// have been commented out or deleted and the dend section name has been
// changed to dendrite TMM 20120420

// Create the neuron
rm = 30000
v_init    = -62.5 // -70 // raised 20121024
celsius   = 37
Ek = -80   //-90 might affect the axon spike phase slope value low, and less noisy, increase to be -85?
           //   maybe not, still need check
Ena = 60
ra = 200 // use Mainen et al. 1996 200 instead of 150  //the larger, the soma kink slope large is
c_m = 0.75 // the optimal value, both increase and decrease will decrease slope value
           //however, small C value will have high dv/dt value
xn = 1
gna = 8000 //7500
gk = 1600 //1800
ndend=1  // increase this will increase kink slope
//create dend[ndend], soma, axon
//create dend, soma, axon, bleb

gkm = .3// .3   //.3~ 0.5
gca = .3//.3   //.3~ 0.5
gkca = .3// 3  //.3~ 0.5

gca_soma = gca
gkm_soma = gkm
gkca_soma = gkca

//  dend {
//         L=3000   //there some optimal length make stronger kink?
//         nseg=L/50    //don't why increase or decrease nseg will decrease slope
//         diam = 5    //sure this is also optimal value; increase this strenth the kink and biphase
//          }

//soma {
//    L=30         //increase size make stronger kink
//    nseg=L/5
//    diam = 20/

//axon {
//    L=50
//    nseg=L/5
//    //diam=1
////    diam(0:0.1) = 2:1 // weeken the biphase, but looks closer to the real data
////    diam(0.1:1) = 1:1 // weeken the biphase, but looks closer to the real data
//    diam=1

//   connect dend(1), soma(0)
//   connect axon(0), soma(1)
//   connect bleb(0), axon(1)

// proc init_cell() {
      forall {
// already              insert pas
              Ra = ra
              cm = c_m
              g_pas = 1/rm
              e_pas = v_init
//              bleb g_pas = 1/rm // 5/rm
//            axon cm=c_m*0.75
            soma cm=c_m
//            bleb cm = c_m*0.75

      forall insert na             
             soma.gbar_na = 0.1*gna  //750 //gna/8 // increase this will increase dv/dt amplitude, but weak kink value
//             axon.gbar_na = gna //7500
//             bleb.gbar_na = gna/3 //3000 //gna/3
             dendrite.gbar_na = 20 //100 //10 //increase this will make cell has spontaneous spikes.
      forall insert kv
             soma.gbar_kv = gk/5 //250 //gk/2 // increase this will increase dv/dt amplitude and weak biphase
//             axon.gbar_kv = gk
//              bleb.gbar_kv = gk/3 //gk/2
           forall {
            insert km    gbar_km  = 0 //gkm
	    insert kca   gbar_kca = 0 //gkca
    	    insert ca    gbar_ca = 0 //gca
    	    insert cad
 //            axon gbar_km=0
 //            bleb gbar_km=0
 //            axon gbar_kca=0
 //            bleb gbar_kca=0
 //            axon gbar_ca=0
 //            bleb gbar_ca=0
      forall if(ismembrane("ca_ion")) {
               eca = 140
               vshift_ca = 0
      forall if(ismembrane("k_ion")) ek = Ek
      forall if(ismembrane("na_ion")) {
                ena = Ena
                // seems to be necessary for 3d cells to shift Na kinetics -5 mV
                vshift_na = -6 //-5
// end of McCormick Yu et al. excerpt
// because the current ca that we were interested in was
// turned off we turn it on
forall if (ismembrane("ca")) {
  gbar_ca=1e-3 // arbitrary value small enough to not matter electrically


// must be loaded after cai exists

//xpanel("IClamp for hyperpol")
//  xbutton("Hyperpolarizing current from IClamp[0]", "hyperpol_iclamp_on()")
//  xbutton("Turn off hyperpolarizing current from IClamp[0]","hyperpol_iclamp_off()")

//proc hyperpol_iclamp_on() {
//  IClamp[0].del=0
//  IClamp[0].dur=1e6
//  IClamp[0].amp=-0.008 // found to hyperpol cell soma to -85 mV
//proc hyperpol_iclamp_off() {
//  IClamp[0].del=0
//  IClamp[0].dur=1e6
//  IClamp[0].amp=-0.00 // turn off