objref tmpsr
dendrite tmpsr=new SectionRef()
// now tmpsr refers (pointer) to the dendrite section
objref spineref[7]
// ruler mm locations from figure
// 4.4, 5.2, 5.7, 6.9
// 6.0, 7.3, 8.8
// multiple by 3 for conversion to microns
objref spine_location_vec
spine_location_vec= new Vector()
// f=3 // factor to multiply mm in figure printout to get microns along real dendr.
// if (multiple_spines) {
// spine_location_vec.append(4.4*f, 5.2*f, 5.7*f, 6.0*f, 6.9*f, 7.3*f, 8.8*f)
// } else {
// spine_location_vec.append(4.4*f)
// spine_location_vec.append(30)
// about_half=600*(29.5/60) // nseg arithmetic gives x point near center
// spine_location_vec.append(about_half,about_half-2*(dendrite.L/dendrite.nseg))
adjacent_shaft_x_loc = 0 // reassigned to first spine neck dendrite x location
//spine_location_vec.append( 172, 178, 191 ) // for 20120330
//spine_location_vec.append( 172, 191, 191 ) // for 20120518
//spine_location_vec.append( 170, 180, 190 ) // for 20120518 through 20120708
spine_location_vec.append( 90,100,110) // for 20120709, 20121008
for i=0, spine_location_vec.size()-1 {
print "Placing a spine at ", spine_location_vec.x[i]," microns, which has an x value of ", spine_location_vec.x[i]/dendrite.L
spineref[i] = new Spine(tmpsr, spine_location_vec.x[i]/dendrite.L)
if (i==1) { // prior to 20121008 was set to i==0
adjacent_shaft_x_loc = spine_location_vec.x[i]/dendrite.L
print "adjacent dendritic shaft x location = ", adjacent_shaft_x_loc
// spine geometry
forsec "neck" { diam =.1 L=1 }
forsec "head" { diam=1 L=1 }