Copyright (c) 2016, EPFL/Blue Brain Project
This file is part of BluePyOpt <https://github.com/BlueBrain/BluePyOpt>
This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under
the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License version 3.0 as published
by the Free Software Foundation.
This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS
FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Lesser General Public License for more
You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License
along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc.,
51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA.
NOTE: This is the one that does the loops across generations
# pylint: disable=R0914, R0912
import random
import logging
import pickle
import deap.algorithms
import deap.tools
import os
import shutil
logger = logging.getLogger('__main__')
def _evaluate_invalid_fitness(toolbox, population, gen_index=None):
'''Evaluate the individuals with an invalid fitness
Returns the count of individuals with invalid fitness
invalid_ind = [ind for ind in population if not ind.fitness.valid]
logger.info(" -- total individuals that need to be assessed (for this generation) is %s (check if it's the same as the population's size)", len(invalid_ind))
logger.info(" ---- this is the list of all parameters for the 1st individual (check if the number is the same as IND_SIZE): %s " % (invalid_ind[0]))
from functools import partial
execute = partial(toolbox.evaluate, gen_index=gen_index)
fitnesses = toolbox.map(execute, invalid_ind)
# fitnesses = toolbox.map(toolbox.evaluate, invalid_ind, gen_index)
for ind, fit in zip(invalid_ind, fitnesses):
ind.fitness.values = fit
return len(invalid_ind)
def _evaluate_invalid_fitness_with_features(toolbox, population, gen_index=None):
'''Evaluate the individuals with an invalid fitness
Returns the count of individuals with invalid fitness
Not only saves fitness values to ind.fitnes.values, also
saves raw feature scores to ind.fitness.features
invalid_ind = [ind for ind in population if not ind.fitness.valid]
# fitnesses, feature_values = toolbox.map(toolbox.evaluate_with_features, invalid_ind)
from functools import partial
execute = partial(toolbox.evaluate_with_features, gen_index=gen_index)
fitness_dicts = toolbox.map(execute, invalid_ind)
# fitness_dicts = toolbox.map(toolbox.evaluate_with_features, invalid_ind)
for ind, fit in zip(invalid_ind, fitness_dicts):
ind.fitness.values = fit['scores'].values()
ind.fitness.feature_values = fit['feature_values']
return len(invalid_ind)
def _evaluate_invalid_fitness_minus_SDs_with_features(toolbox, population,
gen_index=None, numSDs=0,
'''Evaluate the individuals with an invalid fitness
Returns the count of individuals with invalid fitness
Before saving the fitness values, this method subtracts
numSDs from each fitness value returned by efel, with a
minimum fitness score of 0 - so it flattens the error
function within an 'acceptable' number of SDs
Not only saves fitness values to ind.fitnes.values, also
saves raw feature scores to ind.fitness.features
invalid_ind = [ind for ind in population if not ind.fitness.valid]
from functools import partial
execute = partial(toolbox.evaluate_with_features, gen_index=gen_index, savefile_base=savefile_base)
# third argument (ind_index) is not accepted by pool.map
fitness_dicts = toolbox.map(execute, invalid_ind)
for ind, fit in zip(invalid_ind, fitness_dicts):
errlst = list(fit['scores'].values())
for i, item in enumerate(errlst):
errlst[i] -= numSDs
if errlst[i] < 0.0:
errlst[i] = 0.0
ind.fitness.values = tuple(errlst)
ind.fitness.feature_values = fit['feature_values']
return len(invalid_ind)
def _update_history_and_hof(halloffame, history, population):
'''Update the hall of fame with the generated individuals
Note: History and Hall-of-Fame behave like dictionaries
if halloffame is not None:
def _update_history(history, population):
''' Update history with generated individuals'''
def _record_stats(stats, logbook, gen, population, invalid_count):
'''Update the statistics with the new population'''
record = stats.compile(population) if stats is not None else {}
logbook.record(gen=gen, nevals=invalid_count, **record)
def _get_offspring(parents, toolbox, cxpb, mutpb):
'''return the offsprint, use toolbox.variate if possible'''
if hasattr(toolbox, 'variate'):
return toolbox.variate(parents, toolbox, cxpb, mutpb)
return deap.algorithms.varAnd(parents, toolbox, cxpb, mutpb)
def _write_h5_file(population, filename, featsToUse):
'''Write parameters, errors and features to a matrix in an h5 file'''
import numpy
parlist = []
errlist = []
fealist = []
for ind in population:
for param in ind:
for value in ind.fitness.values:
for featname in featsToUse:
for feat in ind.fitness.feature_values.values():
if featname in feat:
pararr = numpy.asarray(parlist)
errarr = numpy.asarray(errlist)
feaarr = numpy.asarray(fealist)
for num, element in enumerate(pararr):
if element == None:
pararr[num] = numpy.float64(1e9)
for num, element in enumerate(errarr):
if element == None:
errarr[num] = numpy.float64(1e9)
for num, element in enumerate(feaarr):
if element == None:
feaarr[num] = numpy.float64(1e9)
parmat = pararr.reshape(len(population),len(pararr)/len(population))
errmat = errarr.reshape(len(population),len(errarr)/len(population))
feamat = feaarr.reshape(len(population),len(feaarr)/len(population))
feamat = feamat.astype(numpy.float64)
import h5py
with h5py.File(filename,'a') as f:
if 'parameters' in f.keys():
f['parameters'].resize((f['parameters'].shape[0] + parmat.shape[0]), axis = 0)
f['parameters'][-parmat.shape[0]:] = parmat
if 'errors' in f.keys():
f['errors'].resize((f['errors'].shape[0] + errmat.shape[0]), axis = 0)
f['errors'][-errmat.shape[0]:] = errmat
if 'features' in f.keys():
f['features'].resize((f['features'].shape[0] + feamat.shape[0]), axis = 0)
f['features'][-feamat.shape[0]:] = feamat
def NonDominatedSortingDifferentialEvolutionFeatureCrowdingCheckpoint(
"""This is the Non-Dominated Sorting Differential Evolution (NSDE) evolutionary algorithm
Using features for the crowding distance, and subtracting SDs from the error values,
so all error values are 0 with a number of SDs of the mean
population(list of deap Individuals)
toolbox(deap Toolbox)
mu(int): Total parent population size of EA
cxpb(float): Crossover probability
mutpb(float): Mutation probability
ngen(int): Total number of generation to run
stats(deap.tools.Statistics): generation of statistics
halloffame(deap.tools.HallOfFame): hall of fame
cp_frequency(int): generations between checkpoints
cp_filename(string): path to checkpoint filename
continue_cp(bool): whether to continue
if continue_cp:
# A file name has been given, then load the data from the file
cp = pickle.load(open(cp_filename, "r"))
population = cp["population"]
parents = cp["parents"]
start_gen = cp["generation"]
logbook = cp["logbook"]
halloffame = cp["halloffame"]
history = cp["history"]
# Start a new evolution
start_gen = 1
parents = population[:]
logbook = deap.tools.Logbook()
logbook.header = ['gen', 'nevals'] + (stats.fields if stats else [])
history = deap.tools.History()
invalid_count = _evaluate_invalid_fitness_minus_SDs_with_features(
toolbox, population, start_gen, numSDs, savefile_base)
_update_history_and_hof(halloffame, history, population)
_record_stats(stats, logbook, start_gen, population, invalid_count)
if h5_filename is not None:
_write_h5_file(population, h5_filename, featsToUse)
# Begin the generational process
for gen in range(start_gen + 1, ngen + 1):
offspring = _get_offspring(parents, toolbox, cxpb, mutpb)
population = parents + offspring
invalid_count = _evaluate_invalid_fitness_minus_SDs_with_features(toolbox, offspring, gen, numSDs, savefile_base)
_update_history_and_hof(halloffame, history, population)
_record_stats(stats, logbook, gen, population, invalid_count)
if h5_filename is not None:
_write_h5_file(offspring, h5_filename, featsToUse)
shutil.copy(h5_filename, h5_filename+'.bak')
_write_h5_file(parents, h5_filename+'.parents', featsToUse)
shutil.copy(h5_filename, h5_filename+'.parents.bak')
# Select the next generation parents
parents = toolbox.select(population, mu)
_record_stats(stats, logbook, gen, offspring, invalid_count)
_record_stats(stats, logbook, gen, parents, invalid_count)
# Output some feature information for the 'best' individuals:
for ind in parents[0:4]:
outlist = []
for featname in toolbox.select.keywords['featsToUse']:
for feat in ind.fitness.feature_values.values():
if featname in feat:
if(cp_filename and cp_frequency and
gen % cp_frequency == 0):
cp = dict(population=population,
pickle.dump(cp, open(cp_filename, "wb"))
logger.debug('Wrote checkpoint to %s', cp_filename)
shutil.copy(cp_filename, cp_filename+'.bak')
return population, logbook, history