% # CaBuffer_TC_AS17:
% Calcium buffer concentration dynamics, for generic thalamocortical relay
% cells used in (Soplata et al., 2017).
% - References:
%     - Soplata AE, McCarthy MM, Sherfey J, Lee S, Purdon PL, Brown EN, et al.
%     Thalamocortical control of propofol phase-amplitude coupling. PLoS Comput
%     Biol. 2017;13: e1005879. doi:10.1371/journal.pcbi.1005879
% - Requires: "@iT_TC_AS17" exposed by "iT_TC_AS17" mechanism
% - Exposes: calcium concentration "@CaBuffer_TC_AS17" required for
%     "iH_TC_AS17" and "iT_TC_AS17" mechanisms
% - Tags: calcium, intrinsic, thalamocortical
% Parameters
tauR = 5         % ms
Ca_inf = 0.00024 % mM of calcium, aka 2.4e-4
% See "Interneuron-mediated inhibition synchronizes neuronal activity during
%     slow oscillation" Chen et al., 2012, Equation 5:
A = 10/(2*96489) % mM cm^2/(ms uA) drive conversion of Ca-modifying currents
CaBufferIC = 0.0003
CaBufferNoiseIC = 0.00001

% ODEs
CaBuffer_TC_AS17' = max(-A.*@iT_TC_AS17, 0) + (Ca_inf - CaBuffer_TC_AS17)./tauR
CaBuffer_TC_AS17(0) = CaBufferIC+CaBufferNoiseIC.*rand(1,Npop)

% Interface
@CaBuffer_TC_AS17 += CaBuffer_TC_AS17