% Synaptic intrathalamic GABA-A-ergic inhibitory current used in (Soplata et
% al., 2017).
% - References:
%     - Soplata AE, McCarthy MM, Sherfey J, Lee S, Purdon PL, Brown EN, et al.
%     Thalamocortical control of propofol phase-amplitude coupling. PLoS Comput
%     Biol. 2017;13: e1005879. doi:10.1371/journal.pcbi.1005879
% Tags: synapse, connection, inhibition
% Parameters
gGABAA = 0.1
EGABAA = -80
tauGABAA = 5 % ms

% Propofol-modifying parameters
propoCondMult = 1
propoTauMult = 1

sGABAANoiseIC= 0.1

% Connectivity
% 'ones' so all-to-all connectivity
netcon = ones(N_pre,N_post)

% Functions
iGABAA_TRN_TRN_AS17(X,sGABAA) = -propoCondMult*gGABAA/N_pre.*(sGABAA*netcon).*(X-EGABAA)

monitor iGABAA_TRN_TRN_AS17

% ODEsa and ICs
sGABAA' = 2.*(1 + tanh(X_pre./4)).*(1-sGABAA) - sGABAA./(tauGABAA*propoTauMult);
sGABAA(0) = sGABAAIC+sGABAANoiseIC.*rand(1,Npre);

% Linker
@current += iGABAA_TRN_TRN_AS17(X_post,sGABAA)