% # iK_TC_AS17:
% Fast potassium current, for generic thalamocortical relay cells used in
% (Soplata et al., 2017).
% - References:
%     - Soplata AE, McCarthy MM, Sherfey J, Lee S, Purdon PL, Brown EN, et al.
%     Thalamocortical control of propofol phase-amplitude coupling. PLoS Comput
%     Biol. 2017;13: e1005879. doi:10.1371/journal.pcbi.1005879
% - Tags: potassium, current, intrinsic, thalamocortical, thalamus
% Parameters
gK = 10      % mS/cm^2
EK = -100    % mV
vShift = -25 % mV

nKIC = 0.00025
nKNoiseIC = 0.00001

% Functions
alphaN(X) = 0.032.*(15 - (X-vShift))./(exp((15 - (X-vShift))./5) - 1)
betaN(X) = 0.5.*exp((10 - (X-vShift))./40)
iK_TC_AS17(X,nK) = -gK.*nK.^4.*(X-EK)

monitor iK_TC_AS17

% ODEs and ICs
nK' = alphaN(X).*(1-nK) - betaN(X).*nK;

% Linker
@current += iK_TC_AS17(X,nK)