# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# sequence_I_networks.py
# Copyright 2017 Sebastian Spreizer
# The MIT License
Script for NEST simulation of purely inhibitory network model to produce activity sequences.
import sys
import numpy as np
import nest
import pylab as pl
import lib.lcrn_network as lcrn
import lib.connectivity_landscape as cl
###################### Build parameters from file #############################
from sumatra.parameters import build_parameters
parameter_file = sys.argv[1]
output_file = parameter_file.split('/')[-1].split('.')[0]
p = build_parameters(parameter_file)
Set Kernel Status
'local_num_threads': p.local_num_threads,
'resolution': p.resolution,
'data_path': './Data',
'overwrite_files': True,
Create nodes
# Network size
npop = p.nrow * p.ncol # amount of neurons in population
# Create neurons
neuron = p.neuron
neuron['n'] = npop
pop = nest.Create(**neuron)
# Create input devices
noise = nest.Create('noise_generator')
# Create recording devices
sd = nest.Create('spike_detector', params={
'start': p.recstart,
'to_file': True,
'label': output_file,
Connect nodes
landscape = cl.__dict__[p.landscape['mode']](
p.nrow, p.landscape.get('specs', {}))
move = cl.move(p.nrow)
offset = pop[0]
# Connect neurons to neurons
for ii in range(npop):
source = ii, p.nrow, p.ncol, p.nrow, p.ncol, p.ncon, p.kappa, p.theta
targets, delay = lcrn.lcrn_gamma_targets(*source)
if landscape is not None: # asymmetry
targets = (targets + p.shift * move[landscape[ii] % len(move)]) % npop
# no selfconnections
targets = targets[targets != ii]
nest.Connect([pop[ii]], (targets + offset).tolist(),
syn_spec={'weight': p.Ji})
# Connect noise input device to all neurons
nest.Connect(noise, pop)
# Connect spike detector to population of all neurons
nest.Connect(pop, sd)
Warming up
# Preparation for simulation
nest.SetStatus(noise, params={'std': 500.})
nest.Simulate(p.wuptime / 2)
nest.SetStatus(noise, params=p.noise)
nest.Simulate(p.wuptime / 2)
Start simulation
# Run simulation