# written by sam neymotin, modified by ernie forzano
from neuron import h
from pylab import *
import time
from time import time
import datetime # to format time of run
import sys
import pickle
import numpy
h.install_vecst() # for samp and other NQS/vecst functions
from conf import *
import os
# determine config file name
def setfcfg ():
fcfg = "PTcell.BS0284.cfg" # default config file name
for i in range(len(sys.argv)):
if sys.argv[i].endswith(".cfg") and os.path.exists(sys.argv[i]):
fcfg = sys.argv[i]
print("config file is " , fcfg)
return fcfg
fcfg=setfcfg() # config file name
dconf = readconf(fcfg)
dprm = dconf['params']
dfixed = dconf['fixed']
sampr = dconf['sampr'] # sampling rate
exec('from ' + dconf['cellimport'] + ' import ' + dconf['cellfunc']) # import cell creation function
if fcfg.startswith('PTcell'):
exec('cell = ' + dconf['cellfunc'] + '(' + str(dconf['cellfuncargs']) + ')') # create the cell - can use different morphologies)
exec('cell = ' + dconf['cellfunc'] + '()') # create the cell
exec('import ' + dconf['cellimport']) # import the file's variables too, so can access them
for p in list(dfixed.values()): exec(p.assignstr(p.origval)) # fixed values
ic = h.IClamp(0.5,sec=cell.soma[0])
ic = h.IClamp(0.5,sec=cell.soma)
voltLoc = None # voltage location used for optimization
voltLocInterp = None
# record variables (includes voltage, spike times, etc.)
def setrec (cell):
global voltLoc,voltLocInterp
rd = {}
rd['vt'] = h.Vector(); rd['vt'].record(h._ref_t) # Record simulation time
# Record cell voltages
for i,loc in enumerate(dconf['recordV']):
sloc = loc + '.v' # easier to read string representation
ploc = loc + '._ref_v' # pointer location
if i == 0:
voltLoc = sloc # v
voltLocInterp = voltLoc + '_interp'
rd[sloc] = h.Vector()
cmd = 'rd[sloc].record(' + ploc + ')'#
# record spikes at specified Section(location)
vspike = h.Vector()
sloc = dconf['recordSpike']
cmd = 'spikerec = h.NetCon(' + sloc + '._ref_v, None, sec=' + sloc.split('(')[0] +')'
exec(cmd, globals())
spikerec.threshold = 0 # 0 mV threshold
rd['vspike'] = vspike
rd['spikerec'] = spikerec
return rd
rd = setrec(cell)
vt = rd['vt']
# look at output
def plotout (rd,lk = [voltLoc],clr = ['r','g'],drdot=False):
tt = rd['vt'].as_numpy()
for gn,k in enumerate(lk):
if k.count('interp') > 0: plot(rd['vt_interp'],rd[k],clr[gn],linewidth=1);
else: plot(tt,rd[k],clr[gn],linewidth=1);
if drdot: plot(tt,rd[k],clr[gn]+'o',markersize=5)
xlabel('Time (ms)',fontsize=16); ylabel('Vm',fontsize=16); xlim((0,mytstop-mybase))
if dconf['usecvode']: h.cvode.active(1) #much faster
mytstop = dconf['tstop']
mybase = dconf['baset']
stimdel = dconf['stimdel']
stimdur = dconf['stimdur']
I = numpy.load(dconf['lstimamp']) # somatic current injection levels
# interpolate voltage recorded in simulation to a fixed grid (dt millisecond spacing)
# output voltage,time is stored in rd (dictionary) with keys voltLocInterp, vt_interp
def interpvolt (rd,dt):
tsrc,vsrc = rd['vt'], rd[voltLoc]
tdest = h.Vector(); tdest.indgen(mybase,mytstop,dt)
vdest = h.Vector(); vdest.interpolate(tdest,tsrc,vsrc)
rd['vt_interp'] = tdest
rd[voltLocInterp] = vdest
def myrun (tstop=mytstop,inj=0.75,draw=True,prtime=False):
if prtime: clockStart = time()
h.tstop = tstop
ic.amp = inj
ic.delay = mybase + stimdel
ic.dur = stimdur # BS0284 experiment has only 1 s of stim
interpvolt(rd,1e3/sampr) # interpolate recorded voltage to fixed temporal grid
if draw: plotout(rd)
if prtime:
print(rd['vspike'].size()*1e3/ic.dur , 'Hz, during stim.')
clockEnd = time()
print('\nsim runtime:',str(round(clockEnd-clockStart,2)),'secs')
# run all current injections and return output voltage
def gathertraces ():
dvec = {}
for i,inj in enumerate(I):
if i == 0: dvec['vt'] = rd['vt_interp'].to_python()
dvec[inj] = rd[voltLocInterp].to_python()
return dvec
evolts = numpy.load(dconf['evolts']) # experimental voltage traces
if __name__ == "__main__":
if len(sys.argv) < len(list(dprm.keys())):
print('usage: sim.py [cfg file] [params] [fout]')
i = 1
if sys.argv[i].count('python') > 0: i += 1 # skip -python or python
if sys.argv[i].count('sim.py') > 0: i += 1 # skip sim.py
if sys.argv[i].count('.cfg') > 0: i += 1 # skip cfg file
for j,p in enumerate(dprm.keys()): # parameter values to evaluate - optimized by evolution
i += 1
if 'postassign' in dconf: exec(dconf['postassign'])
while i < len(sys.argv): # check optional args
if sys.argv[i].count('.cfg') > 0:
pass # config file - skip it since read above
elif sys.argv[i].count('python') > 0 or sys.argv[i].count('sim.py') > 0:
pass # pass, it's call from commandline
i += 1
print('running sim ... ')
dvec = gathertraces()