// Reproduces figure 6.
// Uses different stats for the synaptic drive xi, but this isn't critical.
// to make it easier to take advantage of the GUI tools for setting up the afferent
// "baseline" and "test" synaptic drive, this specifies the biological model by using
// the NetReadyCellGUI tool's CellBuilder instead of the
// Main Menu's simple Build / single compartment
load_file("fig6netcells.ses") // defines the biophysical model cell and some artificial spiking cells
// that are used to generate "baseline" synaptic input and "test" input
load_file("fig6net.ses") // specifies the architecture of the "network"--a biophysical model cell
// that receives two inputs--one a sustained "baseline" drive,
// and the other a "test" input that lasts 400 ms
mu = 1
C_Cell[0].soma for (x,0) { // skip the nodes at 0 and 1
setpointer mu_caL(x), mu
setpointer mu_kir2(x), mu
// final adjustments to all biophysical parameters--
// specifically temperature, ek, and ca concentrations
celsius = 20
forall {
if (ismembrane("k_ion")) ek = -90
if (ismembrane("ca_ion")) {
cai0_ca_ion = 1e-5
cai = 1e-5
cao0_ca_ion = 2
cao = 2
ExpSyn's gs = gmax exp(-t/tau), which has area gmax tau.
If this occurs at a mean interval of T,
mean synaptic conductance is gmax tau/T.
If gmax is 1 pS, tau = 1 ms, T = 10 ms,
then mean synaptic conductance is 0.1 pS.
This model has surface area of 100 um2,
so a synaptic conductance density of 1 uS/cm2
is equivalent to a total conductance of
1 (uS/cm2) * 100 um2 * (1 cm2/1e8 um2) = 1e-6 uS = 1 pS.
Gruber et al. use baseline synaptic conductance density = 3 uS/cm2,
so this model must have a mean synaptic conductance of 3 pS.
This can be done with gmax 10 pS, tau 3 ms, T 10 ms.
So Bkgd_NetStim[0] fires with mean interval of 10 ms,
starting at 100 ms, with noise 0.2.
Gruber et al. use test stimuli that achieve
mean synaptic conductance densities of 10-22.5 uS/cm2.
This model achieves 10 uS/cm2 with gmax 10 pS,
tau 3 ms (ExpSyn[0].tau is 3 ms), T 3 ms.
The connections to C_Cell[0] both have weight 1e-5,
so ExpSyn's gmax = 1e-5 uS = 10 pS.
This connects to
NetCon[0] Bkgd_NetStim[0] C_Cell[0]
NetCon[1] Stim_NetStim[0] C_Cell[0]
NetCon[2] Stop_NetStim[0] Stim_NetStim[0]
// two params: mean intervals of bkgd and test stimuli
proc setparams() {
// the background input
Bkgd_NetStim[0].pp.interval = $1 // ms
Bkgd_NetStim[0].pp.number = 1e9
Bkgd_NetStim[0].pp.start = 100 // ms
Bkgd_NetStim[0].pp.noise = 0.2
NetCon[0].weight = 1e-5 // uS, i.e. 10 pS
// the test stimulus
Stim_NetStim[0].pp.interval = $2 // ms
Stim_NetStim[0].pp.number = 1e9
Stim_NetStim[0].pp.start = 400 // ms
Stim_NetStim[0].pp.noise = 0.2
NetCon[1].weight = 1e-5 // uS, i.e. 10 pS
// turns off the test stimulus
Stop_NetStim[0].pp.interval = 10 // ms
Stop_NetStim[0].pp.number = 1
Stop_NetStim[0].pp.start = 800 // ms
Stop_NetStim[0].pp.noise = 0
NetCon[2].weight = -2
objref g
g = new Graph(0)
g.view(0, -90, 1200, 60, 786, 168, 300.48, 200.32)
g.addvar("C_Cell[0].soma.v( 0.5 )", 1, 1, 0.483706, 0.947923, 2)
proc onerun() {
g.exec_menu("Keep Lines")
g.exec_menu("Keep Lines")
gs_bkgd = 3 // uS/cm2--"baseline"
gs_mean = 0 // during test stimulus
NUMRUNS = 1 // how many for each gs_mean
proc batchrun() { local ii, gmax, tau, Tstim, Tbkgd
// calc ISI for background input
tau = ExpSyn[0].tau
gmax = NetCon[0].weight // this comes from the "Bkgd" cell
Tbkgd = gmax * tau * 1e6 / gs_bkgd
// for each test input, calc ISI and do a run
gmax = NetCon[1].weight // this comes from the "Stim" cell
// control runs, i.e. with test input == 0 so only background is present
Stim_NetStim[0].pp.start = 1e9 // "never"
for ii = 0,NUMRUNS-1 onerun()
// prepare for test runs
Stim_NetStim[0].pp.start = 300
// runs with nonzero test input
for case (&gs_mean, 10, 12.5, 15, 17.5, 20, 22.5) {
// adjust ISI of test input so gs_mean = gs_bkgd + gs_stim reaches desired value
if (gs_mean > gs_bkgd) {
Tstim = gmax * tau * 1e6 / (gs_mean-gs_bkgd)
setparams(Tbkgd, Tstim)
for ii = 0,NUMRUNS-1 onerun()
xpanel("Fig. 6")
xbutton("Fig. 6a","gs_bkgd=3 batchrun()")
xbutton("Fig. 6b","gs_bkgd=10 batchrun()")