#!/bin/sh if test "$#" = 0 ; then echo "sh bgrunme partition np phase nhost(for phase 4, 6)" exit 0 fi NRNIV=/home/hines/neuron/nrnobj/powerpc64/bin/nrniv R=$1 np=$2 nhost=$np PHASE=$3 shift shift shift echo partition $R np $np phase $PHASE run() { bgrun VN $R $np $* } phase() { p=$1 shift run -c "load_balance_phase=$p" $* mv temp.$np stdout.$nhost.$p } # create mcomplex.dat if test "$PHASE" = "1" ; then phase 1 $PHASE init.hoc fi # whole cell load balance with specified prefix and nhost if test "$PHASE" = "4" ; then prefix=cxwhole nhost=$1 sed " /default_var.*wholecell_prefix/s/cxwhole/$prefix/ " init.hoc > _init.hoc phase $PHASE _init.hoc $NRNIV -c "{load_file(\"hoc/binfo.hoc\")}" -c "mymetis2(\"$prefix\",$nhost)" \ >> stdout.$nhost.$PHASE fi #whole cell load balance run with specified prefix if test "$PHASE" = "5" ; then prefix=cxwhole sed " /default_var.*wholecell_prefix/s/cxwhole/$prefix/ " init.hoc > _init.hoc phase $PHASE _init.hoc sortspike out$nhost.dat out$nhost.$PHASE rm out$nhost.dat fi # base round robin run if test "$PHASE" = "0" ; then phase $PHASE init.hoc sortspike out$nhost.dat out$nhost.$PHASE rm out$nhost.dat fi # multisplit load balance with specified prefix and nhost if test "$PHASE" = "6" ; then nhost="$1" prefix=cx_$nhost sed " /default_var.*multisplit_prefix/s/cx/$prefix/ /default_var.*multisplit_nhost/s/256/$nhost/ " init.hoc > _init.hoc phase $PHASE _init.hoc $NRNIV -c "{load_file(\"hoc/binfo.hoc\")}" -c "mymetis3(\"$prefix\",$nhost)" \ >> stdout.$nhost.$PHASE fi # multisplit load balance run if test "$PHASE" = "7" ; then prefix=cx_$nhost sed " /default_var.*multisplit_prefix/s/cx/$prefix/ " init.hoc > _init.hoc phase $PHASE _init.hoc sortspike out$nhost.dat out$nhost.$PHASE rm out$nhost.dat fi