// This is the key simulation file. Run this file to run the simulation.
// Version: cliffk 9/18/12

print "Loading main.hoc..."

// Set up simulation parameters
mytstop=2e3     // 2000 ms simulation duration
scale=1         // 1x network size scale
inputseed=1     // input noise random # seed
dvseed=1        // wiring random # seed
strdef filestem
filestem="./runsim"    // filestem for data
grpshocktyp=1   // group shock type (0=none,1=L2/3,2=L5A,3=L5B,4=L6)
grpshockpct=13  // group shock % cells

// Define parameters
maxplastscalefactor=5 // Modulates the maximum amount of plasticity
extinputscaling=0.0 // The rate at which external inputs are reduced for bigger models (since more internal activity); 0.2 for default or 0 for no scaling
extinputratemod=0.8/scale^extinputscaling // Amount by which to modulate external input rates
extinputweightmod=0.0001 // 0.92 // 0.0001 // 1.0 // Amount by which to modulate external input weights
pmatscale= 1/scale // allows keeping it fixed while changing # of cells in network
wmatscale=1.0  // scale for wmat, weight matrix
slambda=15 // spatial length constant for probability of connections, used in swirecut, in um
e4e2wt=4 // Scale factor for E4->E2 weight...seems too small as-is 
tce4wt=4 // Scale factor from TC to E4 cells...this is too high but wasn't doing much before
taurefracmod=1 // Scaling factor for relative refractory period time constant
amprefracmod=1 // Scaling factor for relative refractory period amplitude
delmscalemod=1 // Scaling factor for axonal delays
sgrhzEE_E2sc = 1.0 // Scaling factor for external AM2 CSTIM rates for E2
sgrhzEE_E5Bsc = 1.0 // Scaling factor for external AM2 CSTIM rates for E5B
sgrhzEE_E5Rsc = 1.0 // Scaling factor for external AM2 CSTIM rates for E5R
sgrhzEE_E6sc = 1.0 // Scaling factor for external AM2 CSTIM rates for E6
// Multiplicative gain factors -- yes these double up on EEGain etc., but more convenient to do it this way, sorry it's kludgy!
eemod=0.8 // E->E synapses
eimod=1.4 // E->I synapses
iemod=1.4 // I->E synapses
iimod=0.8 // I->I synapses

// Plasticity parameters -- see intf6.mod -- WARNING, not sure if these work with Sam's version
ESTDP_INTF6 = 0 // Turn on/off E->X plasticity
ISTDP_INTF6 = 0 // Turn on/off I->X plasticity
EPOTW_INTF6 = 1 // Weight by which STDP produces synaptic potentiation if t(post)>t(pre) at an E->[anything] synapse
EDEPW_INTF6 = 1 // Weight by which STDP produces synaptic depression if t(post)<t(pre) at an E->[anything] synapse
IPOTW_INTF6 = 0 // Weight by which STDP produces synaptic potentiation if t(post)>t(pre) at an I->[anything] synapse
IDEPW_INTF6 = 0 // Weight by which STDP produces synaptic depression if t(post)<t(pre) at an I->[anything] synapse

// Group shock parameters
//grpshocktyp = 0    // no shock
//grpshocktyp = 1    // L2 shock
//grpshocktyp = 2    // L5A shock
//grpshocktyp = 3    // L5B shock
//grpshocktyp = 4    // L6 shock
//grpshockpct = 10

// Load files

// Set up weight-saving code -- WARNING, requires plasticity to be on

print "Running simulation..."

// Save results to disk

print "main.hoc: done"

// Exit automatically