// $Id: params.hoc,v 1.113 2010/12/29 03:14:38 cliffk Exp $

print "Loading params.hoc..."

//* batch params
jrtm_INTF6 = 1e3

//* general params
tstop = mytstop
v_init=1000 // so keep v's as set randomly

//* ARTC params
EAM_INTF6=65 // these are deviations above RMP

if(!autotune) if(useSTDP) seadsetting_INTF6 = 3 // plasticity on

//* skin path traversal variables
{declare("nqpath","o[1]","pathdim",colside+1,"pathtinc",100,"pathseed",6789,"pathsd",PI/1024)} //path on skin
{declare("regpath",1)} // iff==1 makes regular path
//* first few topographic stim related params
{declare("SMW",colside+1)} // Number of stims in W dimension 
{declare("SMH",colside+1)} // Number of stims in H dimension 

//* Declarations

dosetexvals=name_declared("wmatex")==0 // whether to set values in wmatex,ratex

{declare("wmatex",tstr,"ratex",tstr)} // weights,avg. rate of external inputs

{declare("vsgrpp",new Vector(CTYPi))} //% X 100 of cells of a type to stim, used in stim,sgrcells
{declare("vsgrsidx",new Vector(CTYPi))} //startind index of cell to stim when using topstim
{declare("sgrdur",mytstop)} //duration of stim in ms -- change this to turn off stimuli
inrtscf=1.0 // Stands for "input rate scale factor", needs to be reduced with large scales...
{declare("sgrhzEE_E2sc",1.0,"sgrhzEE_E5Bsc",1.0,"sgrhzEE_E5Rsc",1.0,"sgrhzEE_E6sc",1.0)}//scales for sgrhzEE
{declare("sgrhzdel",0.2)}//variance in sgrhz for an INTF6
{declare("EXGain",15)} // gain for external inputs
{declare("lcstim",new List())} // list of CSTIM objects
{declare("nqwmex",new NQS("ct","sy","w","rate"))} // NQS passed to CSTIM init
{declare("EIBalance",tstr)} // whether to balance rate of external E/I inputs
{declare("usens",1)} // whether to use NetStim in CSTIM templates -- saves memory
declare("E2WEXGain",1,"E2REXGain",1) // gains for external inputs to E2 (1st is for E weights, 2nd is for E rates)
declare("TCWEXGain",1,"TCREXGain",1) // gain for noise inputs to TC cells


//* shock-related params

//* random stim-related params

// <-- stccol
//* "zip"-related params -- modulates strength of internal weights from E->X
declare("ZipOFFT",-1) // zip stays on full sim -- -1==never zip off

//* "modulation"-related params -- just modulates external input weights to ModType
// applies modulation at t = modulationT ms.
// ModGain is scaling factor for AM2,NM2 synapses
declare("ModONT",0,"fid","o[1]","ModGain",1,"ModType",E2) // when to apply modulation to ModType
declare("ModOFFT",-1) // modulation stays on full sim -- -1==never modulate off

//* Training-signal related params

//* ModulateON -- applies ModGain to AM2,NM2 inputs to ModType cells (NetCon weights)
proc ModulateON () { local i localobj nc,ncl
  print "Modulation of " , ModGain, " to " , CTYP.o(ModType).s, " ON at t = ", t
  for i=0,numcols-1 { ncl = col[i].cstim.ncl
    for ltr(nc,ncl) if(!isojt(nc.pre,INTF6[0]) && isojt(nc.syn,INTF6[0])) {
      if(nc.syn.type==ModType) {
        if(nc.weight(AM2)>0) nc.weight(AM2) = wmatex[ModType][AM2] * ModGain
        if(nc.weight(NM2)>0) nc.weight(NM2) = wmatex[ModType][NM2] * ModGain

//* ModulateOFF -- applies E2ModGain to AM2,NM2 inputs to E2 cells (NetCon weights)
proc ModulateOFF () { local i localobj nc,ncl
  print "Modulation of " , ModGain, " to " , CTYP.o(ModType).s, " OFF at t = ", t
  for i=0,numcols-1 { ncl = col[i].cstim.ncl
    for ltr(nc,ncl) if(!isojt(nc.pre,INTF6[0]) && isojt(nc.syn,INTF6[0])) {
      if(nc.syn.type==ModType) {
        if(nc.weight(AM2)>0) nc.weight(AM2) = wmatex[ModType][AM2]
        if(nc.weight(NM2)>0) nc.weight(NM2) = wmatex[ModType][NM2]

//* InitModulation
proc InitModulation () {
  if(ModGain!=1) {
    if(ModOFFT > 0)  cvode.event(ModOFFT,"ModulateOFF()")

//* ZipON - turn on zip - reduce internal AM2,NM2 weights
proc ZipON () { local i,j,k,c
  for c=0,numcols-1 for col[c].ctt(&i) if(!ice(i)) {
    for col[c].ctt(&j) if(col[c].div[i][j]) {
      if(ice(j)) {
        for case(&k,AM2,NM2) col[c].wd0[i][j][k] /= EIRed
      } else {
        for case(&k,AM2,NM2) col[c].wd0[i][j][k] /= EERed
//* ZipOFF - turn off zip - resets internal weights back up
proc ZipOFF () { local i,j,k,c
  for c=0,numcols-1 for col[c].ctt(&i) if(!ice(i)) {
    for col[c].ctt(&j) if(col[c].div[i][j]) {
      if(ice(j)) {
        for case(&k,AM2,NM2) col[c].wd0[i][j][k] *= EIRed
      } else {
        for case(&k,AM2,NM2) col[c].wd0[i][j][k] *= EERed

//* InitZip
proc InitZip () {
  if(EERed!=1 || EIRed!=1) {
    if(ZipOFFT > 0)  cvode.event(ZipOFFT,"ZipOFF()")
// stccol -->

//* setwmatex - set weights of external inputs to INTF6s
proc setwmatex () {  local ct,sy
  if(dosetexvals) {
    for ct=0,CTYPi-1 for sy=0,STYPi-1 wmatex[ct][sy]=0
    for ct=0,CTYPi-1 {
      if(ice(ct)) {
      } else {
        if (ct==E2) {
          ratex[ct][AM2]=sgrhzEE * sgrhzEE_E2sc
        } else if (ct==E5B) {
          ratex[ct][AM2]=sgrhzEE * sgrhzEE_E5Bsc
        } else if (ct==E5R) {
          ratex[ct][AM2]=sgrhzEE * sgrhzEE_E5Rsc
        } else if (ct==E6) {
          ratex[ct][AM2]=sgrhzEE * sgrhzEE_E6sc
        } else {
      if(IsLTS(ct)) {
        wmatex[ct][AM2] = 0.2
        wmatex[ct][NM2] = 0.025
      } else if(ice(ct)) {
        wmatex[ct][AM2] = 0.275 
        wmatex[ct][NM2] = 0.100   
      } else if(ct==E5R) {
        wmatex[ct][AM2] = 0.25 * 1.05 // 0.25 * 0.001
        wmatex[ct][NM2] = 0.05 * 1.0
      } else if(ct==E5B || ct==E6) {
        wmatex[ct][AM2] = 0.25 * 1.05
        wmatex[ct][NM2] = 0.05 * 1.0
      } else {
        wmatex[ct][AM2] = 0.25 
        wmatex[ct][NM2] = 0.05   
      for sy=0,STYPi-1 wmatex[ct][sy] *= EXGain // apply gain control
    {wmatex[E2][AM2] *= E2WEXGain  wmatex[E2][NM2] *= E2WEXGain}
    {ratex[E2][AM2] *=E2REXGain  ratex[E2][NM2] *=E2REXGain}
    for case(&ct,TC, IRE) for sy=0,STYPi-1 {
      wmatex[ct][sy] *= TCWEXGain
      ratex[ct][sy]  *= TCREXGain
    for case(&ct,SM) for sy=0,STYPi-1 wmatex[ct][sy]=ratex[ct][sy]=0

  for ct=0,CTYPi-1 for sy=0,STYPi-1 if(wmatex[ct][sy]) nqwmex.append(ct,sy,wmatex[ct][sy]*extinputweightmod,ratex[ct][sy]*extinputratemod) // Save data and multiply by the modulations
  for ct=0,CTYPi-1 for sy=0,STYPi-1 if(wmatex[ct][sy]) nqwmex.append(ct,sy,wmatex[ct][sy]*extinputweightmod,ratex[ct][sy]*extinputratemod) // Save data and multiply by the modulations

// <-- stccol
//* SMparams - setup SM cells
proc SMparams () { local ii,jj localobj xo,co
  for ltr(co,lcol) for case(&ii,SM) if(co.numc[ii]>0) {
    for jj=co.ix[ii],co.ixe[ii] { xo=co.ce.o(jj)
      xo.RMP= -65
      xo.VTH= -40 
      xo.refrac= 0.1
      xo.Vblock= 50
      xo.tauGA  = 10
      xo.tauGA2 = 20
      xo.tauAM2 = 20
      xo.tauNM2 = 300
      xo.tauRR = 0.1*taurefracmod
      xo.RRWght = .25*amprefracmod

//* IREparams - setup IRE cells
proc IREparams () { local ii,jj localobj xo,co
  for ltr(co,lcol) for case(&ii,IRE) if(co.numc[ii]>0) {
    for jj=co.ix[ii],co.ixe[ii] { xo=co.ce.o(jj)
      xo.RMP= -65
      xo.VTH= -40 
      xo.refrac= 1
      xo.Vblock= 50
      xo.tauGA  = 10
      xo.tauGA2 = 20
      xo.tauAM2 = 20
      xo.tauNM2 = 300
      xo.tauRR = 0.1*taurefracmod
      xo.RRWght = .25*amprefracmod

//* TCparams - setup TC cells
proc TCparams () { local ii,jj localobj xo,co
  for ltr(co,lcol) for case(&ii,TC) if(co.numc[ii]>0) {
    for jj=co.ix[ii],co.ixe[ii] { xo=co.ce.o(jj)
      xo.RMP= -65
      xo.VTH= -40 
      xo.refrac= 1
      xo.Vblock= 50
      xo.tauGA  = 10
      xo.tauGA2 = 20
      xo.tauAM2 = 20
      xo.tauNM2 = 300
      xo.tauRR = 0.1*taurefracmod
      xo.RRWght = .25*amprefracmod
// stccol -->

//* RSparams - setup regular spiking excitatory cells
proc RSparams () { local ii,jj localobj xo,co
  for ltr(co,lcol) for case(&ii,E2,E4,E6) if(co.numc[ii]>0) {
    for jj=co.ix[ii],co.ixe[ii] { xo=co.ce.o(jj)
      xo.RMP= -65
      xo.VTH= -40 
      xo.refrac=  5
      xo.Vblock= -25
      xo.tauGA  = 10
      xo.tauGA2 = 20
      xo.tauAM2 = 20
      xo.tauNM2 = 300
      xo.tauRR = 8*taurefracmod
      xo.RRWght = .75*amprefracmod

//* PTparams - setup params for PT (E5B) cells - accelerating cells
proc PTparams () { local ii,jj localobj xo,co
  for ltr(co,lcol) for case(&ii,E5B) if(co.numc[ii]>0) {
    for jj=co.ix[ii],co.ixe[ii] { xo=co.ce.o(jj)
      xo.tauahp=10    // different from RS
      xo.RMP= -65
      xo.VTH= -37.5   // different from RS
      xo.refrac=  5
      xo.Vblock= -25
      xo.tauGA  = 10
      xo.tauGA2 = 20
      xo.tauAM2 = 20
      xo.tauNM2 = 300
      xo.tauRR = 8*taurefracmod
      xo.RRWght = 0.25 // different from RS 


//* ITparams - setup params for IT (E5R) cells - decelerating cells
proc ITparams () { local ii,jj localobj xo,co
  for ltr(co,lcol) for case(&ii,E5R) if(co.numc[ii]>0) {
    for jj=co.ix[ii],co.ixe[ii] { xo=co.ce.o(jj)
      xo.RMP= -65
      xo.VTH= -40 
      xo.refrac=  5
      xo.Vblock= -25
      xo.tauGA  = 10
      xo.tauGA2 = 20
      xo.tauAM2 = 20
      xo.tauNM2 = 300
      xo.tauRR = 8*taurefracmod
      xo.RRWght = .75*amprefracmod

//* LTSparams - setup low-threshold spiking interneurons
proc LTSparams () { local ii,jj localobj xo,co
  for ltr(co,lcol) for case(&ii,I2L,I4L,I5L,I6L) if(co.numc[ii]>0) {
    for jj=co.ix[ii],co.ixe[ii] { xo=co.ce.o(jj)  
//      xo.refrac=10 // @@@ CK: was 5, changed back to 10 on 21/03/11
      xo.Vblock=100 // -10    
      xo.RMP = -65
      xo.VTH= -47

      xo.tauGA  = 10
      xo.tauGA2 = 20
      xo.tauAM2 = 20
      xo.tauNM2 = 300
      xo.tauRR = 1.5*taurefracmod
      xo.RRWght = 0.25*amprefracmod

//* FSparams - setup fast spiking interneurons
proc FSparams () { local ii,jj localobj xo,co
  for ltr(co,lcol) for case(&ii,I2,I2C,I4,I5,I6,I6C) if(co.numc[ii]>0) {
    for jj=co.ix[ii],co.ixe[ii] { xo=co.ce.o(jj)    
//      xo.refrac=10 // @@@ CK: was 5, changed back to 10 on 21/03/11
      xo.Vblock=100 // -10    
      xo.RMP = -63
      xo.VTH= -40

      xo.tauGA  = 10
      xo.tauGA2 = 20
      xo.tauAM2 = 20
      xo.tauNM2 = 300
      xo.tauRR = 1.5*taurefracmod
      xo.RRWght = 0.25*amprefracmod

//* setNMParams(col,celltype,mg0 factor,maxnmc) 
proc setNMParams () { local ct,mgf,maxnmc,idx localobj col,ce
  col=$o1 ce=col.ce ct=$2 mgf=$3 maxnmc=$4
  for idx=col.ix[ct],col.ixe[ct] {
    ce.o(idx).mg0 = 3.57 * mgf
    ce.o(idx).maxnmc = maxnmc

//* setNMIParams(col[,mg0 factor,maxnmc])
proc setNMI () { local mgf,maxnmc,ct localobj col
  if(numarg()>1) mgf=$2 else mgf=1 
  if(numarg()>2) maxnmc=$3 else maxnmc=1
  for ct=0,CTYPi-1 if(ice(ct)) setNMParams(col,ct,mgf,maxnmc)

//* schizon - turn on schizo params
proc schizon () { local c,ct
  for c=0,numcols-1 {
    for case(&ct,E2,E5R,E5B) setNMParams(col[c],ct,0.75,0.9)
//* schizon - turn off schizo params
proc schizoff () { local c,ct
  for c=0,numcols-1 {
    for case(&ct,E2,E5R,E5B) setNMParams(col[c],ct,1,1)

//* setcstim - set external inputs to COLUMNs using CSTIM
// load_file("realinput.hoc") // Load procedures for using real data
// proc setrealstim () { local i,seed
proc setcstim () { local i,seed
  for i=0,lcol.count-1 {
    if(dbgcols)seed=inputseed else seed=(i+1)*inputseed
    lcstim.append(new CSTIM(lcol.o(i),seed,sgrdur,sgrhzdel,EIBalance[i],usens))

//* clrshock -- clear all shock params and actual shocks
proc clrshock () { local i,j,k,l
  for i=0,numcols-1 for j=0,CTYPi-1 for k=0,STYPi-1 for l=0,MAXSHOCK-1 {

// <-- stccol
//* setshockparms -- setup matrices for shock params used by setshock
proc setshockparms () { local i,x,tm
  for i=0,1 {
    wshock[0][E4][AM2][i] = wshock[0][E4][NM2][i] = 15.25
    durshock[0][E4][AM2][i] = 1
    prctshock[0][E4][AM2][i] = 100
    if(i==0) {
      startshock[0][E4][AM2][i] = 100e3
      isishock[0][E4][AM2][i] = 100
      nshock[0][E4][AM2][i] = 50
    } else {
      startshock[0][E4][AM2][i] = 200e3
      isishock[0][E4][AM2][i] = 1e3 / 15
      nshock[0][E4][AM2][i] = 50

//* setshockp(celltype,column,synapsetype,weight,starttime,prctcells,nshocks,isi,dur,shocknum)
proc setshockp () { local i,x,cty,col,syty,wt,tm,prct,ns,isi,dur,shockn
  cty=$1 col=$2 syty=$3 wt=$4 tm=$5 prct=$6 ns=$7 isi=$8 dur=$9 shockn=$10
  wshock[col][cty][syty][shockn] = wt
  durshock[col][cty][syty][shockn] = dur
  prctshock[col][cty][syty][shockn] = prct
  nshock[col][cty][syty][shockn] = ns
  isishock[col][cty][syty][shockn] = isi
  startshock[col][cty][syty][shockn] = tm
// stccol -->

//* setshock([clear vq first]) - set stims using shock matrices , NB: DEFAULT IS TO CLEAR vq FIRST
proc setshock () { local clr,i,j,k,l,tt,set,ns
  if(numarg()>0) clr=$1 else clr=1
  for i=0,numcols-1 for ns=0,1 {
    set=0 // whether setting new spikes
    if(clr) {col[i].cstim.vq.clear() col[i].ce.o(0).clrvspks()} // clear shocks to this column?
    for j=0,CTYPi-1 for k=0,STYPi-1 if(wshock[i][j][k][ns]>0 && nshock[i][j][k][ns]>0) {
      set = 1
      tt = startshock[i][j][k][ns] // time
      for l=0,nshock[i][j][k][ns]-1 {
        tt += isishock[i][j][k][ns] // inc by ISI
    if(set) {
      print col[i].cstim.vq.size(-1)

// <-- stccol
//* setplast
declare("dplastinc",tstr,"dplasttau",tstr,"dplastmaxw",tstr) // params for plasticity
proc setplast () { local i,j,ty2,a localobj xo,vwg,vtau,vinc,vmaxw,vidx
  for i=0,CTYPi-1 if(col.numc[i] && !ice(i)) for j=0,CTYPi-1 {
    if(ice(j)) {
      dplastinc[i][j] = 0.1
      dplasttau[i][j] = 10
      dplastmaxw[i][j] = EIRed * maxplastscalefactor
    } else {
      dplastinc[i][j] = 1
      dplasttau[i][j] = 10
      dplastmaxw[i][j] = EERed * maxplastscalefactor
  plaststartT_INTF6 = tstop*0.0 // CK: have plasticity on always
  plastendT_INTF6   = tstop*1.0
  maxplastt_INTF6 = 40 * 1 // max time interval over which to consider plasticiy; was 10 originally I think, but tau is also 10, so 40 is better
  for ltr(xo,col.ce) {
    for i=0,vidx.size-1 {
      ty2 = col.ce.o(vidx.x(i)).type
      vtau.x(i) = dplasttau[xo.type][ty2]
      vinc.x(i) = dplastinc[xo.type][ty2]
      vmaxw.x(i) = dplastmaxw[xo.type][ty2]
    if(0) print ice(xo.type),vtau.min,vtau.max,vinc.min,vinc.max,vmaxw.min,vmaxw.max

//* getplastnq(col) - make an NQS with plasticity info, so can load later
obfunc getplastnq () { local i,a localobj nq,col,xo,vwg,vtau,vinc,vmaxw
  a=allocvecs(vwg,vtau,vinc,vmaxw,vidx) col=$o1
  nq=new NQS("id","gid","vwg","vtau","vinc","vmaxw")
  {nq.odec("vwg") nq.odec("vtau") nq.odec("vinc") nq.odec("vmaxw")}
  for ltr(xo,col.ce) {
  return nq

//* setplastnq(nq,col) - load plasticity weights,info into col INTF6 cells
// should set resetplast_INTF6 to 0 if using this function
func setplastnq () { localobj nq,col,xo,vwg,vtau,vinc,vmaxw
  nq=$o1 col=$o2
  for ltr(xo,col.ce) {
    if(nq.select(-1,"gid",xo.gid)!=1) {
      print "can't find gid " , xo.gid , " in nqs!"
      return 0
    if((i=xo.getdvi)!=vwg.size) {
      print "wrong size ", i, " != " , vwg.size
      return 0
  return 1
//* plastoff
proc plastoff () { local i,j,ty2,a localobj xo,vwg,vtau,vinc,vmaxw,vidx
  for ltr(xo,col.ce) {
    for i=0,vidx.size-1 {
      ty2 = col.ce.o(vidx.x(i)).type
      vtau.x(i) = dplasttau[xo.type][ty2]
      vinc.x(i) = 0 
      vmaxw.x(i) = dplastmaxw[xo.type][ty2]

//* lowrefrac - lower refractory period
proc lowrefrac () { local i localobj xo
  // lower refrac to allow more flexible freq. alterations
  for i=0,numcols-1 for ltr(xo,col[i].ce) {
    if(ice(xo.type)) {
    } else xo.refrac=MINxy(5,xo.refrac)

//* trainsig(isi,signal number,weight,ty,dur,prct[,clear]) - setup training signal
proc trainsig () { local i,nsumshocks,isi,clr,w,ty,dur,prct,sy
  if(numarg()>7) clr=$8 else clr=0
  if(clr) clrshock()
  numshocks = (plastendT_INTF6 - plaststartT_INTF6) / isi
  w=$3 ty=$4 dur=$5 prct=$6 sy=$7
  for i=0,numcols-1 setshockp(ty,i,sy,w,plaststartT_INTF6,prct,numshocks,isi,dur,$2)

//* mkSMG - drop the SM cells on a 2D grid based on their locations
proc mkSMG () { local i,j,x,y,xx,yy localobj c
  for yy=0,SMH-1 for xx=0,SMW-1 if(SMG[yy][xx]!=nil) SMG[yy][xx].resize(0)
  for i=col.ix[SM],col.ixe[SM] {
    if(checkers) {
      x=int(c.xloc) y=int(c.yloc) // no rounding for checkers
    } else {
      x=int(c.xloc+0.5) y=int(c.yloc+0.5)
    for yy=MAXxy(0,y-SMDIV),MINxy(y+SMDIV,SMH-1) for xx=MAXxy(0,x-SMDIV),MINxy(x+SMDIV,SMW-1) {
      if(SMG[yy][xx]==nil) SMG[yy][xx]=new Vector()

//* mkSMstim - make sensory stims that are sent to SM cells - based on nqpath
proc mkSMstim () { local i,j,k,x,y,cdx,tt,a localobj vec,vt,vq,vx,vy,rdm
  {a=allocvecs(vec) vq=col.cstim.vq rdm=new Random() rdm.ACG(SMSEED)} 
  {vt=nqpath.v[0] vx=nqpath.v[1] vy=nqpath.v[2]}
  for i=0,nqpath.v.size-1 {
    x=vx.x(i) y=vy.x(i) tt=vt.x(i)
    if(SMG[y][x]!=nil) {
      for k=0,SMNUM-1 vq.v.append(SMG[y][x])
  for i=2,3 vq.v[i].resize(vq.v.size)
  {vq.v[2].fill(SMWGHT) vq.v[3].fill(AM2)}

//* mknqpath(maxx,maxy,timeinc,timeend[,sd,randomseed]) - make an nqs with path info
obfunc mknqpath () { local maxx,maxy,tt,tinc,x,y,incx,incy,tend,dir,s,sd,twopi\
                    localobj rdm,nqp
  {rdm=new Random() maxx=$1 maxy=$2 tt=0 tinc=$3 x=maxx/2 y=maxy/2 tend=$4}
  if(numarg()>5) s=$6 else s=1234
  if(numarg()>4) sd=$5 else sd=PI/32
  {rdm.ACG(s) nqp=new NQS("t","x","y","dir")}
  {twopi=2*PI dir=rdm.uniform(0,twopi)} // direction 0-360 degrees
  for(tt=SMSTART;tt<=tend;tt+=tinc) {


    dir += rdm.normal(0,sd) // biased towards straight lines with some variation
    dir = dir%twopi // keep it btwn 0,2*PI

    incx = 20*tinc*cos(dir)/1e3 // increment in x,y
    incy = 20*tinc*sin(dir)/1e3

    x = MINxy( MAXxy(0,x+incx), maxx ) // make sure positions in bounds
    y = MINxy( MAXxy(0,y+incy), maxy )

    if(x+incx>maxx) { // reflection rules
      if(dir>=0 && dir<=PI/2) dir += PI/2 else dir -= PI/2
      dir = dir % twopi
    } else if(x+incx<0) {
      if(dir>=PI/2 && dir<=PI) dir -= PI/2 else dir += PI/2
      dir = dir % twopi
    if(y+incy>maxy) {
      if(dir>=0 && dir<=PI/2) dir -= PI/2 else dir += PI/2
      dir = dir % twopi
    } else if(y+incy<0) {
      if(dir>=3*PI/2) dir+=PI/2 else dir-=PI/2
      dir = dir % twopi
  return nqp

//* mkregpath(maxx,maxy,timeinc,timeend) - make an nqs with path info - no randomness, regular traversal
obfunc mkregpath () { local maxx,maxy,tt,tinc,x,y,tend,dir,s localobj nqp
  {maxx=$1 maxy=$2 tt=0 tinc=$3 x=y=0 tend=$4 nqp=new NQS("t","x","y","dir")}
  dir=0 // direction 0-360 degrees
  for(tt=SMSTART;tt<=tend;tt+=tinc) {
    if(dir==0) x+=1 else x-=1
    if(x >= maxx) {
      if(y>=maxy) y=0
    } else if(x < 0) {
      if(y>=maxy) y=0
  return nqp

//* set skin path
proc setpath () {
  if(regpath) {
  } else nqpath=mknqpath(pathdim,pathdim,pathtinc,tstop,pathsd,pathseed)

//* sethandlers - setup events, if needed
proc sethandlers () {
  // sets up modulation events to ModType, only matters if ModGain != 1 (supposed to be < 1 for damage)
  // fid = new FInitializeHandler(1,"InitModulation()") 
  // sets up Zip, if applicable (only iff EERed !=1 or EIRed != 1)
  zid = new FInitializeHandler(1,"InitZip()") 
// stccol -->

//* pickcellsbytype - return a vector of cell indices based on cell type
obfunc pickcellsbytype () { local ii localobj ctlist,clist
  // Read in the cell types (Vector) list.
  ctlist = $o1

  // Create a new vector for the cell index (Vector) list.
  clist = new Vector()
  // For every cell in the first column...
  for ii=0,col[0].ce.count()-1 {
    // If the type of the cell is in the list of types to get, add the cell.
    if (ctlist.contains(col[0].ce.o(ii).type)) {

  return clist

//* pickcellsbyzrange - return a vector of cell indices based on z location range
//    (but also including only cell types in the filter list)
obfunc pickcellsbyzrange () { local ii localobj ctfiltlist,clist
  zmin = $1         // minimum z location
  zmax = $2         // maximum z location
  if (numarg()>2) {
    ctfiltlist = $o3  // cell types filter (Vector) list

  // Create a new vector for the cell index (Vector) list.
  clist = new Vector()
  // For every cell in the first column...
  for ii=0,col[0].ce.count()-1 {
    // If no cell type filter is specified...
    if (ctfiltlist == nil) {
      // If the cell z location is in the desired range, add the cell.
      if ((col[0].ce.o(ii).zloc >= zmin) && (col[0].ce.o(ii).zloc < zmax)) {
    // Else (a cell filter type is specified)...
    } else {
      // If the cell z location is in the desired range, and the type of the cell is in the list 
      // of types to get, add the cell.
      if ((col[0].ce.o(ii).zloc >= zmin) && (col[0].ce.o(ii).zloc < zmax) && (ctfiltlist.contains(col[0].ce.o(ii).type))) {

  return clist

//* setcellgroupshock - set a shock for a Vector-specified group of cells
proc setcellgroupshock () { local ii,cellprct,pickthiscell localobj clist,randcond,xo
  // Load shock parameters.
  clist = $o1     // Vector list of cells to shock
  shocktime = $2  // shock time (in ms)
  if (numarg() > 2) cellprct = $3 else cellprct = 100  // shock % cells stimulated
  if (numarg() > 3) shockwt = $4 else shockwt = 30     // shock NetCon weight

  // Set up a random uniform distribution generator.
  randcond = new Random(inputseed)

  // Create shock NetStim for all of the cells.
  grpshockNetStim = new NetStim(0.5)
  grpshockNetStim.number = 1
  grpshockNetStim.start = shocktime
  grpshockNetStim.noise = 0
  grpshockNetStim.interval = 0

  // Create a List for the NetCons this NetStim will feed into.
  grpshockncl = new List()

  // For every cell in the first column...
  for ii=0,clist.size()-1 {
    // Roll a number between 0 and 100 for whether to pick the cell.
    pickthiscell = 100*randcond.repick()

    // If the cell is picked make a new NetCon sending the NetStim output to the cell.
    if (cellprct > pickthiscell) {
      xo = new NetCon(grpshockNetStim,col[0].ce.o(clist.x(ii)))
      xo.delay = 0
      xo.weight(AM2) = shockwt

//* setcellgrouprndstims - set a random stims for a Vector-specified group of cells
proc setcellgrouprndstims () { local ii localobj clist,xo
  // Load random stimulus parameters.
  clist = $o1     // Vector list of cells to stimulate


//* function calls

// Set up an object variables for cells indices.
objref cinds   // ce indices
objref ctinds  // cell type indices
ctinds = new Vector()

setwmatex() // sets params for poisson inputs

{SMparams() IREparams() TCparams() RSparams() PTparams() ITparams() LTSparams() FSparams()} // cell params

//lowrefrac() // lower refrac than frontiers version

if (!jcn) rjinet() //means no jitcon

if(disinhib) inhiboff()

// <-- stccol
setpath() // set path along skin (sensory input)

setcstim() // creates poisson inputs

// Set up a shock in particular cells.
if (grpshocktyp == 1) {
  cinds = pickcellsbyzrange(143.0,451.8,ctinds) // pick cells in a given z range (Layer 2/3)
} else if (grpshocktyp == 2) {
  cinds = pickcellsbyzrange(451.8,663.6,ctinds) // pick cells in a given z range (Layer 5A)
} else if (grpshocktyp == 3) {
  cinds = pickcellsbyzrange(663.6,1059.0,ctinds) // pick cells in a given z range (Layer 5B)
} else if (grpshocktyp == 4) {
  cinds = pickcellsbyzrange(1059.0,1412.0,ctinds) // pick cells in a given z range (Layer 6)
if (grpshocktyp > 0) setcellgroupshock(cinds,1e3,grpshockpct)  // Set the shock at 1 s.

if(seadsetting_INTF6==3) setplast() // setup plasticity params

if(TrainW>0 && TrainISI>0) {
  trainsig(TrainISI,0,TrainW,TrainTY,TrainDUR,TrainPRCT,TrainSY) // 8 Hz training signal during plasticity period

if(useSM) { // whether to turn on sensory inputs
  mkSMG() // setup 2D grid for SM cell IDs
  mkSMstim() // setup sensory stim (uses nqpath)

// sethandlers()
// stccol -->