function hh = myErrorbar(varargin)
%MYERRORBAR Adds errorbars to existing plot (unlike errorbar.m, which creates a new plot, and allows only bars for y values)
% MYERRORBAR(X,Y,L,U) adds error bars to the graph of vector X vs. vector Y with
% error bars specified by the vectors L and U. L and U contain the
% lower and upper error ranges for each point in Y. Each error bar
% is L(i) + U(i) long and is drawn a distance of U(i) above and L(i)
% below the points in (X,Y). If X,Y,L and U are matrices then each column
% produces a separate line.
% If L,U are the same size as X, Y, only error bars for Y will be plotted.
% If L,U are twice the size of X,Y (or have twice the number of columns for
% matrices), the first half of L, U specifies error bar lengths for X and the
% second half specifies error bars for Y
% MYERRORBAR(X,Y,E) or MYERRORBAR(Y,E) plots error bars [Y-E Y+E].
% MYERRORBAR(AX,...), where AX is an axis handle, plots errorbars into
% axes AX
% H = MYERRORBAR(...) returns a vector of line handles.
% The tag of the errorbar-lines is: errorBar
% For example,
% x = 1:10;
% y = sin(x);
% e = std(y)*ones(size(x));
% myErrorbar(x,y,e)
% draws symmetric error bars of unit standard deviation for y values.
% myErrorbar(x,y,[e,e])
% draws symmetric error bars of unit standard deviation for x and y
% values.
% Based on the matlab-function errorbar as revised by Claude Berney
% c: jonas, 06-03
% check input
if nargin < 2
error('not enough input arguments!')
% check if the first input argument is a handle
if length(varargin{1}) == 1 && ishandle(varargin{1}) && strcmpi(get(varargin{1},'Type'),'axes')
axesH = varargin{1};
% remove axis handle
varargin(1) = [];
axesH = gca;
% there could be
% y,e
% x,y,e
% x,y,l,u
switch length(varargin)
case 2
% y, e
y = varargin{1};
y = y(:);
lengthY = length(y);
x = [1:lengthY]';
e = varargin{2};
% check for 2 dimension errorbars
e = e(:);
if length(e) == 2*lengthY
e = reshape(e,lengthY,2);
[l,u] = deal(e);
case 3
% x,y,e
x = varargin{1};
x = x(:);
y = varargin{2};
y = y(:);
lengthY = length(y);
e = varargin{3};
% check for 2 dimension errorbars
e = e(:);
if length(e) == 2*lengthY
e = reshape(e,lengthY,2);
[l,u] = deal(e);
case 4
% x,y,l,u
% x,y,e
x = varargin{1};
x = x(:);
y = varargin{2};
y = y(:);
lengthY = length(y);
l = varargin{3};
% check for 2 dimension errorbars
l = l(:);
if length(l) == 2*lengthY
l = reshape(l,lengthY,2);
u = varargin{4};
% check for 2 dimension errorbars
u = u(:);
if length(u) == 2*lengthY
u = reshape(u,lengthY,2);
if ~all(size(u)==size(l))
error('l, u have to be the same size!')
end % switch number of inputs
u = abs(u);
l = abs(l);
if ischar(x) || ischar(y) || ischar(u) || ischar(l)
error('Arguments must be numeric.')
if ~isequal(size(x),size(y))
error('The sizes of X and Y must be the same.');
if isequal([1 2].*size(x),size(l)) && isequal([1 2].*size(x),size(u))
xyBars = 1;
elseif isequal(size(x),size(l)) && isequal(size(x),size(u))
xyBars = 0;
error('The sizes of L and U must be equal to or twice the size of X, Y')
% Plot graph and bars
hold_state = ishold;
hold on;
%find color of current plot
dataH = get(axesH,'Children');
myLineH = dataH(1);
% support also bar plots
if strcmp(get(myLineH,'Type'),'hggroup')
latestColor = get(myLineH,'EdgeColor'); %new children are added on top!
latestColor = get(myLineH,'Color'); %new children are added on top!
if ~strcmp('log',get(axesH,'XScale'))
tee = (max(x(:))-min(x(:)))/100; % make tee .02 x-distance for error bars
tee = min(tee,0.3*nanmedian(diff(unique(x(:))))); % or at most 0.3*deltaX
xl = x - tee;
xr = x + tee;
if strcmp('log',get(axesH,'XScale'))
tee = (max(log(x(:)))-min(log(x(:))))/100; % make tee .02 x-distance for error bars
tee = min(tee,0.3*nanmedian(diff(unique(log(x(:)))))); % or at most 0.3*deltaX
xl = x *exp(tee);
xr = x *exp(-tee);
if xyBars
if ~strcmp('log',get(axesH,'YScale'))
tee = (max(y(:))-min(y(:)))/100; % make tee .02 y-distance for error bars
tee = min(tee,0.3*nanmedian(diff(unique(y(:))))); % or at most 0.3*deltaY
yl = y - tee;
yr = y + tee;
if strcmp('log',get(axesH,'YScale'))
tee = (max(log(y(:)))-min(log(y(:))))/100; % make tee .02 y-distance for error bars
tee = min(tee,0.3*nanmedian(diff(unique(log(y(:)))))); % or at most 0.3*deltaX
yl = y *exp(tee);
yr = y *exp(-tee);
%specify coordinates to plot error bars
if xyBars
xtop = x + u(:,1:size(x,2));
xbot = x - l(:,1:size(x,2));
ytop = y + u(:,size(x,2)+1:end);
ybot = y - l(:,size(x,2)+1:end);
ytop = y + u;
ybot = y - l;
n = size(y,2);
% build up nan-separated vector for bars
xb = zeros(lengthY*9,n);
xb(1:9:end,:) = x;
xb(2:9:end,:) = x;
xb(3:9:end,:) = NaN;
xb(4:9:end,:) = xl;
xb(5:9:end,:) = xr;
xb(6:9:end,:) = NaN;
xb(7:9:end,:) = xl;
xb(8:9:end,:) = xr;
xb(9:9:end,:) = NaN;
yb = zeros(lengthY*9,n);
yb(1:9:end,:) = ytop;
yb(2:9:end,:) = ybot;
yb(3:9:end,:) = NaN;
yb(4:9:end,:) = ytop;
yb(5:9:end,:) = ytop;
yb(6:9:end,:) = NaN;
yb(7:9:end,:) = ybot;
yb(8:9:end,:) = ybot;
yb(9:9:end,:) = NaN;
h = [line(xb,yb,'parent',axesH,'Color',latestColor)];
if xyBars
xb(1:9:end,:) = xtop;
xb(2:9:end,:) = xbot;
xb(3:9:end,:) = NaN;
xb(4:9:end,:) = xtop;
xb(5:9:end,:) = xtop;
xb(6:9:end,:) = NaN;
xb(7:9:end,:) = xbot;
xb(8:9:end,:) = xbot;
xb(9:9:end,:) = NaN;
yb(1:9:end,:) = y;
yb(2:9:end,:) = y;
yb(3:9:end,:) = NaN;
yb(4:9:end,:) = yl;
yb(5:9:end,:) = yr;
yb(6:9:end,:) = NaN;
yb(7:9:end,:) = yl;
yb(8:9:end,:) = yr;
yb(9:9:end,:) = NaN;
h = [h;line(xb,yb,'parent',axesH,'Color',latestColor)];
%set the tag of all errorBar-objects to 'errorBar'
% make sure errorbar doesn't produce a legend entry
for lineH = h'
if ~hold_state, hold off; end
if nargout>0, hh = h; end