# Turn on STDP with various different plasticity increment values to see
# whether scaling can catch-up with STDP before epilepsy, even with unlimited
# STDP weight changes

# Set save path

# Set name of parameter to vary

# Set list of values to try
vals="0.0001 0.0005 0.001 0.005 0.01 0.05"

# Set non-varying parameters with '-c' prefix
# e.g. args="-c {activitybeta=10e-7} -c {activitytau=100e3}"
# Turn off scaling, increase scaling strength (beta and gamma), and set max STDP weight to large value
args="-c {stdpsim=1} -c {scaling=0} -c {activitybeta=4.0e-7} -c {activitygamma=1.0e-9} -c {plastEEmaxw=1e10}"

./batchcommon $datadir $var "$vals" "$args"