# To test whether scaling is able to compensate for gradual deletion over a long
# period of time
# Run for various values of activitybeta (scaling strength)

# Set save path

# Set name of parameter to vary

# Set list of values to try
vals="4e-5 4e-6 4e-7 4e-8 4e-9 4e-10 4e-11 4e-12"

# Set non-varying parameters with '-c' prefix
# e.g. args="-c {activitybeta=10e-7} -c {activitytau=100e3}"

# Run alz.hoc instead of stdp_scaling.hoc, for deletion
# Turn on scaling after 1000s
# Run for 160000 s of sim with no training
# Delete 2 neurons at a time, every 1600 s (total deletion = 200 cells)
args="-c {stdpsim=0} -c {scaling=1} -c {scalingstart=1000e3} -c {segmentlength=1600e3} -c {PreDur=160000} -c {LearnDur=0} -c {deletionstep=2}"

./batchcommon $datadir $var "$vals" "$args"