function [obj2, ro] = subset(obj,varargin)
% Purpose: get subset of data based on indicies for numeric or regular
% expression for cellstring. also gets used by valSubset to index numerics
% based on values instead of indicies.
% Inputs:
% varargin: each argument corresponds to each axis.
% 1) [] or ':' for all indicies
% 2) regular expression string for cellstring axis values
% 3) numeric array or cellnum of indicies for numeric or cellnum axis
% values
% Optional: 'numericsAsValuesFlag' - see MDD.valSubset
% Outputs:
% obj2: object with subset of data
% ro: if regular expressions are used, contains regular expressions and
% results of regexp 'start' indicies.
debug_mode = false;
% Check for numericsAsValuesFlag
if ischar(varargin{end}) && strcmp(varargin{end}, 'numericsAsValuesFlag')
numericsAsValuesFlag = true; % tells subset to use numerics as values
varargin(end) = []; % remove string
% nargin = nargin - 1; % reduce num input arguments
numericsAsValuesFlag = false;
% Get params to validate that "selection" is the right size
selection = varargin(:);
% First, make sure that number of selections supplied matches the number of
% dimensions of obj. (E.g. length(selection) == ndims(obj) must be true)
[obj, selection] = fix_selection(obj,selection,numericsAsValuesFlag); % Note: In certain circumstances, this function modifies obj and!
% Now that selection is properly formatted, call the core subset function
[obj2, ro] = subset_core(obj,selection, numericsAsValuesFlag);
if debug_mode
warning('Implement this');
function [obj, selection] = fix_selection(obj,selection,numericsAsValuesFlag)
% This function makes sure that the number of selections supplied by the
% user matches the number of axes in obj. If not, they do not match, it
% attempts to correct (e.g. thorugh assuming linear indices) or throws an
% error if this fails.
Ns = length(selection);
Na = length(obj.axis_pr);
Nd = ndims(obj.data_pr);
% Handle vector data
if Ns == 1 && isvector(obj.data_pr)
if isrow(obj.data_pr)
selection(1:2) = {[], selection{1}};
else % iscolumn
selection(1:2) = {selection{1}, []};
% Fix selection if improperly specified
Ns = length(selection);
if Ns < Na && Ns >= Nd % Nd <= Ns < Na (more axes than selections, but still enough to fully query
% Fill out selection with empties if too short. For example, say
% size(obj.data_pr) is MxNx1x1. The user might enter a selection with
% length(selection) = 2, such as selection = {[A],[B]}. In this
% case, we convert it to selection = {[A],[B],[],[]}.
selection2 = repmat({[]},1,Na);
selection2(1:Ns) = selection;
selection = selection2;
clear selection2
elseif Ns > Na % Na < Ns (Ns too large)
% Trim back selection if too long. If size(obj.data_pr) is MxN,
% it is okay for selection to be {5,3,Y,Z} as long as Y and Z
% are either empty (:) or ones. If they are anything else,
% return error!
% Make sure extra selection entries are either "1" or []
selection_extra = selection(Na+1:end);
are_empties = cellfun(@isempty,selection_extra);
are_ones = cellfun(@(s) isequal(s,1), selection_extra);
are_colons = strcmp(selection_extra,':');
if ~all(are_empties | are_ones | are_colons) % If any of the extra selections are NOT either empty or one's...
error(['Index exceeds dimensions of ' class(obj) '.data']);
selection = selection(1:Na);
elseif (Ns < Nd) % Fewer selections than there are dimensions in In this case, use linear indexing.
% In this case we will assume that the
% LAST selection supplied is a linear index and represents all
% remaining dimensions. This is how MATLAB handles
% linear indexing of normal matrices as well. For example, try the
% following:
% temp = 1:125;
% temp = reshape(temp,[5,5,5]);
% temp(5,5,2)
% temp(5,10)
% temp(50)
% MDD will follow this behavior.
% First, run obj.subset() as normal for everything but the LAST
% selection supplied. For the last selection and the remaining unspecified
% dimensions, take everything. We will deal with these later.
% If Ns == 1, then just keep obj as is.
if Ns > 1
selection_part = repmat({':'},1,Na);
selection_part(1:Ns-1) = selection(1:Ns-1);
[obj, ro] = subset_core(obj,selection_part, numericsAsValuesFlag);
% Mark the entries in selection we've already completed with selection_part
% with a colon operators, since they are done.
selection(1:Ns-1) = repmat({':'},1,Ns-1);
% Unchanged
sl = selection{Ns}; % The linear portion of selection
% Now, we deal with the linear index portion of the selection. Two
% cases: 1) sl is numeric and numericsAsValuesFlag is false, in which
% case we will use linear indexing.
% 2) Otherwise, we just replicate sl and use it for all remaining axes
% (this might error!)
if (isnumeric(sl) || islogical(sl)) && ~numericsAsValuesFlag
sz_dat = size(obj.data_pr);
Ndat = numel(obj.data_pr);
dim_dat = ndims(obj.data_pr);
inds = linearize_inds(selection,sz_dat,Ndat);
% Get rid of all except the chosen data
if iscell(obj.data_pr)
data_new = cell(Ndat,1);
data_new = zeros(Ndat,1);
data_new(inds) = obj.data_pr(inds);
data_new = reshape(data_new,sz_dat);
obj.data_pr = data_new; % data_new will have the same dimensions as
% But will have zeros / empties
% for all entries except the selected data.
% Finally, figure out the new set of subscripts that are still used in
% obj.data_pr. Select only these.
if islogical(sl); sl = find(sl); end % (ind2sub, later, produces undesired behavior when feeding logical indices...)
[subs{Ns:Nd}] = ind2sub(sz_dat(Ns:Nd),sl);
selection_new = repmat({':'},1,Na); % Take everything by default
for i = Ns:Nd
selection_new{i} = unique(subs{i}); % For the linearized dimensions, figure out which indices to keep; drop everything else.
selection = selection_new;
selection_new = repmat({':'},1,Na); % Take everything by default
selection_new(Ns:Nd) = repmat({sl},1,Nd-Ns+1); % Use selection(end) for all remaining unspecified dimensions.
%warning(['Number of inputs supplied is less than dimensionality of ' class(obj) '.data and selection(end) cannot be linearized.']);
%fprintf(['Assuming all remaining inputs are equal to selection(end) = ' num2str(sl) '\n']);
selection = selection_new;
% If Ns is still wrong dimensions, return error
Ns = length(selection);
if Ns ~= Na
error(['Number of inputs must match dimensionality of ' class(obj) '.data']);
function [selection, ro] = selection2sub(obj,selection,numericsAsValuesFlag)
% Each cell in selection can contain strings, numerics, logical indices,
% etc. This converts them all to numerical subscripts (e.g. subscripts
% as defined in MATLAB's ind2sub function)
ro = {};
Ns = length(selection);
selection0 = selection; % Store original selections
% Replace any ':' entries in selection with []. Empty
% entries code for taking all entries along a dimension; ':' is
% an alias for this.
for i = 1:length(selection)
if ischar(selection{i})
if strcmp(selection{i},':')
selection{i} = [];
axClasses = getclass_obj_axis_values(obj);
% Convert selection to index if using numeric values
if numericsAsValuesFlag
for i = 1:Ns
if isnumeric(selection{i})
thisAxVals = obj.axis_pr(i).values;
if strcmp('cellnum', axClasses{i})
thisAxVals = [thisAxVals{:}]; % convert to numeric array
if ~isempty(selection{i})
% Find which axis value intersects with the values provided
% in selection.
[~, temp] = intersect(thisAxVals, selection{i});
% If no matches, throw out an error
if isempty(temp)
if length(selection{i}) > 1
selection_str = ['{' num2str(selection{i}) '}'];
selection_str = num2str(selection{i});
error(['Queried values ' selection_str ' not found in axis #' num2str(i) ': ' obj.axis_pr(i).name '.']);
selection{i} = temp;
re = '([\d.]*\s*[<>=]{0,2})\s*[a-z_A-Z]?\s*([<>=]{0,2}\s*[\d.]*)';
for i = 1:Ns
if ischar(selection{i})
if strcmp(axClasses{i}, 'cellstr')
% Convert selection to index if using regular expressions
ro{i}(1,:) = obj.axis_pr(i).values;
[selection{i} ro{i}(2,:)] = MDD.regex_lookup(obj.axis_pr(i).values, selection{i});
elseif numericsAsValuesFlag || strcmp(axClasses{i}, 'numeric')
% Convert expression on vals for numerics to indicies
thisAxVals = obj.axis_pr(i).values;
if strcmp('cellnum', axClasses{i})
thisAxVals = [thisAxVals{:}]; % convert to numeric array
% Parse expression
expr = selection{i};
tokens = regexpi(expr, re, 'tokens');
tokens = tokens{1}; % enter outer cell
tokens = regexprep(tokens, '\s',''); % remove whitespace
tokens = tokens(~cellfun(@isempty, tokens)); % remove empty tokens
if ~all(cellfun(@isempty, cellfun(@str2num, tokens,'UniformOutput',0)))
tokens = {[tokens{:}]}; % cat since single expression got split up
lhsBool = isstrprop(cellfun(@(x) x(1), tokens, 'uniform', false), 'digit');
lhsBool = [lhsBool{:}];
% check LHS and RHS for up to 2 tokens
parsedSelection = true(size(thisAxVals));
for k=1:length(tokens)
thisExpr = tokens{k};
if lhsBool(k)
parsedSelection = parsedSelection & eval(['(' thisExpr 'thisAxVals)']);
parsedSelection = parsedSelection & eval(['(thisAxVals' thisExpr ')']);
% Return error message if no matching axis values found
if all(parsedSelection == 0)
error(['Query' selection0{i} ' found no matching axis values.'])
% Get index locations
[~, selection{i}] = intersect(thisAxVals, thisAxVals(parsedSelection));
% Make sure that size of selection doesnt exceed size of data
sz = size(obj);
for i = 1:Ns
if selection{i} > sz(i); error('Selection index exceeds dimensions'); end
function [obj2, ro] = subset_core(obj,selection, numericsAsValuesFlag)
sz = size(obj);
Ns = length(selection);
% First, converts selection (which can be in any of the accepted formats)
% to being MATLAB subscripts (as in ind2sub)
[subs, ro] = selection2sub(obj,selection,numericsAsValuesFlag);
% Now that we are dealing with subscripts, we can proceed to slice up the
% data and the axes
% Initialize
obj2 = obj; % Create new class of same type as original
obj2 = obj2.reset;
obj2.meta = obj.meta;
% First update each axis with the corresponding selection and
% convert empty cells to code for full range.
for i = 1:Ns
if isempty(subs{i})
subs{i} = 1:sz(i);
obj2.axis_pr(i) = obj.axis_pr(i); % Import axis information
obj2.axis_pr(i).values = obj.axis_pr(i).values(subs{i}); % Overwrite values field; leave everything else the same.
% Update the data
obj2.data_pr = obj.data_pr(subs{:});
% Corrects number of axes. The above code automatically
% converts obj.data_pr from MxNx1x1 to MxN, whereas axis will stay
% as MxNx1x1 (e.g. length of 4). Thus, fixAxes corrects this.
% This should no longer be necessary!!!
% obj2 = fixAxes(obj2);
function inds = linearize_inds(selection,sz_dat,Ndat)
master_inds = 1:Ndat;
master_inds = reshape(master_inds,sz_dat);
inds = master_inds(selection{:});
inds = inds(:);