function A = catstruct(varargin)
% CATSTRUCT Concatenate or merge structures with different fieldnames
% X = CATSTRUCT(S1,S2,S3,...) merges the structures S1, S2, S3 ...
% into one new structure X. X contains all fields present in the various
% structures. An example:
% = 'Me' ;
% B.income = 99999 ;
% X = catstruct(A,B)
% % -> = 'Me' ;
% % X.income = 99999 ;
% If a fieldname is not unique among structures (i.e., a fieldname is
% present in more than one structure), only the value from the last
% structure with this field is used. In this case, the fields are
% alphabetically sorted. A warning is issued as well. An axample:
% = 'Me' ;
% S2.age = 20 ; S3.age = 30 ; S4.age = 40 ;
% S5.honest = false ;
% Y = catstruct(S1,S2,S3,S4,S5) % use value from S4
% The inputs can be array of structures. All structures should have the
% same size. An example:
% C(1).bb = 1 ; C(2).bb = 2 ;
% D(1).aa = 3 ; D(2).aa = 4 ;
% CD = catstruct(C,D) % CD is a 1x2 structure array with fields bb and aa
% The last input can be the string 'sorted'. In this case,
% CATSTRUCT(S1,S2, ..., 'sorted') will sort the fieldnames alphabetically.
% To sort the fieldnames of a structure A, you could use
% CATSTRUCT(A,'sorted') but I recommend ORDERFIELDS for doing that.
% When there is nothing to concatenate, the result will be an empty
% struct (0x0 struct array with no fields).
% NOTE: To concatenate similar arrays of structs, you can use simple
% concatenation:
% A = dir('*.mat') ; B = dir('*.m') ; C = [A ; B] ;
% NOTE: This function relies on unique. Matlab changed the behavior of
% its set functions since 2013a, so this might cause some backward
% compatibility issues when dulpicated fieldnames are found.
% version 4.1 (feb 2015), tested in R2014a
% (c) Jos van der Geest
% email:
% History
% Created in 2005
% Revisions
% 2.0 (sep 2007) removed bug when dealing with fields containing cell
% arrays (Thanks to Rene Willemink)
% 2.1 (sep 2008) added warning and error identifiers
% 2.2 (oct 2008) fixed error when dealing with empty structs (thanks to
% Lars Barring)
% 3.0 (mar 2013) fixed problem when the inputs were array of structures
% (thanks to Tor Inge Birkenes).
% Rephrased the help section as well.
% 4.0 (dec 2013) fixed problem with unique due to version differences in
% ML. Unique(...,'last') is no longer the deafult.
% (thanks to Isabel P)
% 4.1 (feb 2015) fixed warning with narginchk
narginchk(1,Inf) ;
N = nargin ;
if ~isstruct(varargin{end}),
if isequal(varargin{end},'sorted'),
narginchk(2,Inf) ;
sorted = 1 ;
N = N-1 ;
error('catstruct:InvalidArgument','Last argument should be a structure, or the string "sorted".') ;
sorted = 0 ;
sz0 = [] ; % used to check that all inputs have the same size
% used to check for a few trivial cases
NonEmptyInputs = false(N,1) ;
NonEmptyInputsN = 0 ;
% used to collect the fieldnames and the inputs
FN = cell(N,1) ;
VAL = cell(N,1) ;
% parse the inputs
for ii=1:N,
X = varargin{ii} ;
if ~isstruct(X),
error('catstruct:InvalidArgument',['Argument #' num2str(ii) ' is not a structure.']) ;
if ~isempty(X),
% empty structs are ignored
if ii > 1 && ~isempty(sz0)
if ~isequal(size(X), sz0)
error('catstruct:UnequalSizes','All structures should have the same size.') ;
sz0 = size(X) ;
NonEmptyInputsN = NonEmptyInputsN + 1 ;
NonEmptyInputs(ii) = true ;
FN{ii} = fieldnames(X) ;
VAL{ii} = struct2cell(X) ;
if NonEmptyInputsN == 0
% all structures were empty
A = struct([]) ;
elseif NonEmptyInputsN == 1,
% there was only one non-empty structure
A = varargin{NonEmptyInputs} ;
if sorted,
A = orderfields(A) ;
% there is actually something to concatenate
FN = cat(1,FN{:}) ;
VAL = cat(1,VAL{:}) ;
FN = squeeze(FN) ;
VAL = squeeze(VAL) ;
[UFN,ind] = unique(FN, 'last') ;
% If this line errors, due to your matlab version not having UNIQUE
% accept the 'last' input, use the following line instead
% [UFN,ind] = unique(FN) ; % earlier ML versions, like 6.5
if numel(UFN) ~= numel(FN),
warning('catstruct:DuplicatesFound','Fieldnames are not unique between structures.') ;
sorted = 1 ;
if sorted,
VAL = VAL(ind,:) ;
FN = FN(ind,:) ;
A = cell2struct(VAL, FN);
A = reshape(A, sz0) ; % reshape into original format