function [dim_indices, subplot_indices, figure_indices, no_rows, no_cols, figs_through] = adaptive_indices(sz, max_subplot_side)

    % Index into each dimension, linearized.
    [dim_indices{1:length(sz)}] = ind2sub(sz, (1:prod(sz))');
    dim_indices = mat2cell(cell2mat(dim_indices), ones(prod(sz), 1), ones(length(sz), 1));
    % Array to store number of figures required to sweep through each
    % dimension.
    pre_figs_through = sz;
    if sz(1) > max_subplot_side^2 % In this case, spread first dimension over multiple figures.
        [no_rows, no_cols] = deal(max_subplot_side);
        pre_figs_through(1) = ceil(sz(1)/(max_subplot_side^2)); % Number of figures it will take to sweep through first dimension.
        max_subplots = mod(sz(1), max_subplot_side^2); % Maximum usable subplots for last figure in sweep through first dimension.
        no_figures = pre_figs_through(1)*prod(sz(2:end));
    elseif (sz(1) <= max_subplot_side^2 && sz(1) > max_subplot_side) || sz(2) > max_subplot_side || sz(2) == 1
        % In this case, tile first dimension over entire figure.
        [no_rows, no_cols] = subplot_size(sz(1));
        pre_figs_through(1) = 1; % Number of figures it will take to sweep through first dimension is 1.
        max_subplots = sz(1); % Maximum usable subplots for each figure.
        no_figures = prod(sz(2:end));
    else % (sz(1) <= max_subplot_side) && (1 <= sz(2) <= max_subplot_side)
        no_rows = sz(1);
        no_cols = sz(2);
        pre_figs_through([1 2]) = 1; % Number of figures required to sweep through first two dimensions is 1.
        max_subplots = no_rows*no_cols; % All subplots usable for each figure.
        no_figures = prod(sz(3:end));
    figs_through = cumprod(pre_figs_through);
    [subplot_indices, figure_indices] = ind2sub([no_rows*no_cols no_figures], (1:(no_rows*no_cols*no_figures))');
    extra_subplots = (mod(figure_indices, figs_through(1)) == 0) & (subplot_indices > max_subplots);
    subplot_indices(extra_subplots) = [];
    figure_indices(extra_subplots) = [];
    if figs_through(2) == 1 && sz(2) > 1 % && any(sz(3:end) > 1)
        for dim = 1:2
            temp_dim_indices{dim} = cell2mat(dim_indices(:, dim));
        subplot_indices = sub2ind([no_cols no_rows], temp_dim_indices{2}, temp_dim_indices{1});