function [diffStruct,consolidatedData1,consolidatedData2] = compareFigFiles(name1, name2, suppressPrintBool)
% compareFigFiles - compare .fig files or folders containing .fig files
% Syntax:
% compareFigFiles(folderName1, folderName2)
% compareFigFiles(folderName, figFilename)
% compareFigFiles(figFilename, folderName)
% [diffStruct,data1,data2] = compareFigFiles(figFilename1, figFilename2)
% Description:
% compareFigFiles compares *.fig files, reporting internal components
% and properties that are different between corresponding fig files.
% Inputs can be either a figure filename or folder name. When a
% folder name is specified, then all the corresponding fig file(s)
% in that folder will be compared to the other folder/file.
% Note: when one of the inputs is a folder, then only files that
% have the same name will be compared.
% compareFigFiles(folderOrFilename) compares the specified input to
% the current folder (pwd).
% [diffStruct,data1,data2] = compareFigFiles(file1,file2) returns
% a Matlab struct containing the non-matching components/properties.
% Each of the struct fields corresponds to a specific figure handle
% and property name, and contains a cell array of 2 values, for each
% of the compared files. data1 and data2 contain the raw data used
% for the comparison - a Matlab struct with fields corresponding to
% each of the components/properties defined in the fig file.
% [diffStructCells,data1,data2] = compareFigFiles(folderName1, folderName2)
% returns a Matlab cell of structs , each containing the non-matching
% components/properties.
% Each of the struct fields corresponds to a specific figure handle
% and property name, and contains a cell array of 2 values, for each
% of the compared files. data1 and data2 contain the raw data used
% for the comparison - a Matlab struct with fields corresponding to
% each of the components/properties defined in the fig file.
% Examples:
% compareFigFiles('C:\Yair',pwd); % compares corresponding fig files in 2 folders
% compareFigFiles('C:\Yair'); % (same as above)
% compareFigFiles('myApp', 'hisApp'); % compare 2 FIG files
% compareFigFiles('myApp.fig','hisApp.fig'); % (same as above)
% compareFigFiles('C:\Yair\myApp'); % compare C:\Yair\myApp.fig to (pwd)\myApp.fig
% compareFigFiles('C:\Yair\myApp',pwd); % (same as above)
% compareFigFiles(pwd,'C:\Yair\myApp'); % (same as above)
% Note:
% Doesn't work with the 'compact' mode of savefig.
% Technical Description:
% See
% Bugs and suggestions:
% Please send to Yair Altman (altmany at gmail dot com)
% Change log:
% 2013-07-02: First version posted on <a href="">MathWorks File Exchange</a>
% 2017-04-22: added suppressPrintBool, permit diffStruct for folders, make
% figures visisble
% License to use and modify this code is granted freely to all interested, as long as the original author is
% referenced and attributed as such. The original author maintains the right to be solely associated with this work.
% Programmed and Copyright by Yair M. Altman: altmany(at)
% $Revision: 1.01 $ $Date: 2013/07/02 15:22:51 $
% Modified by Erik Roberts
% Process optional input args
if nargin < 1, help(mfilename); return; end
if nargin == 1, name2 = pwd; end
if nargin < 3, suppressPrintBool = false; end
% Parse folder/file args
if isdir(name1) && isdir(name2)
% Treat as a folder comparison
%clc % this might be useful when there are numerous files being compared...
files = dir(fullfile(name1, '*.fig'));
for fileIdx = 1 : length(files)
% Compare all corresponding fig files one at a time
thisFile = fullfile(name1, files(fileIdx).name);
otherFile = fullfile(name2, files(fileIdx).name);
if exist(otherFile,'file')
[diffStruct_I{fileIdx}, consolidatedData1_I(fileIdx), consolidatedData2_I(fileIdx)] = compareSingleFigFiles(thisFile, otherFile);
if ~isempty(diffStruct_I) && ~suppressPrintBool
elseif isdir(name1) % but not isdir(name2)
% Compare name2.fig to the same file in the name1 folder
[fpath,fname,fext] = fileparts(name2); %#ok<ASGLU>
otherFile = fullfile(name1, [fname,fext]);
[diffStruct_I,consolidatedData1_I,consolidatedData2_I] = compareSingleFigFiles(otherFile, name2);
elseif isdir(name2) % but not isdir(name1)
% Compare name1.fig to the same file in the name2 folder
[fpath,fname,fext] = fileparts(name1); %#ok<ASGLU>
otherFile = fullfile(name2, [fname,fext]);
[diffStruct_I,consolidatedData1_I,consolidatedData2_I] = compareSingleFigFiles(name1, otherFile);
% Compare single .fig files
[diffStruct_I,consolidatedData1_I,consolidatedData2_I] = compareSingleFigFiles(name1, name2);
% close hidden figures
close all;
% Process output args
if nargout
diffStruct = diffStruct_I;
consolidatedData1 = consolidatedData1_I;
consolidatedData2 = consolidatedData2_I;
%% nested functions
% Compare 2 FIG files, reporting their differences
function [diffStruct,consolidatedData1,consolidatedData2] = compareSingleFigFiles(fig1Filename, fig2Filename)
fig1Filename = normalizeFigFilename(fig1Filename);
fig2Filename = normalizeFigFilename(fig2Filename);
f1 = strrep(fig1Filename,'\','\\');
f2 = strrep(fig2Filename,'\','\\');
f1FullPath = getFullPath(fig1Filename);
f2FullPath = getFullPath(fig2Filename);
if ~suppressPrintBool
fprintf(['Comparing <a href="matlab:guide(''' strrep(f1FullPath,'\','\\') ''')">' strrep(f1,'.fig','') '</a>, ' ...
'<a href="matlab:guide(''' strrep(f2FullPath,'\','\\') ''')">' strrep(f2,'.fig','') '</a>\n']);
data1 = getFigData(fig1Filename);
data2 = getFigData(fig2Filename);
consolidatedData1 = processStruct([],data1,'');
consolidatedData2 = processStruct([],data2,'');
diffStruct = objdiff(consolidatedData1, consolidatedData2);
%if ~nargout
if ~suppressPrintBool
%% local functions
% Read a FIG file and extract its (unconsolidated) data struct
function data = getFigData(figFilename)
% Load the FIG file as a MAT file (see
data = load(figFilename,'-mat');
flds = fieldnames(data);
for fld = flds(:)'
if ~isempty(data.(fld{1}))
data.(fld{1}).GraphicsObjects.Format3Data.Visible = 'off';
% data = rmfield(data, fld{1});
% The file contains a struct with version info (will be 080000 in HG2)
%data = data.hgS_070000;
fn = fieldnames(data);
data = data.(fn{1});
% Get the full path of the specified filename
function filename = getFullPath(filename)
f = which(filename);
if ~isempty(f)
filename = f;
elseif exist(filename,'file')
if ~any(filename==':') % i.e., not absolute path
f = fullfile(pwd,filename);
if exist(filename,'file')
filename = f;
%error([filename ' file was not found']);
% Append .FIG to filenames that do not have it specified
function filename = normalizeFigFilename(filename)
[fpath,fname,fext] = fileparts(filename); %#ok
if isempty(fext)
filename = [filename '.fig'];
% Recursively process a FIG-format struct to get consolidated data in a flat struct
function consolidatedData = processStruct(consolidatedData,data,parentTag)
thisType = data.type;
dataProps =;
try thisTag = dataProps.Tag; catch, thisTag = thisType; end
if isempty(thisTag), thisTag = 'tag'; end
thisTag = strrep(thisTag,'.','');
thisTag = [parentTag thisTag '_'];
if ~isempty(parentTag)
thisTag = strrep(thisTag, 'figure1_', '');
newFieldname = [thisTag 'Type'];
newFieldname(64:end) = '';
consolidatedData.(newFieldname) = thisType;
propNames = fieldnames(dataProps);
for propIdx = 1 : length(propNames)
propName = propNames{propIdx};
newFieldname = [thisTag propName];
newFieldname(64:end) = '';
consolidatedData.(newFieldname) = dataProps.(propName);
for childIdx = 1 : length(data.children)
consolidatedData = processStruct(consolidatedData, data.children(childIdx), thisTag);
% The following was taken from the ObjDiff utility (FEX #14395)
% ===========================================================================================
%% objdiff - compares two objects & returns an object of the same type with just the different fields/values
function [objectC,IA,IB] = objdiff(objectA,objectB,varargin)
% OBJDIFF compares two objects & returns an object of the same type with just the different fields/values.
% OBJDIFF (unlike Matlab's SETDIFF or SETXOR) also compares structs, GUI
% handles, ActiveX, Matlab & Java objects, in addition to arrays & cells.
% OBJDIFF also allows comparison of numeric cell arrays, unlike SETDIFF/
% SETXOR. It also accepts everything that SETDIFF/SETXOR accept.
% Syntax: [objectC,IA,IB] = objdiff (objectA, objectB, options, ...)
% Inputs:
% objectA - first object to compare
% objectB - second object to compare. Field order in opaque objects does not matter.
% Note: If objectB is not supplied, then objectA(1) is compared to objectA(2)
% options - optional flags as follows:
% 'rows' - see documentation for <a href="matlab:doc setxor">SETXOR</a>
% 'dontIgnoreJava' - show different instances of the same java class (default=ignore them)
% Outputs:
% objectC - object containing only the different (or new) fields, in a {old, new} pattern
% IA,IB - index vector into objectA,objectB such that objectC = [objectA(IA),objectB(IB)] (see SETXOR)
% Examples:
% >> objectA = struct('a',3, 'b',5, 'd',9);
% >> objectB = struct('a','ert', 'c',struct('t',pi), 'd',9);
% >> objectC = objdiff(objectA, objectB) % a=different, b=new in objectA, c=new in objectB, d=same
% objectC =
% a: {[3] 'ert'}
% b: {[5] {}}
% c: {{} [1x1 struct]}
% >> objectC = objdiff(,
% objectC =
% Blue: {[0] [255]}
% RGB: {[-65536] [-16776961]}
% Red: {[255] [0]}
% >> objectC = objdiff(0,gcf) % 0 is the root handle
% objectC =
% children: {[2x1 struct] []}
% handle: {[0] [1]}
% properties: {[1x1 struct] [1x1 struct]}
% type: {'root' 'figure'}
% >> [objectC,IA,IB] = objdiff({2,3,4,7}, {2,4,5})
% objectC =
% 3 5 7
% IA =
% 2 4
% IB =
% 3
% Bugs and suggestions:
% Please send to Yair Altman (altmany at gmail dot com)
% Change log:
% 2007-07-27: Fixed handling of identical objects per D. Gamble
% 2007-03-23: First version posted on <a href="">MathWorks File Exchange</a>
% See also:
% Programmed by Yair M. Altman: altmany(at)
% $Revision: 1.2 $ $Date: 2007/07/26 23:41:20 $
% Process input args
if (nargin<1) %|| ~isstruct(objectA) || ~isstruct(objectB)
help objdiff
error('YMA:OBJDIFF:NotEnoughInputs', 'Not enough input arguments');
elseif (nargin<2) || (nargin==2 && ~strcmp(class(objectA),class(objectB)))
if numel(objectA) < 2
error('YMA:OBJDIFF:NotEnoughInputs', 'Not enough input arguments');
elseif numel(objectA) > 2
warning('YMA:OBJDIFF:TooManyInputs', 'Too many elements in objectA - only comparing first 2');
objectB = objectA(2);
objectA = objectA(1);
varargin = {objectB, varargin{:}};
elseif ~strcmp(class(objectA),class(objectB))
error('YMA:OBJDIFF:DissimilarObjects', 'Input objects must be of the same type');
% Process optional options
ignoreJavaObjectsFlag = true;
if ~isempty(varargin)
ignoreJavaIdx = strmatch('dontignorejava',lower(varargin{:}));
if ~isempty(ignoreJavaIdx)
ignoreJavaObjectsFlag = false;
varargin(ignoreJavaIdx) = [];
% TODO: check for array of java/struct objs
% Convert opaque objects to structs with the relevant property fields
if ishghandle(objectA)
objectA = handle2struct(objectA);
objectB = handle2struct(objectB);
else%if isjava(object(A))
% This should work for any opaque object: Java, ActiveX & Matlab
objectA = get(objectA);
objectB = get(objectB);
% never mind - try to process as-is
% Enable comparison of numeric cell arrays
objectA = decell(objectA);
objectB = decell(objectB);
% Process based on object type
if isstruct(objectA)
% Structs - loop over all fields
[objectC, IA, IB] = compareStructs(objectA, objectB, ignoreJavaObjectsFlag);
% Cells and arrays - process with the regular setdiff function
[objectC, IA, IB] = setxor(objectA, objectB, varargin{:});
% Compare two structs
function [objectC,IA,IB] = compareStructs(objectA,objectB,ignoreJavaObjectsFlag)
% Ensure singleton objects are compared
objectA = getSingleton(objectA);
objectB = getSingleton(objectB);
objectC = struct();
% Get all the fieldnames
fieldsA = fieldnames(objectA);
fieldsB = fieldnames(objectB);
allFields = union(fieldsA, fieldsB);
% Loop over all fields and compare the objects
for fieldIdx = 1 : length(allFields)
fieldName = allFields{fieldIdx};
if ~isfield(objectA,fieldName)
objectC.(fieldName) = {{}, objectB.(fieldName)};
elseif ~isfield(objectB,fieldName)
objectC.(fieldName) = {objectA.(fieldName), {}};
elseif isa(objectA.(fieldName),'function_handle') && isa(objectB.(fieldName),'function_handle')
funcA = char(objectA.(fieldName));
funcB = char(objectB.(fieldName));
if ~strcmp(funcA,funcB)
objectC.(fieldName) = {funcA,funcB};
elseif ~isequalwithequalnans(objectA.(fieldName), objectB.(fieldName))
if ignoreJavaObjectsFlag && isjava(objectA.(fieldName)) && isjava(objectB.(fieldName)) && ...
isequalwithequalnans(objectA.(fieldName).getClass, objectB.(fieldName).getClass)
elseif isempty(objectA.(fieldName)) && isempty(objectB.(fieldName)) % e.g., [] vs. {}
continue; % treat as being the same
objectC.(fieldName) = {objectA.(fieldName), objectB.(fieldName)};
% Check for empty diff struct (identical input objects)
if isempty(fieldnames(objectC))
objectC = struct([]);
% no use for IA,IB...
IA = [];
IB = [];
% De-cell-ize a numeric cell-array
function obj = decell(obj)
if iscell(obj) && ~iscellstr(obj)
obj = cell2mat(obj);
% Ensure singleton object
function obj = getSingleton(obj)
if numel(obj) > 1
warning('YMA:OBJDIFF:TooManyElements', 'Too many elements in %s - only comparing the first', inputname(1));
obj = obj(1);