function [pathOut, pathInAbsBool] = getAbsolutePath(pathIn)
%% getAbsolutePath
% Purpose: Get absolute path from given absolute or relative path
% Usage: pathOut = getAbsolutePath(pathIn)
% [pathOut, pathInAbsBool] = getAbsolutePath(pathIn)
% Outputs:
% pathOut: absolute path given input, pathIn
% pathInAbsBool: logical whether pathIn is already an absolute path
% Author: Erik Roberts
if ((isunix || ismac) && pathIn(1) == filesep) || (ispc && pathIn(2) == ':')
% absolute
pathOut = pathIn;
pathInAbsBool = true;
elseif pathIn(1) == '~'
% relative to home
[~,homePath] = system('echo $HOME');
pathOut = fullfile(homePath(1:end-1), pathIn(2:end)); % need to remove return char
pathInAbsBool = false;
% relative
pathOut = fullfile(pwd, pathIn);
pathInAbsBool = false;