function [handles,xp] = dsPlot2(data,varargin)
%% handles=dsPlot2(data,'option',value)
% Purpose: plot data in various ways depending on what data was provided
% and what options are defined. this function is wrapped by dsPlotWaveforms,
% PlotPower, ... to provide a single function for organizing and displaying
% data.
% Inputs:
% data: DynaSim data structure (see dsCheckData)
% Accepts the following name/value pairs:
% 'plot_type' {'waveform' (default),'rastergram','rates','power'} - what to plot
% 'population' - name of population to plot (default: 'all'); accepts
% regexp strings
% 'variable' - name of variable to plot for each population (default: state variable, X or V);
% accepts regexp strings
% 'varied1' - Indices of 1st varied model parameter to plot. If the parameter
% is numeric, specify indices (e.g. 1:3 corresponds to 1st-3rd
% varied values. If the parameter is a char array, uses
% regular expressions. Instead of 'varied1', can also use
% the actual parameter name (e.g. 'E_Iapp')
% 'varied2' - As varied 1, for 2nd varied parameter
% ....
% 'variedN' - As varied 1, for 2nd varied parameter
% 'num_embedded_subplots' - maximum # of waveforms to overlay per plot
% 'max_num_overlaid' - maximum # of waveforms to overlay per plot
% 'do_mean' - {false, true} - Turn on/off averaging across all units
% in a population
% 'force_last' - {'none', 'populations' (default), 'variables', 'varied1' ... 'variedN'}
% If there is only one cell in a population, this forces
% dsPlot2 to add other information to the overlay.
% 'xlims' - [XMIN XMAX], x-axis limits (default: all data)
% 'ylims' - [YMIN YMAX], y-axis limits (default: all data)
% 'lock_axes' - {false, true}, locks abscissa and ordinate to be
% the same across all subplots
% 'do_zoom' - {false, true} - Turn on zoom function in subplot_grid
% 'yscale' {'linear','log','log10'}, whether to plot linear or log scale
% 'visible' {'on','off'}
% 'lock_gca' : Plots within currently active axis (gca); doesn't
% open new figures or subplots.
% 'dim_stacking' - Used to alter the default ordering of dimensions
% 'value_stacking' - Used to alter the default ordering of values
% (e.g., populations or variables). Expected 1x2
% cell array with format {dimension name, order}
% NOTE: analysis options available depending on plot_type
% see see dsCalcFR options for plot_type 'rastergram' or 'rates'
% see dsCalcPower options for plot_type 'power'
% Outputs:
% handles: graphic handles to figures
% See also: dsCalcFR, dsCalcPower, dsPlotWaveforms, dsCheckData, dsPlot, MDD,
%% Set Master parameters
% Flag for returning error if the user specifies name/value pairs that are not in the
% dsCheckOptions list
strict_mode = 0; % Should be set to zero for this to work within simulate model
%% Convert data input to appropriate form
% If data is path to studyinfo...
if ischar(data)
study_dir = data;
% Import plot files
data_img = dsImportPlots(study_dir);
[handles, xp] = dsPlot2(data_img,varargin{:});
% Convert the incoming DynaSim data structure to an MDD object
if ~isa(data,'MDD')
[xp,is_image] = dsAll2mdd(data);
xp = data;
if iscell({1})
is_image = 1;
is_image = 0;
%% Convert varargin to appropriate forms
% Find out names of varied variables
varied_names = only_varieds(xp); % Returns only the names of the varied variables
% Convert 'varied1'...'variedN' values in varargin to the names of the
% actual varied parameters
myargin = varargin;
for i = 1:length(myargin)
% Char entries
if ischar(myargin{i})
myargin{i} = variedN_to_axisnames(myargin{i},varied_names);
% Nested char entries within cell array entries
if iscell(myargin{i})
for j = 1:length(myargin{i})
if ischar(myargin{i}{j})
myargin{i}{j} = variedN_to_axisnames(myargin{i}{j},varied_names);
% %% Add dummy axes as needed. Having these greatly simplifies the code below.
% if isempty(xp.findaxis('populations'))
% Na=length(xp.axis);
% xp.axis(Na+1).name = 'populations';
% xp.axis(Na+1).values = 'Pop1';
% end
% if isempty(xp.findaxis('variables'))
% Na=length(xp.axis);
% xp.axis(Na+1).name = 'variables';
% xp.axis(Na+1).values = 'X';
% end
% if isempty(findaxis_varied(xp)) % If no varied axes
% Na=length(xp.axis);
% xp.axis(Na+1).name = 'Varied1';
% xp.axis(Na+1).values = 1;
% end
%% Parse varargin and set up defaults
[options, options_extras0] = dsCheckOptions(myargin,{...
'do_mean',false,[false true],...
'do_overlay_shift',false,[false true],...
'do_zscore',[false],[false true],...
'lock_axes',true,[false true],...
'do_zoom',false,[false true],...
'lock_gca',[false],[false, true],...
'show_colorbar',false,[false true],...
'save_figures',false,[false true],...
'prepend_date_time',true,[false true],...
'supersize_me',false,[false true],...
'plotFR_override',[],[false true],...
% If plotFR_override is true, then go directly to dsPlotFR
if options.plotFR_override
handles = dsPlotFR(data,varargin{:});
% Pull out fields from options struct
plot_type = options.plot_type;
plot_options = options.plot_options;
subplot_options = options.subplot_options;
figure_options = options.figure_options;
num_embedded_subplots = options.num_embedded_subplots;
do_mean = options.do_mean;
force_last = options.force_last;
crop_range = options.crop_range;
lock_axes = options.lock_axes;
Ndims_per_subplot = options.Ndims_per_subplot;
dim_stacking = options.dim_stacking;
value_stacking = options.value_stacking;
figure_handle = options.figure_handle;
subplot_handle = options.subplot_handle;
plot_handle = options.plot_handle;
lock_gca = options.lock_gca;
% Add default options to structures
% Plot_options
% Used when running xp_matrix_advancedplot3D
plot_options = struct_addDef(plot_options,'ylims',options.ylims);
plot_options = struct_addDef(plot_options,'xlims',options.xlims);
plot_options = struct_addDef(plot_options,'zlims',options.zlims);
plot_options = struct_addDef(plot_options,'LineWidth',options.LineWidth);
plot_options = struct_addDef(plot_options,'plotargs',options.plotargs);
% Used when running xp_plotimage
plot_options = struct_addDef(plot_options,'saved_fignum',options.saved_fignum);
% Used when running xp_PlotData or xp_PlotFR2
plot_options = struct_addDef(plot_options,'args',{});
% Used when running waveformErr
plot_options = struct_addDef(plot_options,'meanfunc',@(x) mean(x,2));
plot_options = struct_addDef(plot_options,'errfunc',@(x) std(x,[],2) ./ (sqrt(size(x,2)) * ones(size(x,1),1)));
% Used when running xp_matrix_imagesc
plot_options = struct_addDef(plot_options,'ColorMap',options.ColorMap);
% Subplot_options
subplot_options = struct_addDef(subplot_options,'subplotzoom_enabled',options.do_zoom);
subplot_options = struct_addDef(subplot_options,'force_rowvect',true);
subplot_options = struct_addDef(subplot_options,'autosuppress_interior_tics',true);
subplot_options = struct_addDef(subplot_options,'legend1',[]);
% Figure options
figure_options = struct_addDef(figure_options,'visible',options.visible);
figure_options = struct_addDef(figure_options,'save_figures',options.save_figures);
figure_options = struct_addDef(figure_options,'save_figname_path',options.save_figname_path);
figure_options = struct_addDef(figure_options,'save_figname_prefix',options.save_figname_prefix);
figure_options = struct_addDef(figure_options,'prepend_date_time',options.prepend_date_time);
figure_options = struct_addDef(figure_options,'supersize_me',options.supersize_me);
figure_options = struct_addDef(figure_options,'save_res',options.save_res);
figure_options = struct_addDef(figure_options,'max_num_newfigs',options.max_num_newfigs);
figure_options = struct_addDef(figure_options,'figwidth',options.figwidth);
figure_options = struct_addDef(figure_options,'figheight',options.figheight);
%% Autoset parameters
if lock_gca
figure_options.suppress_newfig = true;
subplot_options.suppress_subplot = true;
%% Pre-process raw data contained in max_num_overlaied + mean
% % Note: these options don't work if data are images
% Apply max overlaid
MTPP = options.max_num_overlaid; % max traces per plot
if any(strcmp(options.plot_type,{'waveform','waveformErr','power'})) && all(cellfun(@isnumeric, && ~do_mean && ~is_image
mydata =;
mydata2 = cell(size(mydata));
for i = 1:numel(mydata)
if ~isempty(mydata{i})
mydata2{i} = mydata{i}(:,1:min(size(mydata{i},2),MTPP));
end = mydata2;
clear mydata mydata2
% Update cell numbers metadata
cell_names = [1:max(cellfun(@(x) size(x,2),];
cell_names_str = cellfunu(@(s) ['Cell ' num2str(s)], num2cell(cell_names));
xp.meta.datainfo(2).values = cell_names_str;
% Average across cells if necessary
if do_mean && ~is_image
mydata =;
mydata = cellfun(@(x) mean(x,2), mydata, 'UniformOutput', 0); = mydata;
xp.meta.datainfo(2).values = {'<Cells>'};
%% Arrange dimensions of xp in appropriate order
% % Should be variables x populations x varied1 x ... x variedN
% Axis indices of populations
ax_ind_var = xp.findaxis('variables');
ax_ind_pop = xp.findaxis('population');
ax_ind_varied = findaxis_varied(xp);
% Permute to put varied variables last
myorder = [ax_ind_var, ax_ind_pop, ax_ind_varied(:)'];
if length(myorder) > 1
xp = permute(xp,myorder);
%% Identify user selections for populations, variables, etc., and convert xp to xp2
% % (xp2 contains only user selections)
% User selection for populations
chosen_pop = options.population;
if isempty(chosen_pop)
chosen_pop = ':';
% User selection for state variables
chosen_vars = options.variable;
if isempty(chosen_vars)
chosen_vars = getdefaultstatevar(xp);
% User selection for varied parameters
options_extras = options_extras0;
[chosen_varied , options_extras ]= get_chosen_varied(varied_names,options_extras);
% If any options are still leftover, these are extraneous. Report an error
leftover_fields = fieldnames(options_extras);
if ~isempty(leftover_fields) && strict_mode
error('The following unrecogized name/value pairs were passed in: %s', sprintf('%s ',leftover_fields{:}));
% Convert any "all" strings in chosen_varied to colon operators
inds = cellfun(@ischar,chosen_varied);
chosen_varied(inds) = cellfun(@(s) strrep(s,'all',':'),chosen_varied(inds),'UniformOutput',0);
if strcmp(chosen_vars,'all'); chosen_vars = ':'; end
if strcmp(chosen_pop,'all'); chosen_pop = ':'; end
% Select out chosen data
chosen_all = {};
if ~isempty(ax_ind_varied); chosen_all = [chosen_varied,chosen_all]; end
if ~isempty(xp.findaxis('populations')); chosen_all = [chosen_pop,chosen_all]; end
if ~isempty(xp.findaxis('variables')); chosen_all = [chosen_vars,chosen_all]; end
%xp2 = xp(chosen_vars,chosen_pop,chosen_varied{:});
if ndims(xp) == 2 && ~isempty(strfind(xp.axis(2).name,'Dim')) && length(chosen_all) == 1
chosen_all = [chosen_all {':'}]; % If xp is a column vector and only 1 varied entry present, fill out chosen_all to be size 2.
xp2 = xp(chosen_all{:});
% Rearrange dimensions of xp2
if ~isempty(dim_stacking)
xp2 = xp2.permute(dim_stacking);
% Rearrange values in a given dimension
if ~isempty(value_stacking)
xp2 = xp2.axisSubset(value_stacking{1},value_stacking{2});
% Recreate new labels list with correct ordering
xp2_temp = xp2.mergeDims({'population','variables'});
ax_ind_pop_var = xp2_temp.findaxis('populations_variables');
xp2.meta.dynasim.labels = [xp2_temp.axis(ax_ind_pop_var).values,'time'];
clear xp2_temp
%% Shift all unused (singleton) dimensions to the top.
% This will preserve their values for use in the title or elsewhere. See
% issue #552
sz = size(xp2);
singles = find(sz == 1);
non_singles = find(sz ~= 1);
xp2 = xp2.permute([singles,non_singles]);
%% Crop data
% This is inserted here because apparently the operation is slow and it's
% faster to do this after we've already squeezed / selected. Need to do it
% before power calculations below!
if ~isempty(crop_range) && all(cellfun(@isnumeric, && ~is_image
t_temp = xp2.meta.datainfo(1).values;
ind = (t_temp > crop_range(1) & t_temp <= crop_range(2));
for i = 1:numel(
if ~isempty({i});{i} ={i}(ind,:); end
xp2.meta.datainfo(1).values = t_temp(ind);
% Also crop DynaSim metadata info about time.
t_temp2 = xp2.meta.dynasim.time;
ind = (t_temp2 > crop_range(1) & t_temp2 <= crop_range(2));
t_temp2 = t_temp2(ind);
xp2.meta.dynasim.time = t_temp2;
%% Swap in power if calculating power
if strcmp(plot_type,'power') && ~is_image
data_temp = dsMdd2ds(xp2);
data_temp = dsCheckData(data_temp,'remove_empties',1);
data_temp = dsCalcPower(data_temp);
for i = 1:length(data_temp)
data_temp(i) = overwritePowerData(data_temp(i),'SUA');
xp2 = ds2mdd(data_temp);
clear data_temp
%% If doing force last, move last population to the end
if ~isempty(force_last)
% If it's a stand-alone string, convert to cell array
if ischar(force_last)
force_last = {force_last};
% Functionalize this at some point... building list of requested axes
ax_names = xp2.exportAxisNames;
ax_ind = zeros(1,length(force_last));
for i = 1:length(force_last)
temp = xp2.findaxis(force_last{i});
if isempty(temp)
error('Requested axis not found. force_last must be one of the following: : %s', sprintf('%s ',ax_names{1:end}));
ax_ind(i) = temp;
% % % Note: I am disabling this for now, because it is messing up
% certain plotting options. % %
% % Dims per subplot should be at least 2 if we're forcing last...
% % perhaps change this later
% if isempty(Ndims_per_subplot)
% Ndims_per_subplot = 2;
% end
% if Ndims_per_subplot == 1
% Ndims_per_subplot = 2;
% end
others_ind = true(1,ndims(xp2));
others_ind(ax_ind) = false;
xp2 = xp2.permute([find(others_ind), ax_ind]); % Move chosen axis to the back!
xp2 = xp2.fixAxes; % This permute can create naming issues if using default axis names (Dim 1, Dim 2, etc. For example, Dim2 can end up associated with xp2.axis(1)).
%% If only one neuron
% If only 1 cell, move in 2nd cell
if length(xp2.meta.datainfo(2).values) <= 1 && ~is_image
% Move populations axis to the end if it exists
ax2overlay = [];
if isempty(force_last) && isempty(dim_stacking)
ax2overlay = xp2.findaxis('populations'); % If force_last or dim_stacking isn't specified, then choose populations
if isempty(ax2overlay)
ax2overlay = xp2.ndims; % If can't find populations, use last axis on the stack
% Save variables associated with this axis
packed_vars = xp2.axis(ax2overlay).values;
packed_name = xp2.axis(ax2overlay).name;
% Add <average> symbols if necessary to packed_vars
cellnames = xp2.meta.datainfo(2).values;
temp = cellfun(@isempty,strfind(cellnames,'<')); % Check if originals were averages!
if any(~temp)
if isnumeric(packed_vars); packed_vars = cellfunu(@(s) [strrep(packed_name,'_',' ') ' ' num2str(s)],num2cell(packed_vars)); end
packed_vars = cellfunu(@(s) ['<' s '>'], packed_vars);
xp2.meta.datainfo(2).name = packed_name;
xp2.meta.datainfo(2).values = packed_vars(:)';
xp2 = xp2.packDim(ax2overlay,2);
xp2 = xp2.squeezeRegexp('Dim');
%% Set up do z-score & overlay shift
if options.do_zscore && all(cellfun(@isnumeric, && ~is_image
% xp2 = recursivePlot({@xp_parfor, @xpzscore}
mydata =;
for i = 1:numel(mydata)
mydata{i} = zscore(mydata{i});
end = mydata;
% Shift the overlay by a certain amount
if options.do_overlay_shift && all(cellfun(@isnumeric, && ~is_image
if isempty(Ndims_per_subplot) || Ndims_per_subplot <= 1
% If is going to be NxM, shift each column
mydata =;
for i = 1:numel(mydata)
mydata{i} = do_shift_lastdim (mydata{i},options.overlay_shift_val);
end = mydata;
% If Ndims_per_subplot > 1, then this means we're going to be
% packing an additional dim into Therefore, shift the
% last dimension in xp2. We'll do this by temporarily packing
% it into (e.g. along dim 4, which is unused) and then
% unpacking it later.
sz = size(xp2);
ind = find(sz > 1, 1, 'last');
if ~isempty(ind)
xp2 = xp2.packDim(ind,4);
mydata =;
for i = 1:numel(mydata)
mydata{i} = do_shift_lastdim (mydata{i},options.overlay_shift_val);
end = mydata;
if ~isempty(ind)
xp2 = xp2.unpackDim(4,ind);
xp2 = xp2.squeezeRegexp('Dim');
%% Set up legend entries, axis limits, and linewidth
% Set up legend entries
if isempty(subplot_options.legend1)
subplot_options.legend1 = setup_legends(xp2);
% Set up x-axis limits
if isempty(plot_options.xlims) && lock_axes && ~is_image
if ~strcmp(plot_type,'power')
xdat = xp2.meta.datainfo(1).values;
data_xlims = [min(xdat) max(xdat)];
if data_xlims(2) > data_xlims(1) % xlims needs to be an increasing vector
plot_options.xlims = data_xlims;
% For plot type = power, set from 0-80
plot_options.xlims = [0 80];
% Set up y-axis limits
if isempty(plot_options.ylims) && lock_axes && ~is_image
switch plot_type
case {'waveform','waveformErr'}
% Merge all data into one single huge column
data_all =;
data_all = cellfunu(@(x) x(:), data_all);
data_all = vertcat(data_all{:});
% Find the max and minima - these are the largest and smallest
% values we could ever see.
data_ylims = [min(data_all) max(data_all)];
if data_ylims(2) > data_ylims(1) % ylims needs to be an increasing vector
plot_options.ylims = data_ylims;
% Set up z-axis limits
if isempty(plot_options.zlims) && lock_axes && ~is_image
switch plot_type
case 'imagesc'
data_all =;
data_all = cellfunu(@(x) x(:), data_all);
data_all = vertcat(data_all{:});
data_ylims = [min(data_all) max(data_all)];
plot_options.zlims = data_ylims;
if isempty(plot_options.LineWidth) && strcmp(plot_type,'power')
plot_options.LineWidth = 2;
%% Prepare plotting handles for specific plot types
if is_image
% Is an image
data_plothandle = @xp_plotimage;
plot_options.scale = .5; % Scale of .5 enforces some anti-aliasing
switch plot_type
case {'waveform','power'}
% Is data
data_plothandle = @xp1D_matrix_plot;
if ~isempty(plot_handle); data_plothandle = plot_handle; end
case 'waveformErr'
data_plothandle = @xp1D_matrix_boundedline;
if ~isempty(plot_handle); data_plothandle = plot_handle; end
case 'imagesc'
data_plothandle = @xp_matrix_imagesc;
if ~isempty(plot_handle); data_plothandle = plot_handle; end
% Disable legend when using imagesc
subplot_options.legend1 = [];
% Add time information
plot_options.xdat = xp2.meta.datainfo(1).values;
% Control colorbar
if lock_axes
% If axes are locked, only need to show 1 colorbar across
% all subplots
subplot_options.do_colorbar = options.show_colorbar;
plot_options.do_colorbar = false;
% subplot_options.do_colorbar = false;
% plot_options.do_colorbar = true;
subplot_options.do_colorbar = false;
plot_options.do_colorbar = options.show_colorbar;
case {'rastergram','raster'}
% Disable legend when using dsPlot
subplot_options.legend1 = [];
% Setup call to xp_PlotData
plot_options.args = {plot_options.args{:}, 'plot_type',plot_type};
data_plothandle = @xp_PlotData;
if ~isempty(plot_handle); data_plothandle = plot_handle; end
if any(strcmp(plot_type,{'rastergram','raster'})) && isempty(force_last) && isempty(dim_stacking)
% Move populations axis to the end of xp2. (Only do this if
% we're not already overwriting dims stacking order).
ax_names = xp2.exportAxisNames;
ind_pop = false(1,length(ax_names));
ind_pop(xp2.findaxis('populations')) = true;
ind_rest = ~ind_pop;
order = [find(ind_rest) find(ind_pop)];
xp2 = xp2.permute(order);
if any(strcmp(plot_type,{'rastergram','raster'}))
% Force Ndims_per_subplot to 2 fro rastergram.
if isempty(Ndims_per_subplot)
if ~isempty(xp2.findaxis('populations'))
Ndims_per_subplot = 2; % Overwrite Ndims_per_subplot to 2. This ensures
% that multiple populations can be stacked in a
% single subplot.
Ndims_per_subplot = 1; % Only do this if population axis is still present!
case {'heatmapFR','heatmap_sortedFR','meanFR','meanFRdens'}
% Disable legend when using dsPlotFR2
subplot_options.legend1 = [];
% Remove FR suffix from heatmap and heatmap_sorted plot types
if any(strcmp(plot_type,{'heatmapFR','heatmap_sortedFR'}))
plot_type = strrep(plot_type,'FR','');
% Setup call to xp_PlotFR2
plot_options.args = {plot_options.args{:}, 'plot_type',plot_type};
data_plothandle = @xp_PlotFR2;
if ~isempty(plot_handle); data_plothandle = plot_handle; end
case {'FRpanel'}
data_plothandle = @xp_PlotFRpanel;
% Axis indices of populations
ax_ind_var = xp2.findaxis('variables');
ax_ind_pop = xp2.findaxis('population');
%ax_ind_varied = findaxis_varied(xp2);
ax_ind_other = setdiff(1:ndims(xp2),[ax_ind_var, ax_ind_pop]);
% Permute to put varied variables last
myorder = [ax_ind_other(:)', ax_ind_var, ax_ind_pop];
if length(myorder) > 1
xp2 = permute(xp2,myorder);
Ndims_per_subplot = 1 + ~isempty(ax_ind_pop) + ~isempty(ax_ind_var); % Allows for multiple populations to get passed to dsPlotFR to produce the panel
num_embedded_subplots = 0; % No subplotting
% If Ndims_per_subplot has not been set yet, set it now!
if isempty(Ndims_per_subplot)
Ndims_per_subplot = 1;
%% Prepare plotting structure depending on number of embedded subplots
% Split available axes into the number of dimensions supported by each
% axis handle
switch num_embedded_subplots
case 0
% Ordering of axis handles
function_handles = {figure_handle, data_plothandle}; % Specifies the handles of the plotting functions
dims_per_function_handle = [1,Ndims_per_subplot];
function_args = {{figure_options},{plot_options}};
case 1
% Ordering of axis handles
function_handles = {figure_handle, subplot_handle,data_plothandle}; % Specifies the handles of the plotting functions
dims_per_function_handle = [1,1,Ndims_per_subplot];
function_args = {{figure_options},{subplot_options},{plot_options}};
case 2
% Ordering of axis handles
function_handles = {figure_handle, subplot_handle,data_plothandle}; % Specifies the handles of the plotting functions
dims_per_function_handle = [1,2,Ndims_per_subplot];
function_args = {{figure_options},{subplot_options},{plot_options}};
case 3
% Ordering of axis handles
function_handles = {figure_handle, subplot_handle, subplot_handle,data_plothandle}; % Specifies the handles of the plotting functions
dims_per_function_handle = [1,2,1,Ndims_per_subplot];
subplot_options2 = subplot_options;
subplot_options2.legend1 = [];
subplot_options.display_mode = 1;
function_args = {{figure_options},{subplot_options2},{subplot_options},{plot_options}};
case 4
% Ordering of axis handles
function_handles = {figure_handle, subplot_handle, subplot_handle,data_plothandle}; % Specifies the handles of the plotting functions
dims_per_function_handle = [1,2,2,Ndims_per_subplot];
subplot_options2 = subplot_options;
subplot_options2.legend1 = [];
subplot_options.display_mode = 1;
function_args = {{figure_options},{subplot_options2},{subplot_options},{plot_options}};
%% Auto trim dimensions as needed
% Linearize dimensions of xp2 that are in excess of the total number we can
% plot
targetNdims = sum(dims_per_function_handle)-1; % There is 1 extra dim associated with "data", so need to subtract this one.
xp2 = remove_excess_dims_start(xp2,targetNdims);
% Add dummy dimensions that are in defecit of the total we want
xp2 = add_dummy_dims(xp2,targetNdims);
% Stack up available dimensions based on how much each axis handle can hold
ax_names = [xp2.exportAxisNames, 'data'];
dimensions = get_dimensions(ax_names,dims_per_function_handle);
%% Run the plots!
% Open new figure if necessary & plot the data
if ~isequal(figure_handle, function_handles{1})
% Cheap hack to force it to create a new figure using our desired
% parameters for instances when it wouldn't normally call
% xp_handles_fignew.
warning('Using old hack for opening a figure. Should not reach this code.');
xp3 = MDD;
fhandle = @() recursivePlot(xp2,function_handles,dimensions,function_args);
xp3 = xp3.importData({fhandle});
handles = figure_handle(xp3,figure_options);
handles = xp2.recursivePlot(function_handles,dimensions,function_args);
function var_regex = getdefaultstatevar(xp)
% search through and try to find the variable represnting voltage. If can't find
% it, just return the first variable listed.
% See if variables axis even exists
if isempty(xp.findaxis('variables'))
% If reach here, it means variables is not used in the code. Just
% return some dummy values and move on.
var_regex = ':';
vars_from_labels = dsGet_variables_from_meta(xp);
if ~isempty(vars_from_labels)
vars_from_labels = vars_from_labels(1); % Best guess at default state variable. Usually its the 1st entry in labels
% Pull out variables
vars_orig = xp.axis('variables').values;
% Make everything uppercase to ensure
% case-insensitive.
vars = upper(vars_orig);
possibilities = upper({vars_from_labels{:},'V','X','Vm','Xm','Y','Ym'});
ind = [];
while isempty(ind) && i < length(possibilities)
ind = find(strcmpi(vars,possibilities{i}));
if ~isempty(ind)
var_out = vars_orig{ind};
var_out = vars_orig{1};
% Convert into a regex search for the string with exact match to
% var_out. This solves the issue of variables 'v' and 'v_spikes' being
% both simultaneously selected. See iss #544
var_regex = ['/^' var_out '$/'];
function [chosen_varied, options_varied ]= get_chosen_varied(varied_names,options_varied)
% Initialize output
chosen_varied = repmat({':'},1,length(varied_names));
% Varied name-value pairs entered by user
varied_NVPs = fieldnames(options_varied);
% See if any of these match actual varied parameters
for i = 1:length(varied_NVPs)
ind = find(strcmp(varied_names,varied_NVPs{i}));
if length(ind) == 1
chosen_varied{ind} = options_varied.(varied_NVPs{i});
% Optional (remove from options_varied)
options_varied = rmfield(options_varied,varied_NVPs{i});
elseif length(ind) > 1
error('Multiple varied arguments found');
% Not a varied variable name
function str_out = variedN_to_axisnames(str_in,ax_names_varied)
if strcmp(str_in(1:min(6,end)),'varied') % User has entered variedX
% fn is original fieldname (e.g. variedX)
% fn2 is new field name of varied parameter (e.g. E_Iapp)
str_out = ax_names_varied{str2num(str_in(7:end))};
str_out = str_in;
function ax_ind_varied = findaxis_varied(xp)
% Uses metadata to identify a list of varied variables. Then validates
% that they match the available axis names and returns their index.
varied = xp.meta.dynasim.varied;
ax_names = xp.exportAxisNames;
ax_ind_varied = false(1,length(ax_names));
for i = 1:length(varied)
ind = strcmp(varied{i},ax_names);
if sum(ind) ~= 1; error('Varied axis not found OR something wrong with varied label'); end
ax_ind_varied = ax_ind_varied | ind;
ax_ind_varied = find(ax_ind_varied);
function dimensions = get_dimensions(ax_names,dims_per_function_handle)
% Split available axes into the number of dimensions supported by each
% axis handle
i = length(dims_per_function_handle);
while i > 0 && ~isempty(ax_names)
Ndims_curr = dims_per_function_handle(i);
dimensions{i} = ax_names(max(1,end-Ndims_curr+1):end);
ax_names = ax_names(1:end-Ndims_curr);
function xp2 = remove_excess_dims_end(xp2,targetNdims)
% Merges any excess dims, starting from the end
Nd = ndims(xp2);
if Nd > targetNdims
xp2 = xp2.mergeDims( [targetNdims:Nd] );
xp2 = xp2.squeezeRegexp('Dim');
Nd = ndims(xp2);
if Nd ~= targetNdims; error('something wrong'); end
function xp2 = remove_excess_dims_start(xp2,targetNdims)
% Merges any excess dims, starting from the beginning
Nd = ndims(xp2);
if Nd > targetNdims
xp2 = xp2.mergeDims( [1:[Nd - targetNdims + 1]] );
xp2 = xp2.squeezeRegexp('Dim');
Nd = ndims(xp2);
if Nd ~= targetNdims; error('something wrong'); end
function xp2 = add_dummy_dims(xp2,targetNdims)
Nd = ndims(xp2);
xp2 = xp2.permute([Nd+1:targetNdims, 1:Nd]);
function varied_names = only_varieds(xp)
% Get list of varied axis names
varied_names = xp.meta.dynasim.varied;
% Make sure that they are acutally in xp.axis.names.
findaxis_varied(xp); % This function will return an error if they are missing!
function varied_names = only_varieds_old_deleteme(all_names)
warning('update this command or possibly merge with findaxis_varied');
inds = true(1,length(all_names));
inds(strcmp(all_names,'populations')) = false;
inds(strcmp(all_names,'variables')) = false;
varied_names = all_names(inds);
function mydata_out = do_shift_lastdim (mydata,shift)
sz = size(mydata);
nd = ndims(mydata);
if isempty(shift)
% Do adaptive shift
upscale_factor = 2;
temp = reshape(mydata,prod(sz(1:nd-1)),sz(nd));
if ~strcmp(reportUI,'matlab') && exist('nanstd') ~= 2 % 'nanstd is not in Octave's path
pkg load statistics; % trying to load octave forge 'statistics' package before using nanstd function
error('nanstd function is needed, please install the statistics package from Octave Forge');
stdevs = nanstd(temp)*upscale_factor; % STD ignoring NaNs
sh = [0, stdevs(1:end-1) + stdevs(2:end)]';
sh = sh * -1; % Forces shifts to be downward (same as subplots)
sh = cumsum(sh); % Dave note - this seemed to be missing so added it for case of size(Nd)=2; not sure if it will mess up other cases.
sh = shift*[0:sz(end)-1]'; % Fixed shift amount
sh = sh * -1; % Forces shifts to be downward (same as subplots)
sh = permute(sh, [2:nd,1]);
if length(sz(1:nd-1)) == 1
sh2 = repmat(sh, sz(1:nd-1),1); % Special case for scalar input to repmat. When repmat receives a scalar, it repeats BOTH rows and columns instead of just rows
sh2 = repmat(sh, sz(1:nd-1));
mydata_out = mydata + sh2;
function leg1 = setup_legends(xp2)
% Pull out all metadata names and values
for i = 1:length(xp2.meta.datainfo)
mn{i} = xp2.meta.datainfo(i).name;
mv{i} = xp2.meta.datainfo(i).values;
% Convert any numeric entries to cell strings as needed
for i = 2:length(xp2.meta.datainfo)
if isnumeric(mv{i})
% If axis is numeric, as in the case with varied parameters, convert to
% a cell array of strings
mv{i} = cellfun(@num2str,num2cell(mv{i}),'UniformOutput',0);
% Also pre-pend the name of the variable being varied
for j = 1:length(mv{i})
mv{i}{j} = [strrep(mn{i},'_',' ') ' ' mv{i}{j}];
if length(mv) == 2
leg1 = mv{2};
elseif length(mv) == 3
%Cartesean product of mv{2} and mv{3}
k = 0;
for j = 1:length(mv{3})
for i = 1:length(mv{2}) % We plot the 2nd dimension 1st; they are grouped together
leg1{k} = [mv{2}{i} ' ' mv{3}{j}];
error('should not reach');
function d = overwritePowerData(d,chosen)
fields = fieldnames(d);
if strcmp(chosen,'SUA')
term = 'SUA';
elseif strcmp(chosen,'MUA')
term = 'MUA';
% In practice we'll only ever use SUA since we can get the same
% thing as MUA by just setting do_mean = true
error('Must choose either SUA or MUA');
inds = find(cellfun(@(s) ~isempty(s),strfind(fields,term)));
inds = inds(:)';
for i = inds
d.(strrep(fields{i},['_Power_' term],'')) = d.(fields{i}).Pxx;
d.time = d.(fields{i}).frequency;