function [results,studyinfo] = dsAnalyzeStudy(data,func,varargin)
%dsAnalyzeStudy - Apply an analysis function to DynaSim data, optionally saving data
% Apply the same user-specified analysis function to each element of data
% structure. intended for use with results from simulation studies varying some
% aspect of the model or inputs.
% Usage:
% [results,studyinfo]=dsAnalyzeStudy(data,func,'option1',value1)
% Inputs:
% - data: DynaSim data structure with one or more elements
% - also accepted: data file name, list of data files, studyinfo structure,
% study_dir, or studyinfo file
% - func: function handle pointing to analysis function (or cell array of
% function handles)
% - options: key/value pairs passed on to the analysis function
% Outputs:
% - results: array of structures returned by the analysis function
% TODO: annotate figures with data set-specific modifications
% See also: dsSimulate, dsCalcFR
% Author: Jason Sherfey, PhD <>
% Copyright (C) 2016 Jason Sherfey, Boston University, USA
% check inputs
'downsample_factor',1,[],... % downsampling applied before analysis
% load data if input is not a DynaSim data structure
if ~(isstruct(data) && isfield(data,'time'))
% this is a data file, list of data files, studyinfo structure, study_dir, or studyinfo file
[data,studyinfo]=dsImport(data,varargin{:}); % load all data in study
studyinfo=dsCheckStudyinfo([], varargin{:});
% studyinfo.base_simulator_options (contains study_dir, etc)
% dsCreateBatch
% dsSetupStudy
if ~iscell(func)
% convert func to cell array of function handles
for i=1:length(func)
if ~isa(func{i},'function_handle')
error('the second argument must be a function handle (or cell array of them) for the desired analysis function.');
data=dsCheckData(data, varargin{:});
% pass each element of data to the analysis function
for i=1:length(data)
for j=1:length(func)
% apply analysis functions
% NOTE: plots must display detailed info if not in filename.
% loop over results (k):
% if ishandle(results(k)) && options.detailed_names_flag==0
% % todo: add annotations if necessary
% end
% TODO: save results of analysis and/or plots
if options.save_data_flag
% possibly: get filename from studyinfo.analysis(k).data_file ...
if options.detailed_names_flag % create filename with parameter info
% outfile=... k<-options.studyinfo.base_data_files & options.studyinfo.simulations(k).modifications...)
% outfile=...
% save(outfile,'results','-v7.3');