function data = dsCalcSpikes(data, varargin)
%dsCalcSpikes - Calculate spike indicies for DynaSim data
% Usage:
% data = dsCalcSpikes(data,'option',value)
% Inputs:
% - data: DynaSim data structure (see dsCheckData)
% - options:
% 'variable' : name of field containing data on which to calculate
% spike indicies (default: first variable in data.labels)
% 'threshold' : scalar threshold value for detecting events (default: 0)
% 'overwrite_flag' : whether to overwrite existing spikes fields (default: 0)
% 'output_suffix' : suffix to add to result field name (default: '', i.e. none)
% 'exclude_data_flag': whether to remove simulated data from result
% structure (default: 0)
% Outputs:
% - data: data structure with spike indicies in .variable_spikes
% Notes:
% - "variable" can be specified as the name of a variable listed in
% data.labels, a cell array of string listing variable names, or as a regular
% expression pattern for identifying variables to process. See dsSelectVariables
% for more info on supported specifications.
% - DynaSim spike monitor returns spike data in variables *_spikes.
% - e.g., `data=dsSimulate('dv/dt=@current+10; {iNa,iK}; monitor v.spikes');`
% returns spikes in data.pop1_v_spikes (where 'pop1' is the default
% population name if not specified by the user).
% Examples:
% s.populations(1).name='E';
% s.populations(1).equations='dv/dt=@current+10; {iNa,iK}; v(0)=-65';
% s.populations(2).name='I';
% s.populations(2).equations='dv/dt=@current+10; {iNa,iK}; v(0)=-65';
% data = dsSimulate(s);
% data = dsCalcSpikes(data,'variable','*_v');
% data % contains spikes for E and I pops in .E_v_spikes and .I_v_spikes.
% See also: dsAnalyzeStudy, dsSimulate, dsCheckData, dsSelectVariables
% Author: Erik Roberts
% Copyright (C) 2018 Jason Sherfey, Boston University, USA
%% 1.0 Check inputs
'time_limits',[-inf inf],[],...
'threshold',1e-5,[],... % slightly above zero in case variable is point process *_spikes {0,1}
'overwrite_flag',0,{0,1},... % whether to overwrite existing spikes fields
%% auto_gen_test_data_flag argin
if options.auto_gen_test_data_flag
varargs = varargin;
varargs{find(strcmp(varargs, 'auto_gen_test_data_flag'))+1} = 0;
varargs(end+1:end+2) = {'unit_test_flag',1};
argin = [{data}, varargs]; % specific to this function
data = dsCheckData(data, varargin{:});
% note: calling dsCheckData() at beginning enables analysis function to
% accept data matrix [time x cells] in addition to DynaSim data structure.
if numel(data)>1
% use dsAnalyzeStudy to recursively call dsCalcSpikes on each data set
data = dsAnalyzeStudy(data,@dsCalcSpikes,varargin{:});
% time info
time = data.time;
% dt = time(2)-time(1);
t1 = nearest(time, options.time_limits(1)); % index to first sample
t2 = nearest(time, options.time_limits(2)); % index to last sample
% nTime = (t2-t1)+1;
timeInds = t1:t2;
%% 2.0 set list of variables to process as cell array of strings
options.variable = dsSelectVariables(data(1),options.variable, varargin{:});
%% 3.0 calculate spikes for each variable
if ~isfield(data,'results')
data.results = {};
% 3.1 loop over variables to process
for iVar = 1:length(options.variable)
% get variable name
var = options.variable{iVar};
thisVarStr = [var '_spikes' options.output_suffix];
if isfield(data, thisVarStr) && ~options.overwrite_flag
% extract this data set
dat = data.(var);
% trim data
dat = dat(timeInds, :,:);
% determine how many cells are in this data set
nTime = size(dat, 1);
nCells = size(dat, 2);
% loop over cells
spikeProcess = zeros(nTime, nCells, 'single');
for iCell = 1:nCells
% get spikes in this cell ([0,1] increment process)
% check for first threshold crossing
spikeProcess(2:end,iCell) = (dat(2:end,iCell) >= options.threshold & dat(1:end-1,iCell) < options.threshold);
% add new spikes to data structure
data.(thisVarStr) = spikeProcess;
% check results field for var
if ~ismember(thisVarStr, data.results)
data.results{end+1} = thisVarStr;
% check labels field for var
if ~ismember(thisVarStr, data.labels)
data.labels{end+1} = thisVarStr;
% check for removing data
if options.exclude_data_flag
for l = 1:length(data.labels)
thisLabel = data.labels{l};
% only remove non spike vars
if isempty(regexp(thisLabel,'_spikes$', 'once'))
data = rmfield(data, thisLabel);
%% auto_gen_test_data_flag argout
if options.auto_gen_test_data_flag
argout = {data}; % specific to this function
dsUnitSaveAutoGenTestData(argin, argout);