function data_out = dsDecimateCells(data,num2keep, varargin)
% dsDecimateData - Downsamples DynaSim data structure data by removing
% random cells
% Usage:
% data_out = dsDecimateCells(data,ds)
% Inputs:
% - data: DynaSim data structure (see dsCheckData)
% - num2keep: number of cells to keep from each population
% Outputs:
% - data_out: data structure all fields replaced by their decimated values
% See also: dsDecimateData, dsPlotFR, dsAnalyzeStudy, dsSimulate, dsCheckData, dsSelectVariables
%% 1.0 Check inputs
data = dsCheckData(data, varargin{:});
% note: calling dsCheckData() at beginning enables analysis function to
% accept data matrix [time x cells] in addition to DynaSim data structure.
%% do the decimating
data_out = data;
for i = 1:length(data)
% Identify all fields in data containing simulated output
labels = data(i).labels;
labels = labels(~strcmp(labels,'time')); % Remove time label
% Sweep through these fields and decimate
for j = 1:length(labels)
temp = randperm(size( data(i).(labels{j}),2));
data_out(i).(labels{j}) = data(i).(labels{j})(:,temp(1:num2keep));