function simIDs = dsFilterByResultValue(filterStr, varargin)
% dsFilterByResultValue - filter simIDs based on result values
% Usage:
% simIDs = dsFilterByResultValue(filterStr)
% simIDs = dsFilterByResultValue(filterStr, src) % if only 1 result fn
% simIDs = dsFilterByResultValue(filterStr, src, func)
% simIDs = dsFilterByResultValue(filterStr, src, func, 'option1',value1,...)
% simIDs = dsFilterByResultValue(filterStr, src, 'option1',value1,...)
% Inputs:
% - filterStr: Filtering string to be used in an eval statement. The string
% should contain a '%s' which is the variable name that will be
% replaced by the result data. Exact statement is:
% `eval(sprintf(filterStr,'results'))`
% Reminder: Iif output is cell array, handle accordingly with
% casting functions like @cell2mat or @categorical as needed.
% Note: Remaining arguments are passed to @dsImportResults
% - src: DynaSim study_dir path or studyinfo structure
% - func: function handle of analysis function whose results to return
% - options: (key/value pairs are passed on to the analysis function)
% 'import_scope' : 'studyinfo' only looks for files listed in studyinfo.mat
% that were specified in initial dsSimulate call
% 'results' looks in 'results' folder
% 'postHocResults' looks in 'postHocResults' folder
% 'allResults' does above without studyinfo
% 'all' does all of the above (default)'
% 'func' : optional argument to return matching function name(s) or index(ies).
% 1) name as function handle or string, or cell array of
% handles. one can mix in function number indicies also as
% strings or numeric. name can be partial for matching using 'contains' fn.
% 2) index number(s) for function, typically following analysis in
% name, e.g. 'study_sim1_analysis#_func.mat' as mat. If index not
% specified and func name matches multiple functions, will
% return results as as structure fields (see Outputs below).
% 'simIDs' : numeric array of simIDs to import results from (default: [])
% Outputs:
% - simIDs: mat vector of simIDs matching filter
% Author: Erik Roberts
% import results
[results, simIDs] = dsImportResults(varargin{:}); %#ok<ASGLU>
% get logical of filtered results
simIndBool = eval(sprintf(filterStr, 'results'));
% filter simIDs with logical
simIDs = simIDs(simIndBool);
simIDs = sort(simIDs);